




  • 个时

  • When a

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 三个时代Three Ages

  • 在每年的这个时候at this time of year

  • 在某个时刻a time;And in time

  • 那个时候Thats when you know;That Time;At the time;d

  • 某个时刻SOMETIME;Something evil's watching over you

  • 在这个时候at this time of day;At this hour;At this time;at this point

  • 这个时候at this time;it's about time;Cheese;This is the time



As she came near the second of these alcoves she stopped skipping.


Every time the Chromosome divides—every time one cell divides into two—pieces of the ends of the Chromosome, the telomere, get broken off.


You should time that, when you get a chance.


If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.


When the integrated data sources expand to four, six sets of mappings need to be performed.


Much of that work becomes irrelevant as the project stumbles from one crisis to the next.


When limited to one or two, they worked the system to produce sons.


When the site reaches 10 to 20 pages, XML starts to pay for itself.


And, of course, you can guess that what will follow is figuring out how to find the potential when there is one.


When the number of data sources goes beyond a few dozen, then the process starts to become complicated. Common complications when ingesting several data sources, specially in the initial load, are.


When either of these controls is changed, the selectSeries function is called.


So, I was a bit surprised when I saw the iPad and immediately felt like I had to have one.


That's their first argument: people become embroiled in theory when they make one of those two mistakes.


With radio buttons, though, when any of the three options is set, the other two are automatically set to 0.


Up to three or four items, and the number is immediately visible without counting.


When one such method calls another, we have to add a return type to the one doing the calling, as in this example.


The staff behind the counter are so friendly I am coaxed into buying two doughnuts in a special "deal" when I only meant to buy one.


When a component needs to use another, it declares this dependency to Seam using annotations.


Provided the purchase quantity of Party B shall reach 500 thousand, Party a shall return the mould production costs of Party B seven thousand Yuan sharp (7,000) Yuan.


Think about it: when was the last time you clicked on one of those social media badges in a row of ten or more? Isn’t it easier when there’s just a “Retweet” button?


When he comes to a river he carries one son across and returns for the other only to see a wolf making off with the first child and a lion with the second.


You should keep in mind that interoperability issues between platforms can arise when switching from one protocol to another and one software framework to another.


Finally, decide how often the CCB should meet to review change requests and determine criteria for deciding which ones to implement.


Mr Trichet takes pride in the ECB's effective monetary control over the rapidly growing euro area, which has expanded from 11 members to 17 since its creation in 1999.


SCO links are symmetric: the master sends a SCO packet, then the slave sends a SCO packet in the following slot, so the data rate in each direction is the same.


Memory is fragile. It degrades quickly and is subject to lots of errors. Don't make people remember things from one task to another or one page to another.


He has an endearing habit of licking his lips when he's nervous.


He has an endearing habit of licking his lips when he's nervous.


So I heard of this program that's in Hartford, the Hartford Theological Seminary, It's traditionally a Christian seminary.


When Alexander gets to Persia, or let's say when he gets to Egypt, he knows that there is this god Isis, this female god Isis, that's very important.


When I talked about arguments for the existence of a soul, I said, "Look, here's one possible argument.


This is actually very representative of when you do research in the laboratory, you will find often things do not work quite exactly as they worked 20 minutes ago when you just checked it in your office, for example.


It's one element like I claimed before it's sorted and so there's no work to be done.


There's a very important phenomenon that you need to take into account when you look at these histories of returns that are generated by active managers.


I'm going to give an example or example of that--of the train kind of going by you, and the sound heading off in the other direction.


So they say you should start like a Turkey and finish like an Englishman.


We have a one hour section that's designed to give you some more detailed experience, some hands on experience with some of the topics we're talking about.


He grew up in the waning years, the last years, of the Elizabethan era, and he was a boy when Shakespeare's most famous plays were first performed.


There will be an option when you pull up the tab for this particular course if you go to the course website and that will link you right to the course website.


Or in wartime? 3000?


And an analogy I like to think about is that your--when you bring your car in to repair it-- for repairs, when you're repairing your car, the first thing you do is you stomp it and shut off the engine.


Now, you realize that... By the way, when you draw a vector like A, you're supposed to put a little arrow on top.

现在,大家应该发现...,顺便提一下,当你画了一矢量,比如 A ,上面要加小箭头

Here's a hoplite standing like this, and when he comes into contact with the opposing army, he will presumably strike down in this way.


And now someone else perhaps, why did I include this -l switch followed by "cs50" at the tail end?


It's important... I think this is the crucial point... that when we say a person is just a body, we don't understand that to mean... the physicalist doesn't mean that as-- a person is just any old body.


The reason that 3' is important is that when you polymerize two nucleotides together and a third nucleotide, and a fourth nucleotide, when you polymerize nucleotides together they get polymerized, the phosphate of one gets linked to the 3' carbon of another.


So for example, when we're talking about the rights of men and women and what they should be allowed to do, many people in our society following an ethics of autonomy will argue that they should have equal rights in all domains of behavior.


When we talk about the n equals 2 state, we now have 2 squared or 4 degenerate same energy orbitals, and those are the 2 s orbital.


So before long, we'll see, especially for problems that we can't allocate an int every time we want to store something, because what if we want to store 140,000 English words.


Now, you have to understand that when you buy a bond, if you buy it at issue, you get the first coupon in six months, the second coupon in one year, the third coupon in eighteen months, and the last coupon you get at the maturity date.


When we have n observations it's just the summation i = 1 to n of 2/n.


And we also, when we solved or we looked at the solution to that Schrodinger equation, what we saw was that we actually needed three different quantum numbers to fully describe the wave function of a hydrogen atom or to fully describe an orbital.


The typical vector is called V or A or B something with an arrow on it.

表示矢量一般在,字母 V,A 或者 B,上面加箭头

So, for example, when people, and we'll talk about this next class, were looking at different characteristics spectra of different atoms, what they were seeing is that it appeared to be these very discreet lines that were allowed or not allowed for the different atoms to emit, but they had no way to explain this using classical physics.



个时 词语解析gè shí ㄍㄜˋ ㄕㄧˊ 个时(箇时) 这时。唐 骆宾王 《代女道士王灵妃赠道士李荣》诗:“箇时无数并妖妍,箇里无穷总可怜。” 宋 陆游 《感皇恩》词:“箇时方旋了,功名债。
