In the condition
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
境外中资企业overseas China-invested company
联合国环境规划署中非环境中心the UNEP China-Africa Environmental Center
环境合作中心an environmental protection cooperation center
处于困境中be in trouble;behind the eight ball;in a spot;in a tight corner
中欧环境治理项目财政协议The Financing Agreement for the EU-China Environmental Governance Programme
马克思主义中国化新境界new realm in adapting Marxism to conditions in China
中美环境研究联合工作组会议U.S. China joint working group on environmental research
第四次中欧环境政策部长对话the fourth China-EU ministerial dialogue on environmental policy
中美环境合作联委会下一次会议next meeting of the Joint Committee on Environmental Cooperation
中国环境网China Environment network
This paper takes the location and time prepositions as the research subject.
这本书中的现实主义搀杂了轻松明快的色调,并成功地描绘出让人感同身受的情感,使读者宛如亲临其境,深陷入书中那些讨人喜爱,但又不甚完美的角色中去。 (并成功描绘出引人入戏的情感,这使得读者深深地卷入了书中那些动人但是又有缺点的角色中。)
Its realism, combined with a refreshing lightness and its success in portraying emotion with empathy, draws the reader into a deep involvement with the book's appealing yet flawed characters.
Great for developing in one environment and then testing in others.
In this environment, it is the database (not the instance) that is partitioned.
A binding takes data from a format in one environment and converts it into the format used in another environment.
在DB 2环境中,同一时间只有一个系统可以“拥有”存储阵列。
In the DB2 environment, only one system can "own" the storage array at a time.
Based on what we learned from semaphore issues in R4 environments, we employ the following strategies to minimize semaphore issues in R5 environments.
Some programs simply don't work in a 64-bit environment yet, because their developers made assumptions about what "all" architectures would be like.
We want all of this to work reliably and with decent performance in a P8 environment that has multiple threads, multiple processors, multiple servers, multiple tiers, and multiple users.
It's little more than a fancy small-scale version of a Scientology e-meter, a gadget that picks up on noise in the environment and makes a needle on a dial wiggle.
Repeat this first step for each node in the V4 environment.
The fixes listed in Table 1 must be applied to your V4 environment prior to your migration.
在64位环境中,支持的最大业务对象大小为500MB,而32位UNIX系统能够处理100 MB对象。
In a 64-bit environment the maximum size is now 500mb, while 32-bit UNIX systems can handle 100mb objects.
That is, SELECTs run with a 32-bit wrapper and the bridging code in a 64-bit environment were only 1% slower than the same queries run with a fenced 64-bit wrapper for the same source.
Many developers are now facing the need to port applications from 32-bit to 64-bit environments.
As described earlier, there are two techniques for using storage policies to best utilize your storage resources in a P8 environment.
These relationships frequently serve as emotional havens from the stresses of the working world. Yet these relationships also may augment rather than reduce life stress.
报表中包含布局的数据应该与CognosBI 8.4环境中生成的数据相比较,确保它在新环境中产生正确的结果。
The layout and data contained in the reports should be compared to that generated in the Cognos BI 8.4 environment to ensure that it is producing the correct results in the new environment.
以下概念对于理解存储过程在DB 2环境中如何工作非常重要?
The following concepts are important to understanding how stored procedures work in the DB2 environment.
In such an environment, if a new Content Store database is created (with a new name), the connection Settings will have to be updated on all instances of Content Manager.
在IPv 6环境中运行JMS客户端应用程序。
Running the JMS client application in an IPv6 environment.
在研究可用于更好地管理P8环境中的存储的技巧之前,先了解一些关于P8 ContentEngine如何存储文档的背景知识可能有所帮助。
Before reviewing some of the techniques you can use to better manage storage in your P8 environment, it may be helpful to go over some background on how the P8 Content Engine stores documents.
当您的DB 2环境中启用了evaluateuncommitted行为时,您应该清楚,谓词计算可能发生在为提交的数据上。
When the evaluate uncommitted behavior is enabled for your DB2 environment, you should be aware that predicate evaluation may occur on uncommitted data.
With every year of inaction the risks posed by climate change grow, according to a new report requested by Congress. David Biello reports.
With every year of inaction the risks posed by climate change grow according to a new report requested by Congress. David Biello reports.
异步更新允许将数据更改传播到Web 2.0环境中的各个客户端。
Asynchronous updates let data changes propagate to the clients in a Web 2.0 environment.
在DB 2环境中开发应用程序。
Application development in a DB2 environment.
There are two primary techniques for using storage policies to best utilize your storage resources in a P8 environment.
Locates a VM playing the corresponding socket role in the same environment.
Locates a VM playing the corresponding socket role in the same environment.
Now, it is possible to have sense without the sound of sense pass muster but makes very dull reading) and the sound of sense without sense .
中境 【拼音】 zhōng jìng 【注音】 ㄓㄨㄙ ㄐㄧㄥˋ 【引证解释】 1. 犹中土,指中原地区。《魏书·礼志一》:“正位中境,奄有万方。” 2. 心境。 宋 陶谷 《清异录·衣服》:“ 武帝 缘金丹示孽,中境躁乱。”