




  • n. Strand ; silking


... skip printing 跳印;漏印 sliver 丝条 slot 开槽 ...

... threadline cooling rate 丝条冷却速率 thread-line 丝条;纺丝流水线 thread-locking compound 防松螺纹油 ...

... Silk sliver of spinning 丝条 waste silk spinning 绢纺 Silk Spinning Machinery 丝纺机械 ...



  • 璐易丝条顿Louise

  • 钢丝条锁wire lock

  • 璐易丝条顿着名的战士Louise

  • 璐易丝条顿出名的兵士Louise

  • 人丝条花纱rayon striped gauze

  • 埃科赛全丝条格缎satin ecossais

  • 丝条通道thread route

  • 人造丝条纹线绢rayon rib faille

  • 人造丝条充剪绒rayon velveteen cord



Result showed that the section shape of fiber prepared with gel spinning method was round and outside and inside structure was uniform.


For access the silk, which is come out from simulation, we discussed the distribution of evenness variation, blots of cleanness and neatness on silk and cloth cover.


The results show that by lowering the fusant temperature and raising the cross air blasting speed properly, we can keep the degree of profile at a reasonable scope.


The difference of the heating temperature between cool channel and thermal channel leads to bad shape of bobbins.

离开干燥装置8以后,经由辊9 109沿下降路径被输送,最后到达下游牵引组A’的第一个辊。

On leaving the dryingmeans 8, the strips are sent on a descending path by means of rollers 9, 109and go from the last of these rollers to the first roller of the downstreampulling group A'.


Increasing demands on the yarn properties both in terms of level and uniformity make the factor production speed as a universal remedy for cost reduction lose significance.


I've never eaten the food with corn. But, In our hometown , the similar food like the paste by taro and sweet potato's powder, and then cut them into noodles with the "screw plate"and cooking.


The test has shown that as the degree of profile increases, the initial modulus and the breaking strength and elongation of profile yarn decreases. We have also quined the findi...


One was a lady wearing nothing but a bath towel.


Or, if this be the path to a better life, as Hester would persuade me, I surely give up no fairer prospect by pursuing it!


“Eat Tootsie Rolls — The Luscious Candy That Helps Beat Fatigue, ” reads one of the many ads she has exhaustively analyzed on her blog.


Yet just as I was feeling vaguely invigorated, I came upon a rule that tells managers to think of their underlings like baseball CARDS.


A blown fuse in north London delayed trains for over an hour. The night before, travellers on another line had been stranded for six hours, thanks to broken power cables.


But if there is any difference between the lengths of the two arms, some light will travel to where it can be recorded by a photodetector.


But that unwelcome verdict also brought a precious if painful gift: an opportunity to search for fresh new ways to serve my purpose.


The man at Dalgliesh's hoisted a fish the length of his arm from under a covering of seaweed and ice.


And less complicated, for sure; a dog’s devotion is without detectable irony, a lap cat’s purring without artifice (if not disapproval).


The very first citation in the Oxford English Dictionary for penthouse meaning a dwelling at the top of an apartment was hardly the rich and fancy kind. I quote


Walking on this pipeline which we once passed by, from its outlook I would never think it is a way out and would never tried this path to get out, I felt a little sad.


Filigree screens accent the stairs that lead to a transparent glass walkway, which connects the old and new parts of the home.


He put a silk hanky in his breast pocket.


"Eat Tootsie Rolls - the Luscious Candy That Helps Beat Fatigue," reads one of the many ads she has exhaustively analyzed on her blog.


C. What kind of cereal would you like? We have corn flake, rice crisps, all bran, shredded wheat. Which one would you prefer?


If you look at the horizon at sunset-exactly as the last sliver of sun disappears-you might see a flash of brilliant green blaze across the sky.


A shiny, colorful, thick ribbon tied around the neck or waist can add glamour to any outfit.

耐高温陶瓷电热圈采用的不是一般云母挠线方式制作,而是采用陶瓷穿方式,因此该产品的功率比普通的要高0.5 ~ 1.5倍。

High temperature ceramic electric circle is not generally used in Mica torsion line production, but used to wear silk, pottery, so the products than the general power to the 0.5 to 1.5 times.


She had not heart enough even to make herself pretty as usual by putting on a blue neck ribbon and dressing her hair in the most becoming way.


The truth is better than two hundred gold, balmy for Wan Lihan frost, a sent warm sweet greetings, a message sent to me all his heart: merry Christmas!


The truth is better than two hundred gold, balmy for Wan Lihan frost, a sent warm sweet greetings, a message sent to me all his heart: merry Christmas!



丝条 丝条,汉语词语,拼音sī tiáo,意思为纤细的枝条。
