Three note
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
三注意three l's
骨化三醇注射液Calcitriol Injection;Calcijex
文言文备考三注意Language Teaching in middle school
獭兔引种三注意Chinese Journal of Rabbit Farming
间苯三酚注射液Phlorlglucinol Injection;Phloroglucinol Injection
注射用三磷酸胞苷二钠Cytidine Disodium Triphosphate for Injection
氨丁三醇注射液Trometamol Injection
酮咯酸氨丁三醇注射液Ketorolac Tromethamine Injection
注射用三磷酸腺苷二钠Adenosine Disodium Triphosphate for Injection
This year their eclectic projects will includefire-breathing robots, wearable computers, self-replicating three-dimensional printers (whatever they are) and giant motorised cupcakes.
It's hovering over much of America, actually, sending temperatures into triple digits (or the upper 30s, if you prefer).
The researchers compiled a sample of 149 entry-level, tenure-track hires made during 2005, 2007 and 2009.
Alongside the worry that I may be stuck for three months in the hell of a sort of mobile Big Brother house, there is just the tiniest kernel of excitement that something good is about to happen.
I’ve asked some of the locals about this place and they say that it’s very dangerous, but my Australian friend said that he could help me find work carrying backpacks into Laos.
By the mid-19th century scientists had a fair understanding of each of the three components of electromagnetism, as the phenomenon has come to be called.
As well as handling any kind of extra-dimensional content from your TV, you'll also be able to take then along to the cinema or use for 3D gaming on your laptop.
As an aside, a technology such as GPS can in fact track a thing or, say a person in a vehicle, remotely from far away, by triangulating off of satellites.
决定去找一家孤儿院,于是就和另外两个女人上了一辆驼驼车。 (译者注:印度的一种载客三轮摩托车。)
I decide to head off in search of an orphanage and jump into a tuk-tuk with two other women.
Soros, who turns 81 next month, became world famous after making millions betting that the UK would be forced to devalue the pound during the 1992 Black Wednesday currency crisis.
NOTE: Several readers have pointed out that the 28% and 32% in the first column of question 3 in the chart above make no sense.
ABX指数,衡量的是那些互换对象为与高风险抵押贷款证券紧密相联的债券的金融互换,在今年的前三个月跌去了超过四分之一。 (译者注:这句子翻译的哦。。。
The ABX index, whichrepresents a basket of credit swaps on bonds tied to high-risk mortgages, fellmore than a quarter in the first three months of the year.
According to the IPCC, we'd have to reduce GHG emissions by 50% to 80% of what they're on track to be in the next century to reach this level.
The shocking announcement on Wednesday upended the assumption that Dubai would stand behind Dubai World and that other emirates, especially Abu Dhabi, would stand behind Dubai.
“克莱蒙梭”号1997年就退役了。 但为她(注1)寻找一个最终安息之地的过程却一波三折。
She was decommissioned in 1997, and the search for a final resting place has been tortuous.
Your third eye gives you an opportunity to experience different dimensions without having to leave your body.
They cram the school day into the morning and early afternoon, and close their schools for three months in the summer.
On a desk in a reception room: "We shoot every 3rd salesman, and the 2nd one just left."
To make the sugar cookies, beat three eggs in a bowl and mix them with three-fourths cup of sugar.
世界上第三大集装箱海运公司——法国的CMACGM(达飞轮船)开始了他走向公开市场的第一步,将它的分公司环球租船(Global Ship Lease)注进了一个上市的壳公司。
France's CMA CGM, the world's third-largest container shipping line, is to take its first step on to public equity markets by merging its Global Ship Lease arm with a listed shell company.
The controversial first leg in Madrid on April 27 was the second of four "El Clasico" clashes between the two clubs in 18 days.
广藿香 (Pogostemonpatchouli[注])是一种带有两到三英尺高的紫花灌木,属于产自东西印度群岛的薄荷家族中的一员。
Patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli) is a two-three foot perennial bush with purple flowers, a member of the mint family native to the East and West Indies.
By the same token, however, the pessimists may exaggerate how much the recent rise in equity extraction has fuelled an unsustainable spending binge.
MARY delany-aristocrat, gardener, prodigious letter-writer, woman of fashion and friend to George Frideric Handel, Jonathan Swift and King George III, died childless more than 220 years ago.
For instance, I just fell off the last move of the heinous crimping nightmare Terremer, three times in a row, feeling super strong.
I can usually look at one of DF's URLs and remember which specific article it refers to.3.
比较知名的,如Vale,世界第二大的矿业公司,和Embraer,世界第三大的飞机制造商(译者注:wikipedia说是世界第四大,前三是Boeing,Airbus, Bombadier),都在上世纪90年代完成了私有化。
Some, such as Vale, the world's second-biggest mining company, and Embraer, its third-largest maker of civilian aircraft, both privatised in the 1990s, are well-known.
比较知名的,如Vale,世界第二大的矿业公司,和Embraer,世界第三大的飞机制造商(译者注:wikipedia说是世界第四大,前三是Boeing,Airbus, Bombadier),都在上世纪90年代完成了私有化。
Some, such as Vale, the world's second-biggest mining company, and Embraer, its third-largest maker of civilian aircraft, both privatised in the 1990s, are well-known.
三注 【拼音】 sān zhù 【注音】ㄙㄢ ㄓㄨˋ 【条目】三注 【引证解释】 1. 三次瞄准。《晋书·宣帝纪》:“ 爽 帐下督 严世 上楼,引弩将射帝。 孙谦 止之曰:‘事未可知。’三注三止,皆引其肘不得发。” 2. 三宗赌注。如:我们怎么倒稳吃三注呢?