




  • 一眉

  • The eyebrow

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 一眉道人Vampire Vs Vampire;Vampi;Denison barb;Roseline Shark

  • 一眉道姑Vampire Settle on Police Camp;wong

  • 莫尔法国一只画眉鸟Merle

  • 一只画眉鸟I was a wood thrush

  • 一字眉straight united eyebrows

  • 一撮眉bushy and stubby eyebrows

  • 法国一只画眉鸟merle

  • 眉头一皱Frowned;Knit your brows

  • 画眉鸟之一种veery



He had sustained a cut on his left eyebrow.


"We don't want a society", he said with a furrowed brow, "where you cannot go walking with your child or your poodle without risking an attack."


Pearl still pointed with her forefinger; and a frown gathered on her brow; the more impressive from the childish, the almost baby-like aspect of the features that conveyed it.


For someone with an angular jaw like Katie Holmes, Softness is key.


Initially, Rosenberg spoke slowly and stiffly, but then his hands began to rise and fall, along with his eyebrows, the power of his voice growing-a voice from the grave.


"Work ethic" seems like one of those chunks. It elicits a halo of simple images: a man hunched over a desk, staying late, furrowing his brow.


"Work ethic" seems like one of those chunks.It elicits a halo of simple images: a man hunched over a desk, staying late, furrowing his brow.


I cannot believe how just one look at this Zebra &Hot Pink High Heel Shoe Chair brings back memories of big hair, splattered make-up, bushy eye-brows and ghastly denims.


Watch just one show, and I swear you'll be scanning your dates, coworkers and neighbors for flashes of twitchy eyebrows, erratic blinks and one-shouldered shrugs.


I knew Aime would love it, but just outside the front door, a handsome, frowning young man was anxiously pacing, obviously waiting for Nureyev, so I took a pass.


I still have a very slight mark between my eyebrows from that, but I've been quite timid and careful since.


Unlike plucking, threading removes an entire row of hair at a time so it is quicker, more accurate and less painful, the store says, although the treatment still smarts.

个炎热的午后,全家人聚在起居室里和五个月大的美哈克玩耍。 他们在她间点上了吉祥的圆点,以求消灾避邪。

On a scorching afternoon, family gathered in the living room to play with Mehek, now five months old, sporting a small dot on her eyebrow to ward off evil spirits.


I made eye contact with the driver and he raised his brows.


She would spend three and a half hours in the makeup chair each morning, applying subtle touches, like extending the arch of her eyebrows.


I myself ploughed and sowed and reaped, and was bored doing it, and frowned with disgust, like a village cat driven by hunger to eat cucumbers in the kitchen-garden.


Now there was Herto. As the broad, heavy-browed male skull emerged from its matrix of sand, it proved the perfect face for the out of Africa theory.


White-naped mangabey monkeys, found in rainforests of central Africa, are some of the most endangered primates.


What's more, she says, some waxers double-dip the same applicator into the pot of hot wax, which can spread germs from one customer to another.


Pandora frowned and Chris found himself racing to find the words that would give him another shot with this woman.


She studies, frowning, a pair of ticket stubs for a New York City theatre.

英国皇家鸟类保护协会(RSPB)正在组织项紧急喂养的行动 以救助那些濒危的的鸟类,如麻鳽和黄道鹀。

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is organising emergency feeding of several threatened species, including bitterns and cirl buntings.


The threading battle isn't just a niche business or minor health concern, either.


Men, it said, now make up 40 percent of the visitors to its brow bars, double the proportion of a year ago.


There are few things movies love more than a good makeover, especially if it starts with a geeky, shy, super-smart girl who's never met a flatiron or tweezers.


In Beebe, on the other hand, thousands of blackbirds had settled for the night in trees near people's homes.


And he drew back frowning, and having made the sign of the cross, he cried aloud and said, 'I will not bless the sea nor anything that is in it.


Ovals have a bit more freedomm when it comes to brow shape,but the best shape is one that follows the natural line of the browbone and is slightly thick, but well groomed.


Ovals have a bit more freedomm when it comes to brow shape,but the best shape is one that follows the natural line of the browbone and is slightly thick, but well groomed.



一眉 yī méi ㄧ ㄇㄟˊ 一眉
