




  • 不量

  • No amount of

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 自不量力Overestimate oneself

  • 不变量[数]invariant;invariould like;invariish;invariable

  • 不变量理论[数]invariant theory

  • 测量不确定度Measurement uncertainty;[测]uncertainty of measurement;uncertainty;Uncertainty measurement

  • 资产质量不断提高asset quality has improved

  • 循环不变量[计]Loop Invariant

  • 霍普夫不变量[数]Hopf invariant

  • 不平衡量[科技]amount of unbalance;[力]unbalance;unbalanced quantity;non-balance values

  • 力量不在胳膊上,而在团结上Strength does not come from the muscles in the arms; but from the unison of the heart.

  • 重量不足[贸易]underweight;shortage in weight;shortweight;deficiency in weight



When completed river crossing leveling by means of trigonometric leveling with distance measurement, there are two types of observed values.


You have a keyed physical file, but only want the index on SSD and not the data itself because the amount of data in the physical file is too large.

您有一个键控的物理文件,但只希望将索引放到 SSD,而希望将数据本身放到其中,因为物理文件中的数据非常大。

You have a keyed physical file, but only want the index on SSD and not the data itself because the amount of data in the physical file is too large.


It also minimizes the amount of application performance tuning work that a programmer might otherwise have to undertake.


Manual procedures do not support frequent merging without a dramatic increase in risk and level of effort.


Because this is an introductory article and the sample data is small, this article does not cover that topic here.


For every feature that makes it into your app, ask yourself: Is there a way this can be added that won't require as much software?


For example, if you are not releasing the lock (equivalent to holding a semaphore), you will create your own blockage problem.


Sometimes the boss is too demanding, colleagues may be unpleasant, there might be too much work or the working conditions may not be comfortable.


Inventory declines often go with a drop in imports, and the fourth quarter was no exception.


So in our hypothetical example using CLM, the effort to fix a defect is reduced from 4.75 hours to 3.25, and the waste is reduced from 12 hours to less than 2 hours.


Working to let go of the pace around you and creating your own speed takes time and should be attempted in small, incremental steps.


This feature provides datacenter operators with the ability to put caps on the amount of power that certain servers are using, ensuring that the system can never exceed a certain amount of power.


More than 10% of calories as polyunsaturated fat is not recommended.


Coal from the Powder River Basin of Montana and Wyoming tends to be low in sulfur, for example, allowing power plants to burn more without exceeding local pollution limits.


Recommendations suggest aiming for a salt intake of no more than 6g per day, (2400 mg).


Bamboo is used extensively throughout the world as an inexpensive, plentiful and sustainable material in a variety construction projects and scaffolding is no exception.


Two years ago, the World Cancer Research Fund found a link between red and processed meat and bowel cancer and recommended that the average amount of meat eaten should be no more than 300g a week.


Among participants younger than 40, the study found, those who said they slept for five hours or less each night gained more belly fat than those who averaged six or seven hours of sleep.


Today, YouTube has over 100 million unique viewers every month for everything from cute kittens to university lectures.


If you suddenly and drastically cut carbs, you may experience a variety of temporary health effects, including.


Boehm said daily consumption of no more than 1, 200 milliliters (just over five cups) a day is recommended.


Car sales in March plunged to the lowest level in nearly ten years (excluding the month after Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005).


Affecting the prices of securities trading, or the volume of securities trading, through purchase or sale that does not transfer ownership , considering.


Affecting the prices of securities trading, or the volume of securities trading, through purchase or sale that does not transfer ownership , considering.


Clearly, if I did nothing more, but I took every car, doubled its fuel economy, its emissions would go to 50% of what they are now, no other changes being made.


He goes back and redoes the calculation, only in this case he says what I am going to do is I am going to redo the calculation for helium, but I am going to consider not just the mass of the electron but the reduced mass of the system.


And if the other countries aren't going to cut down on their fishing, then you want to catch the fish now, because there aren't going to be any there tomorrow.


Very good. Certain things are called invariants.



不量 【拼音】bù liàng 【注音】 ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄤˋ 【条目】不量 【引证解释】 1. 犹言不嫌弃,看得起。《后汉书·隗嚣传》:“遂共推为上将军。 嚣 辞让不得已,曰:‘诸父众贤不量小子。必能用 嚣 言者,乃敢从命。’” 2. 不自量。 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·丹铅新录六·朱文公》:“凡此皆 紫阳 论道之言。 杨 又不详考其全文气脉,而毛摘撼之,多见其不量已。”
