




  • 不即

  • Not that

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 不即是号is not equal to

  • 不即是ne

  • 不即不离keep sb at arm's length;keep sb

  • 不要不即安全带Don't seat belts

  • 不从即死On the Other Hand, Death

  • 前缀意即"不prefixmeaningnot

  • 不即不离的观照Academic Forum

  • 画图不即时显示MFC

  • 即不变价GDPconstant-price GDP

  • 请不要转瞬即逝Please don't go away



Scratching by itself—that is, in the absence of an itch—had no such effect.


I suggest you first try a simple provisioning (that is, no ITM agent or additional software added), and then move onto more complex scenarios (the next section has more information on this).


As Albright was developing her career, women weren’t always her allies (indeed, she says, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other”).


This comes from the above mentioned limitation that 32-bit image formats do not contain any colour profiles.


That's turning the image path into a single name, the photo's name, without any path information or extension.


The term "hang" also defines a state that sometimes occurs when computer programs do not run as designed.


But that does not rule out the possibility that a small quantity of the gas, calculated to fall within that error margin, was diverted to test some hidden centrifuges.

多数的经济学家认为,中性利率,刺激也抑制欧元区需求的利率水平, 应该在3%以上(指名义利率).

Most economists think that the “neutral” rate of interest, which would neither stimulate nor restrain demand in the euro area, is now more than 3% (in nominal terms).


Furthermore, the mothers of the children selected for the construction of the standards engaged in fundamental health-promoting practices, namely breastfeeding and not smoking.


All are based, to one extent or another, on the idea that people are irrational actors, and that markets aren't always efficient.


Regulations do not help either - as long as you are not blatant about it (ie don't commit the act within the first year of your contract!) you can still get insurance payouts and so forth.


Even more alarming, well over half of these cases were resistant to multiple drugs right from the start, and not as a direct result of substandard treatment.


In 1991 HBO pioneered "multiplexing", a way of distributing multiple channels without using more bandwidth.


It is very doubtful -if not ruled out -that even Cameron could proceed to ratify this deal in the face of mass outrage at the Murdoch empire and its acolytes.


In a marriage, the common symptoms of the disorder - distraction, disorganization, forgetfulness - can easily be misinterpreted as laziness, selfishness and a lack of love and concern.


Such a file can reside at application scope (that is, not in any module), in a particular module, or even inside a JAR in a module.


The melting glaciers should be a similar warning of our hubris — and of the consequences that the earth will face for centuries unless we address carbon emissions today.


And let's not forget the third part of this problem, the unofficial financial system of trust companies, private Banks and completely off-the-books lenders.


This may not always be the desired approach, however, and it is likely that the reader thread might want to wait or block itself until the time data becomes available.


Don't you know that the Lord, the God of Israel, has given the kingship of Israel to David and his descendants forever by a covenant of salt?


They arise from the fact that the people do not wish to be commanded or oppressed by the nobles, while the nobles do desire to command and to oppress the people.


People with mild mental impairments of the kind studied - known as mild cognitive impairment - typically have some memory difficulties, such as forgetting people's names or misplacing items.


Unlike the first "Spider-Man" film, in which masked characters leapt from tall buildings, the sequel had an unmasked villain in the form of Doctor Octopus, played by Alfred Molina.


One danger today is that, under WTO rules, some countries have scope to put tariffs up without breaching their legal limits.


Sami Chugg, 45, says she was bedridden before turning to the unusual treatment, which USES bees held against the sufferer's back to sting the area around the spine.


Is it that homeowners cannot afford to pay; or is it that they are declining to do so, because their homes are now worth less than their mortgages, the phenomenon known as negative equity?


After compression, the information contained in the 6,029 PDBML documents can be stored in 67.4 percent fewer pages (i.e., three times less space than without compression).


Generate a single, secure password with no ambiguous, or easily confused, characters and at least one non-alphanumeric character.


Generate a single, secure password with no ambiguous, or easily confused, characters and at least one non-alphanumeric character.


