The machine
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
...件技术_电脑技术站 3已经发布多时,但是,如果你计划应用具有AMD CPU的HP/Compaq电脑安装XP SP3的话,当心蒙受蓝屏逝世机(BSoD,blue screen of death),然而,解决的办法似乎就是不停的重启。
...发布多时,但是,如果你计划应用具有AMD CPU的HP/Compaq电脑安装XP SP3的话,当心蒙受蓝屏逝世机(BSoD,blue screen of death),然而,解决的办法似乎就是不停的重启。
创世机士格亚斯Genesis Surviver Gaiarth
二世机场John Paul II Airport
希尔顿苏黎世机场酒店Hilton Zurich Airport
苏黎世机场希尔顿酒店Hilton Zurich Airport
三世纪危机Crisis of the Third Century;Third-Century Crisis
战机世界World of Warplanes;WOWP;World of Planes
苏黎世机场假日酒店Holiday Inn Express Zurich Airport
彭世洛机场Phitsanulok Airport;PHS;PHS PHITSANULOK AIRPORT
宜必思苏黎世机场酒店ibis Zurich Messe-Airport
In the 20th century, first it was the movies, then radio, then television that seemed to spell doom for the written world.
In the 15th century, Johannes Guttenberg's invention of the printing press in Europe had a huge impact on civilization.
The biggest sixteenth-century printer, Plantin of Antwerp, had twenty-four printing presses and employed more than a hundred workers.
我最喜欢的东西在这里,博物馆志愿者协调员菲尔.杜里埃说:“我最喜欢的展品是在20世纪50年代制造的古德伊尔充气式飞机。 所有部件都打包在一个板条箱里,里面还装配有完整的发动机和压缩机。
One of my favorite things here, " says museum volunteer coordinator Phil Duryea, "is an inflatable aircraft made by Goodyear in the 1950s.
The invention of the steam press in the early 19th century, and the emergence of mass-market newspapers such as the new York Sun, therefore marked a profound shift.
Amazon, the world's biggest online bookseller, USES POD machines, although it does not reveal how often.
Sony is famous for its Walkman, but it didn't invent the tape recorder.
Farmers who until the 1970s spent half their working day on the back-breaking labour of lifting irrigation water now use diesel pumps, plough with tractors and thresh their wheat by machine.
This remote call by the client to the server has its roots in remote Procedure call (RPC) protocol, which has been around since the 1980s.
Banks were the first to use mainframes in the 1960s; many are still using the original applications because it is risky to swap them out.
He began doing performance work on mainframes for IBM in the early 1980's.
Since email's invention in the 1960s, the internet and then the World Wide Web was born, which gave everyone an instant electronic printing press.
The attributes that were important to a typist familiar with the manual typewriters of 1940s are different from what's important to a secretary who used a Selectric in the 1960s.
Also, in the nineteenth century, the typewriter was invented.
The arrangement was similar to that of the front panels of a 1950s television set: a screen on the left and speakers and control on the right.
The Energy Hall highlights the first steam locomotives of the early 19th century; big with kids are the third floor exhibits, including old gliders, hot-air balloons and flight simulators.
For example, Gutenberg's 15th-century printing press, which enabled mass production of books, was a retooled ancient wine press.
比如vcr -卡带式录像机的例子,20世纪80年代,人们有两种选择:VHS制式和betamax制式。
That was the case with VCRs, video cassette recorders. During the nineteen eighties, people had two choices: VHS and Betamax.
Our electrically-powered TVs and iPods might be state-of-the-art, but the grid that brings that juice to our homes is barely 20th century.
Its large fiscal stimulus succeeded in preventing a depression in the 1990s after its bubble burst-and others are surely correct to follow today.
And there is one other advantage that the turboprop has over the jet, at least according to Mr Read-who flew turboprops on combat missions in Cambodia during the 1970s.
A walk through the exhibit vividly demonstrates what Frances Allen, a museum fellow who developed computer programming languages for I.B.M. in the 1960s, called "the incredible shrinking machine."
Wireless transmission emerged again in the 1960s, with a demonstration of a miniature helicopter powered using microwaves beamed from the ground.
娱乐业在20世纪对上述限制的解决方案很简单:让大片充斥影院,把畅销的音乐装满货架,给 收音机听众和电视观众有限的选择,让他们甚至用不着换台。
The past century of entertainment has offered an easy solution to these constraints. Hits fill theaters, fly off shelves, and keep listeners and viewers from touching their dials and remotes.
In July, Clark Cable III, the famed actor's grandson, was arrested for allegedly pointing a laser at a LAPD helicopter.
When graphical thin clients became popular in the mid-1990s, their use was still largely limited to LANs because of bandwidth requirements.
喜爱驾驶直升机的超级大黑马,Sebastián Piñera拥有哈佛大学经济学博士学位,并且是智利最有钱的商人之一(据《富比世》杂志称其身价超越十亿美元)。
A hyperachiever who pilots his own helicopter, Mr Piñera has a Harvard doctorate in economics and is one of Chile’s richest businessmen (he is said by Forbes magazine to be worth $1 billion).
当美国投资者Christpher Sholes在19世纪60年代开发了第一台现代的打字机的时候,键盘的布局是根据字母顺序排序的。
When American inventor Christopher Sholes developed the first modern typewriter in the 1860s, the keyboard layout was in alphabetical order.
A few years ago I bought an old-fashioned manual typewriter to write love letters to my then-girlfriend (now-wife-thanks, 1950s technology!)
A few years ago I bought an old-fashioned manual typewriter to write love letters to my then-girlfriend (now-wife-thanks, 1950s technology!)
世机 shì jī ㄕㄧˋ ㄐㄧ 世机 世俗的机心。 唐 温庭筠 《渭上题》诗之三:“烟水何曾忘世机,暂时相向亦依依。” 明 宋濂 《<用明禅师文集>序》:“其为人脱略世机,不为浮累所缚,有如其诗。” 清 姚鼐 《送朱子颖知泰安府》诗:“遨游谁识为 巴 守?调笑何尝入世机。”