




  • 中佐

  • Assist in the

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。


... 大佐 'Taisa' 中佐 'Chuusa' 少佐 'Shousa' ...



  • 田中美佐子Tanaka Misako

  • 中土佐町Nakatosa

  • 中佐谷Nakasaya

  • 中岛佐奈Sana Nakajima;Sana

  • 青垣町中佐治Aogakicho Nakasaji

  • 中佐久间Nakasakuma

  • 田中美佐TanakaMisa;Misa Tanaka

  • 广濑中佐Hirose chusa

  • 邮电部长杜中佐do trung ta



The relationship between adjunctive drug (AD) and other drugs in a compound prescription and the actions of AD are very complex.


Pleasure No. 10: wine with dinner: The buzz on wine is about its heart-healthy properties, though researchers aren't entirely sure how it works its magic.


“Right now there are only 15 people in the world who know how to design a molecular machine out of DNA, ” says Washington computer scientist Zoran Popovi′c.


"Right now there are only 15 people in the world who know how to design a molecular machine out of DNA," says Washington computer scientist Zoran Popovi 'c.


World Bank President Robert Zoellick noted last week that world food prices had risen 80% over the past three years, and warned that at least 33 countries face social unrest as a result.


We must seize it, " said World Bank President Robert Zoellick in an address to his Board of Governors this fall.


Inside test tubes in his lab float microscopic, hollow spheres of fat-primitive membrane bubbles.


The main author of the report, Zeljko Kozul-Wright, says globalization has not treated everyone well or equally. She says the LDC's have been on the losers' side.

1998年,辉瑞公司发明了万艾可,其市场部高级主管吉姆·马费利说:“我认为,万艾可和e.”d .一起,已经成为文化构架的一部分。

"Viagra, and I think E.D. along with it, have become part of the cultural fabric," said Jim Maffezzoli, a senior director in marketing at Pfizer, which introduced the drug in 1998.


A number of passengers tried to help free the screaming woman from the van wreck while Enzo cradled the old man's head in his lap, holding the green muffler against his scalp to stop the bleeding.

最新的亚马逊年报再版了其创始人兼首席执行官,杰夫贝斯, 1997年给股东们的信。

IN HIS most recent annual report, Jeff Bezos, the founder and chief executive of Amazon.com, reprints his letter to shareholders of 1997.


"One could argue that we are adapted to that and that most signals are seen when people adapt to new environments," Dr. Di Rienzo said in an interview.


While on house-arrest, King Mathias urged Thurzo to bring Bathory to court and sent two notaries to collect more evidence. But Thurzo didn't act accordingly.


The local press are urging Rueda to play all-time leading scorer Carlos Pavon, who bagged seven goals in nine qualifiers, behind center forward David Suazo.


World Bank chief Robert Zoellick made a nod to this accomplishment, such as it is, in his comments Thursday.


There were about 70 participants including CIIS President Qu Xing, Russia's Ambassador to China Sergey Razov, and representatives from diplomatic, academic, and media circles of the two countries.


ZC: Our most parsimonious explanation for the highly unusual (autapomorphic ) nature of Balaur is that it represents a by-product of its insular habitat.


When administered as part of an ACT regimen, the partner drug "covers for" the artemisinin by killing the parasites that were not killed by the artemisinin.


Stavrogin and Ivan Karamazov try out the absurd truths in practical life.


Only Staff Sgt Mazzoni-Dalton had ever completed a marathon before the Gumpathon - which is the equivalent of 34 marathons for each runner.


Ten years ago, we were only starting to speak about transparency, "Zoellick said in an April 6 policy speech."


In his strongest comments yet in the debate over the dollar's reserve-currency status, Mr. Zoellick said that, 'looking forward, there will increasingly be other options to the dollar.'

特别的是,这与别列夫斯基(Boris Berezovsky)有涉,他是所谓的寡头之一,在1990年代私有化狂潮累积了巨额财富。

In particular, it involves Boris Berezovsky, one of the so-called oligarchs who accumulated vast wealth in the frenetic privatisations of the 1990s.


During Leyzaola's first year in Tijuana, thirty-two cops were killed in the line of duty-more than had died in the previous five years combined.


Defender Marko Zoric scored the only goal in the 34th minute as Teda beat Shenzhen Ruby 1-0.


She went deep Down Under the hard way, saving six match points against Kuznetsova in 4 hours, 44 minutes, the longest women's match in Grand Slam history.


She went deep Down Under the hard way, saving six match points against Kuznetsova in 4 hours, 44 minutes, the longest women's match in Grand Slam history.



中佐 中佐(日语注音:ちゅうさ,朝鲜语/韩语:중좌)是二战结束前的日本以及后来朝鲜民主主义人民共和国军队的一种军衔。为佐官的第二等军衔,相当于其他大多数国家的中校。其上为大佐(朝鲜为“上佐”,상좌),其下为少佐。