We've seen so far that we can have a neutral plus neutral sodium plus chlorine goes to cation plus anion.


Or in another example, let us look at how we can use the "How can I" pattern in a way where you don't want to answer.

在另一种情况中,我们来看看如何使用“How can I”的第二种意思,需要回答的情况。

And Hobbes draws from this startling conclusion, in many ways the infamous conclusion that the sovereign can never act unjustly.


Up to this point in literary history, only verse written for the theater had been written in unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter, in blank verse.


So I started off with an example that's pretty bad for this story, namely, Coke and Pepsi.


Peter the Great had an enormous ambivalence about his role and his image as a czar.


Premise two was the incompatibilist claim that, "Nothing subject to determinism has free will."


The thesis of 3.091, and this is where the chemistry comes in, is that electronic structure of the elements holds the key to the understanding, not just the chemical bonding, but the long range atomic order.


Those animals that you produce are called transgenic animals because they're expressing, usually at high levels, a transgene or a gene that's not normally present in their species.


It specifies what risks are covered, exclusions--some risks are not covered.


The real sort of typical home of the kinds of things were talking about is Mesopotamia, modern Iraq, the Tigress, Euphrates Valley, which spread out beyond Iraq and went up into Syria and neighboring places.


What makes the law surprising is that if I only gave you half the law, namely every body will remain at rest if it's not acted upon by a force, you will say, "That's fine. I accept that, because here's something, you leave it there, it doesn't move.


One is simple disbelief or unbelief a kind of rejection of ruling opinion simply because you don't like it.


In many ways that would seem to make a certain sense of the apparent discrepancy between these two dialogues.


What bothers Socrates most about our democracy is a certain kind of instability, its tendency to be pulled between extremes of anarchy, between lawlessness and tyranny.


Political philosophy exists and only exists " in thatcall it "zone of indeterminacy" between the "is" and the "ought" between the actual and the ideal.


So rational choice in this case, people not choosing a dominated strategy; people choosing a dominant rational choice can lead to outcomes that - what do Americans call this?--that "Suck."


I'm going to drop more than the independence assumption, I'm going to assume that the assets don't have the same expected return and they don't have the same expected variance.


Aristotle's political science presupposes in other wordsa certain conception of human beings as linguistic animals who are capable not only of living together -so do a range of other species -but rather sharing in the arrangements of rule.


And if we had more time we could spell out rival theories of well-being, which could be interestingly distinguished one from another in terms of how they answer the question, ?" "What's missing from the experience machine?"


If you want a more technical term for that , and you'll remember this from economics 115 can lead to outcomes that are "Inefficient," that are "Pareto inefficient," But "Suck" Will do for today.


Philia Civic friendshipcivic philia is in other words not without a strong element of what might be thought of as sibling rivalry in which each citizen strives to outdo the others for the sake of the civic good.


And so I went through the math on this and said suppose I wanted to be really sloppy and I wanted to say if the delta X, the uncertainty in position is on the order of one angstrom.


What about the fact that not only is it inevitable that I'm going to die, it's inevitable that we're all going to die.


But before we dismiss Aristotle's account as insufferably inegalitarian and elitist, we have to ask a difficult question, not just of Aristotle, but more importantly of ourselves.


Potential refers to what it sounds like, 'what potential does this committed progenitor cell have?' 'What potential does this stem cell have?' Well, one way to think about is that upon this first division, this asymmetric division, this committed progenitor cell has lost some potential.


It's better to have been born than never to-- even though that's followed by death-- than never to have been born at all.


We have to not talk-- just talk about the good things in the life, but the good of life itself, and we have to notice that perhaps on certain views, for certain cases, it's not really the case that when I die I'm being deprived of a good life.


Taking foreign genes, genes that aren't naturally expressed or might not even exist inside a cell and putting them there and putting them there in a way where they work, and by work meaning the gene gets expressed or translated into a protein.



不即 不即,汉语拼音bù jí,不就。出自《左传·昭公元年》。
