Not a few
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
几乎不hardly ever;scarcely ad
我一直不几乎情人Almost lover I always do
我几乎不能呼吸I'm barely breathing;I can hardly breathe
几乎从不hardly ever;scarcely ever;hardly everalmost never very seldom
几何不变量理论Geometric invariant theory
几何不清晰度Geometric unsharpness
几乎不能barely;Hardly;Almost no;Could hardly
几何不变性geometrical invariability;[数]geometric invariance
几乎不可能almost impossible;next to impossible;Virtually Impossible;practically impossible
This entire apparatus fits on a chip no larger than a few square millimeters.
Why not simply hike the prices? Apart from the inconvenience in calculating the tips, it also makes people feel that they have paid more than they should.
I hate to break this to you ladies, but men need an outlet. A few dart, beers, and smokes in moderation are not that bad.
Lafeu is hardly a part that can be acted: it comes right if the right man is available: if not, no acting can conceal the makeshift.
That may be a lofty goal considering I've only run more than a few miles once in my life.
Kristen is bright, pretty, and to judge from her command of her own small kitchen, probably capable of holding down a dozen tables with precision and grace.
While you may not share my love for the semi-dead, you might agree with this: most of us are surrounded by these mute, will-less, dumb, sometimes evil and dangerous brutes everyday.
Not even millions of years of profit Shijishushiwan also requires the agency to make up losses to book tax purposes, when the tax office is a fool?
A few days and nights in front of the computer, not sleep sleep finally finished all satisfied and a draft.
Thus C1 must be large enough to supply operating current to the load without discharging moue than a few millivolts.
Good communication is perhaps the reason why those who occasionally have a single drink after work with colleagues make significantly more money on average than those who do not drink at all.
TOM :What's not to like, Charlie? The dashing polyester outfit? Or the solid three-figure income?
The first creak of the oak startled him like an electric shock: the light leaped from his hold to a distance of some feet, and his agitation was so extreme, that he could hardly pick it up.
If Chahukou upward several generation, they are not from the countryside to, but is gradually being corrupt city.
At present, the process control of the industrial system is normally based on the field bus technology, whose control scale is restricted in a workshop or a plant.
When remembering elementary school, we a semester should wear a few pairs of sneaker bad, one not heart shoe buys evening, not was to showed toe to show calcaneal namely.
Hebei reliable Taobao shop brush single reputation platform, open the shop not to brush a single seller is not much, who opened the shop have to brush a few single.
I can't go a whole day without, at the very least, humming or whistling the tunes that crowd my head.
If the price difference between the open and close prices does not exceed a few ticks (minimum price change), this is more than enough.
A backing down without damaging several skin leather, within the core of white cotton, environmentally friendly packaging, classic style, heavier weight, cost-effective!
A backing down without damaging several skin leather, within the core of white cotton, environmentally friendly packaging, classic style, heavier weight, cost-effective!
- You open Brooks and you find yourself really apart perhaps-- I don't know how well all of you are acquainted with the texts of Freud.
There is a several different things to do in the Bronx, believe me, it is.
I think you should take the lab sometime, but I don't know how many semesters that you have to take.
I don't know what percent; our oil reserves in the U.S. are pretty small, so we're kind of lying somewhere inside-- maybe on this pink line.
Or, if you don't believe Spinoza, if you don't believe his authority is sufficient, consider someone who you'll be reading in a couple of weeks, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, from the Social Contract.
What's 17 divided by 3 is roughly -- one point something, so one point dot, dot, dot, right?
So, if there is one section of the lecture that I went a little too quickly for, you could say, gee, if I could just see that five minutes, you could click on it, zoom into that five minutes, play it a few times, and then say, I still don't know what he's talking about.
Because we obviously can't, in any course, or even any set of courses, tell you everything you'll ever want to know in life we've seeded some things in this program that will be unfamiliar, so during the time you're studying the program, get online, look it up, figure out what they do.
And, I mean, for example in France-- and if this ever disappears I'm going to be one unhappy guy--the license plates, the last numbers of the license plate tells you where people are from.
不几 ·不几,汉语词语,拼音是bù jǐ,意思是不盘查;未近,不到;没有希望、不可希求;难道不是。