




  • 不度

  • No degree of

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 不得不度过Everyday gotta roll on

  • 不可解度degree of unsolvability;[数]degree of unsolvability;Turing degree

  • 不以己度人judge others by his own standard

  • 不透明度[光]Opacity;nontransparency;show through resistance;alpha

  • 测量不确定度Measurement uncertainty;[测]uncertainty of measurement;uncertainty;Uncertainty measurement

  • 不确定度[物]uncertainty;uncertainty of measurement

  • 不饱和度[化学]degree of unsaturation;unsaturated number;IUFA;unsaturation site

  • 尺度不变性scale invariance

  • 什么不度假酒店Why Not Resort

  • 不透明度仪cryptometer;opacimeter;opacity tester;daylight



There is no curl. This is not what curl measures.


If you suddenly and drastically cut carbs, you may experience a variety of temporary health effects, including.


We know, be not being spent is a robot, although he is impossible as clever like the person, but he likes uniform system, one look relaxedly .


But that's not all we did. We had another family tradition that made Easter extra special: the Annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House!


In particular, a force field with no curl is a force field that does not generate any rotation motion.


The appropriate amount of Agility to seek, Requisite Agility, is a level that balances the costs of attaining it with the consequences of not having it, given the situation.


A structured approach to managing frequent changes without compromising on the quality of the design and architecture is documented for large-scale, highly complex applications.


As a whole, the continent at the bottom of the Earth has warmed by roughly half a degree Celsius in the last 50 years-cold comfort for climatologists.


Every review looks at service, design, dining, cleanliness, nearby nightlife, and even the thread count of the sheets on the beds.


Generally, food in the refrigerator is safe as long as the power is out no more than a few hours and the temperature in the refrigerator remains at 40 degrees farenheit or below.


I have seen projects that were trying to trace a level of detail that was inappropriate given their time lines and their maturity with a use-case based approach.


A spokeswoman answering the phones at Baidu's press office on Monday afternoon said that only one of her colleagues was authorized to discuss the issue but was not available.


The goal, Hightower said, was to promote acceptance of the human body no matter what shape or form it comes in.


In regard to global temperature rise of not more than 2 degrees, Huang said the international community has reached important consensus on this issue.


Some discontinuities appear in the higher resolution that seem to result from small-scale instrument bias.


Not surprisingly, the freemium variation drove the most conversions but only outperformed the original by 12% and had the lowest retention.


When I was very little the weekends at my father's house felt cold and unfriendly.


Without efforts to limit emissions, the United States could warm 7 to 11 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century.


Companies that are consistently unprofitable (e.g. Motorola) face diminishing degrees of strategic freedom further lubricating a downward slope toward financial distress.


An exasperated Mr Sarkozy has had to take matters into his own hands, at one point holding talks with a magistrates' union without her.


The partnership between the Gates Foundation and the Baidu Foundation is "open-ended" and could produce further health initiatives, Mr. Gates said.


China upholds the proposal of reducing per capita carbon emission so as to prevent the global temperature from increasing 2 more degrees Celsius.


There's nothing worse than being faced with a 30c day only to find out the ac isn't working.


Smokers' satisfaction level with their job is also lower than that of non-smokers, and their satisfaction with their standard of living is lower than that of both quitters and non-smokers.

“高层领导采取任何措施,反而奖励提拔他们,这又是一个问题。” 该研究在管理学会一年一的研讨会上公布。

The leaders above them who did nothing, who rewarded and promoted bad leaders ... represent an additional problem.


However, if you are looking for a more or less objective measure, why not measure how complex the reflection version is versus the individual comparators?


Other researchers are experimenting with a measure called Kolmogorov Complexity, the minimum number of bits a character string can be compressed into without losing information.


Other researchers are experimenting with a measure called Kolmogorov Complexity, the minimum number of bits a character string can be compressed into without losing information.


All around. If you plug in the numbers, you will end up with an uncertainty 15% in the momentum as being on the order of 15%.


A 100% uncertainty in the position 15% gives rise to a 15% uncertainty in velocity.


I think it becomes 30 degrees for the freezing of water and 22.5 x 4, which I don't know what it is, 90 100 or something -- no, it's 90 I think.


Even if you don't remember having seen them, even if that familiarity was generated with such quick exposures that you don't remember even having seen anything, you will get that familiarity effect.


So, for example, if you're the kind of person, which is I have to say all I ever was, if you're the kind of person who can kick the ball fairly hard but not very accurately, then it actually might change these numbers.


This is the plus or minus, so the product of the uncertainty and the momentum.


And since we are not expecting the mass of the particle to change, what we really are saying is the uncertainty in its velocity times the uncertainty in its position is greater than the ratio of the Planck constant divided by 2 pi.


And to just give you a sense of what this is, the analytical expression that Heisenberg gave in one of its forms is that the uncertainty in the momentum a particle times the uncertainty in its position, this is the uncertainty.


When the uncertainty gets that big, you don't know which came first.


And so I went through the math on this and said suppose I wanted to be really sloppy and I wanted to say if the delta X, the uncertainty in position is on the order of one angstrom.



不度 不度,拼音bù dù,是指不合法度;不遵礼度。
