




  • 上命

  • In the life

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 无上命令kategorischer Imperativ

  • 上行生命ascending life; ascending line of life;ascending life

  • 太上升玄护命经Taishang Sehngxuan Humingjing

  • 与以上命令等价c\ \dos\sys.com

  • 在轨道上命中on-the-line hit

  • 把命赌上bet your life;decision your life

  • 国际海上人命安全公约SOLAS;International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea

  • 年为了地球上的生命For Life on Earth

  • 海上人命安全公约SOLAS;SOLAS Convention;safety of life at sea

  • 海上生命安全safety of life at sea



No. 7, hanging for dear life on a rope ladder from a helicopter.


It was lucky that she did put it on that chain, for it was afterwards to save her life.


In a year that will delight numerologists (especially on November 11th, or 11:11:11), the most notable number will in fact be two.


Indeed, I do not fault the intent of that policy, only the unintended consequences of its execution.


Write down your progress in a journal.


If Patty hadn't been an atheist, she might have thanked the good Lord for school athletic programs, because they basically saved her life and gave her a chance to realize herself as a person.


Outwardly our body suffers wear and tear, but spiritually we can be renewed every day by spending time alone with God.


The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to.


Most puzzling, though, is that people often seem aware at some level that money won't make them happy. And yet they continue to work away earning money they don't objectively need.


By the time he was found the boy had taken an overdose and was slumped on the floor, but they were just in time to get him to hospital and save him.


The estimates about all the lives to be saved are just extrapolations based on the presumed benefits of lower blood pressure.


They will think they are madly in love when in fact they are worried about smashing their head on a large rock.


I will command the clouds not to rain on it.


Everything else will eventually vanish. That is why we must live purpose driven lives-lives committed to worship, fellowship, spiritual growth, ministry, and fulfilling our mission on earth.


Also, the altar was split apart and its ashes poured out according to the sign given by the man of God by the word of the Lord.


Carter quickly ordered the steps to be cleared of sand and debris7 and by noon the next day they found a doorway, stamped with the seal of the royal necropolis8.


Another man in my office likes to enjoy alcoholic drinks at parties. In fact, you might say he drinks like a fish.


Pufferfish are deadly and if the fish is prepared incorrectly it can lead to death (in fact there are numerous deaths reported in Japan each year from the consumption of this delicacy).


It was Canada, however, that proved Jumbo's undoing: Three years after moving across the pond, the 24-year-old animal was killed in a train accident in Ontario.


Some others include Roy Keane, a hard-drinking, hard-tackling Irishman of fearsome intensity who was perhaps the closest to him temperamentally;


We're basically is not much of an intersection, and you are a like a quiet person, so sometimes I spelled a life like to know something about you from other people, all little wretchedness.

他们到达了石伸出地面的大帐。 石珍珠般的光芒缓缓律动着,一个月前还没有的暗色涡旋出现在它苍白的条纹

They reached the pavillion where the lifestone jutted up from the earth, its pearlescent glow shifting in


He would allow only eggs on his table, because egg-laying meant that the hen had been spared rather than killed.


You spoke last time of putting a body on a vital being. Is that being still alive? Who was it?

一部发生在中国西部的公路电影,一个搭载时间快车的奇幻故事,一段含蓄内敛、 相依为的东方爱情。

A road movie in west of China, a magic and fantastic story in the jet car, an oriental love with connotation and mutual reliance.


Science fiction may go the same way, and is arguably already being created by "residents" of online worlds such as Second Life.


As for killing it quickly, the AC and DEF are working against you, but those 90 hit points are nothing to write home about, at least on a creature this pricey.


As for killing it quickly, the AC and DEF are working against you, but those 90 hit points are nothing to write home about, at least on a creature this pricey.


But in any event, Deuteronomy is not simply the concluding book of the Pentateuch, ; or the story that began in Genesis; it's also the first part of a much larger, longer literary work, as I mentioned last time, a work that runs from Deuteronomy through to the end of 2 Kings.


I think the essential element, in my mind, that makes it a crime is the idea that they decided at some point that their lives were more important than his, and that, I mean, that's kind of the basis for really any crime.



上命 上命是一个汉字词语, 拼音:shàng mìng 释义:1、上级的命令,特指君命。2、谓长寿。3、崇尚军令。
