The degree of
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
美岸丽世度假村LUX Belle Mare;Belle Mare
传奇丽世度假村LUX Grand Gaube;Grand Gaube
华特迪士尼世界度假区Walt Disney World Resort;Cinderella Castle
马尔代夫丽世度假村LUX Maldives
世界年度风云车WCOTY;World Car Award;World Car Awards
莫纳山丽世度假村LUX Le Morne
世界精细度World Detail
度假世界大亨Holiday World Tycoon
速度世界World of Speed
Sheep once sold for as little as 50 cents each during a glut in the 1980s, but today some breeds of ewe can sell for as much as $200 a pop.
Modern dance evolved in the late nineteenth, early twentieth century, and in most cases, audiences were very receptive to this radical new type of performing art.
This year the focus of the annual contest was on health and environment, as part of WHO's efforts to raise awareness about the importance of healthier environments.
Despite his attempt to renounce his citizenship, Jong's popularity extends to both sides of the border.
当我们还在HTML 1.0世界的时候,所有都和这一度量相关,但今天实际上没有这么多了。
All for a metric that had relevance when we lived in a world of HTML 1.0, but really, not so much today.
Qatar was awarded the 2022 World Cup this month despite concerns about temperatures that routinely exceed 104 degrees.
The writing explains that the vessel contains “the greatest heart that had any lady in the world”. Anne, Duchess of Brittany was twice queen of France, marrying, in turn, Charles VIII and Louis XII.
此外,上个月是最热的六月,室外温度达到61.1华氏度- - -比20世纪的平均温度高1.22华氏度。
In addition, last month was the warmest June on record at 61.1 degrees F - 1.22 degrees F above the 20th Century average.
A previously thriving genre of painting and literature was all but stamped out in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Overall, 2010 and 2005 were 1.12 degrees Fahrenheit (0.62 Celsius) above the 20th-century average when taking a combination of land and water surface temperatures across the world, it said.
Flowers may once have been born to blush unseen, but that is obviously not a 21st-century way of doing business.
Away with "best novels of 2009", farewell to "the new faces of the New Year" : I shall be enjoying "the best novels of the 19th century" and the new faces of Edwardian England.
To limit the risk to a one-in-four chance [of 2 degree C warming], then total CO2 in the first half of the 21st century has to be kept below [one trillion] metric tons.
WHO recommends that wherever possible, medicines for children should be provided as flexible, solid, oral dosage forms that can be administered in a liquid when it is given to the sick child.
The analyses differ slightly; in the NOAA version, the 2010 temperature was 1.12 degrees Fahrenheit above the average for the 20th century, which is 57 degrees.
Now, as magazines struggle to reinvent themselves for the 21st century, they are increasing their online presence and expect prime placement for their dot-com writers.
They calculate that within 30 years average temperature could be 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, or 2 Celsius, higher than in the mid-1800s.
Still, if the company is seeing Ebitda margins in the 20s and that shrinks to the high teens, it’s still a good company and maybe valuations will come down and Baidu will actually look worth buying.
British scientist Professor Sir John Houghton said: "The six degrees depends on just how much fossil fuel we burn this next century."
传统的恒温器不够好,但是19世纪发明的Dewar flask一次能保持像液态氮这样的温度在- 1960华氏摄氏度的低温液体好几个月之久。
A conventional thermos isn't good enough, but a Dewar flask, invented in the 19th century, holds cryogenic fluids like liquid nitrogen at temperatures of -196oc (-321of) for months at a time.
The evidence was obtained by scientists looking back three million years to the Pliocene epoch, when global temperatures were 5.4f (3c) to 9f (5c) higher than they are today.
The phrase ‘six degrees of separation’ came into usage after the 1960s study by academic Stanley Milgram.
Increased visibility for the work of WHO in the Region through use of a cartoon character to promote health in different Settings.
It was as though Donatella Versace had been waiting for this moment to project her late brother Gianni's heritage from the hard-edged, metal mesh of the 1980s into the 21st-century digital age.
But the organisations that were launched on an unsuspecting world in the mid-19th【7】 century still have a healthy spark of life in them.
Germany's Leaning tower of Suurhusen, which at an Angle of 5.19 degrees holds the Guinness world Record for the most tilted tower in the world, dates back to the 1450s.
Measurements at the Earth's surface show that average temperatures have risen by some 0.4C since the 1970s.
Measurements at the Earth's surface show that average temperatures have risen by some 0.4C since the 1970s.
世度 世度,是汉语词汇,读音为shì dù,解释为出世;谓超凡而成仙;整个封域。