vi. centre
设计实验室 - 超平面 灵感互通 设计互动 关键词】 中心 边缘 建筑 景观 [gap=527]Key Words: Centre, Edge, Architecture, Landscape
... sway:使摇动;支配;偏向一边 epicenter:震中;中心 sporadical:零星的 ...
core(中心), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
- centre; centrum; centrality; kernel; heart; core; hub:
a centre of trade;
business centre; hub of commerce;
- 短语:
- 中心包体 {地} central inclusion;
- 中心边缘理论 centre-periphery theory;
- 中心标度 centre scale;
- 中心标记 centre mark;
- 中心表现 central representation;
- 中心波长 centre wavelength;
- 中心布线方式 wire centre system;
- 中心部位 centre;
- 中心差 {天} equation of the centre;
- 中心差分 centered difference;
- 中心差分公式 central-difference formula;
- 中心差分算子 {数} central-difference operator;
- 中心车站 key station;
- 中心城市 central city; key city;
- 中心齿轮 sun gear;
- 中心齿轴 {钟} centre pinion;
- 中心冲 centre punch; prick punch;
- 中心冲孔 centre punching;
- 中心冲头 {设计} centre punch; prick punch; dotting punch;
- 中心抽头 centre tap; C.T.; tapped centre;
- 中心抽头变压器 centre-tapped transformer;
- 中心抽头电路 centre tap circuit;
- 中心抽头电阻 centre-tapped resistance;
- 中心抽头电阻器 centre-tapped resistor;
- 中心抽头副圈 centre-tapped secondary;
- 中心抽头键控法 centre tap key (推挽放大器);
- 中心抽样检验 {纺} core test;
- 中心处理厂 central treatment plant;
- 中心传动 centre drive;
- 中心传动车床 centre drive lathe;
- 中心床身式连续自动工作机床 {机} centre column transfer machine;
- 中心床身式钻床 centre column drilling machine;
- 中心锤 centre weight;
- 中心词 centre word;
- 中心带宽 midbandwidth;
- 中心单板 core veneer;
- 中心地 central place;
- 中心地学说 theory of central place;
- 中心点火器 central igniter;
- 中心电极 central electrode;
- 中心电极阴极射线管 centre-electrode cathode-ray tube;
- 中心定位点 centre spot;
- 中心度 {数} centrad;
- 中心对称 central symmetry; centrosymmetry;
- 中心对称晶体 centrosymmetrical crystal;
- 中心二次曲线 central conic;
- 中心发电厂 central electric power station;
- 中心发火 centre fire;
- 中心发射台 central transimitting station; central wireless station;
- 中心阀 centre valve;
- 中心法则 central dogma;
- 中心纺锤体 central spindle;
- 中心放气孔 centre vent;
- 中心封合 central involution;
- 中心负荷 central concentrated load;
- 中心负载 central loading;
- 中心高度 centre-height;
- 中心工作 central task;
- 中心管道现象 chimneying;
- 中心规 centre gauge;
- 中心硅藻 centriate diatom;
- 中心辊 breast roll;
- 中心函数 central function;
- 中心航道 mid-channel;
- 中心核 centronucleus;
- 中心滑块式连接 centre-block type joint;
- 中心化子 {数} centralizer; commutant;
- 中心环节 key [main] point; central [key] link;
- 中心缓冲器 central buffer;
- 中心会聚 centre convergence;
- 中心汇率 central exchange rate; central rate;
- 中心激励天线 centre-driven antenna;
- 中心极限定理 {数} central-limit theorem; central limit theory;
- 中心极限定律 {经} central limit law;
- 中心计时系统 common timing system;
- 中心计算机 central computer;
- 中心计算装置 central computing complex;
- 中心间 between centres;
- 中心间距 on centres;
- 中心剪丝钳 end cutting nippers;
- 中心焦点 gonglion;
- 中心浇道 {冶} central runner;
- 中心浇口 trumpet assembly;
- 中心脚 centre pin;
- 中心角 centre angle;
- 中心角尺 {设计} centre square;
- 中心接线头 centre-taped centre;
- 中心阶乘矩 {数} central factorial moment;
- 中心截面 central cross-section;
- 中心结 centre junction;
- 中心结构 division centre;
- 中心结合 heart bond;
- 中心进料机 central well;
- 中心进气通道 {工} eye;
- 中心静脉压 {医} central venous pressure; CVP;
- 中心酒 tiswin; tizwin;
- 中心聚焦 centre focus;
- 中心矩 central moment;
- 中心距离 centre distance;
- 中心均值 {数} central mean;
- 中心均值算子 {数} central-mean operator;
- 中心开裂 central burst;
- 中心孔式喷嘴 central-hole nozzle;
- 中心孔隙 central porosity;
- 中心控制 {系统} central control; positioning control;
- 中心控制台 central control board;
- 中心跨距 central span;
- 中心快门 central shutter;
- 中心馈电 apex drive (天线的);
- 中心拉紧螺栓 central tension bolt;
- 中心励磁式 central-excitation system;
- 中心立轴 king;
- 中心立轴盖 kingpin cover;
- 中心立轴盖衬 kingpin cover gasket;
- 中心立轴活动键 kingpin draw key;
- 中心立轴止推轴承 kingpin thrust bearing;
- 中心粒 centriole;
- 中心粒团 {细胞} microcentrum;
- 中心联接器 centre coupler;
- 中心连接法 centre-to-centre method;
- 中心连线 {钟} line of centres;
- 中心裂缝 centre cleavage;
- 中心裂纹 centre burst;
- 中心零位(式)仪表 centre zero instrument;
- 中心流钢砖 king brick; spider brick;
- 中心轮 {钟} centre wheel;
- 中心螺钉 central screw;
- 中心螺栓 centre bolt;
- 中心螺旋角 mean spiral angle;
- 中心冒口 {机} centre riser;
- 中心面 central plane;
- 中心秒针计时器 sweep-second;
- 中心模 central mode;
- 中心磨床 centre grinder;
- 中心磨床附件 centre grinder attachment;
- 中心目 centrales;
- 中心囊 central capsule;
- 中心内龙骨 centre-line keelson;
- 中心凝聚物 {天} central condensation;
- 中心耦合环 centre-coupled loop;
- 中心排矿球磨机 centre-discharge ball mill;
- 中心盘 {工声} spider;
- 中心胚周质 central periblast;
- 中心配流 centrally-ported;
- 中心批发市场 central wholesale market;
- 中心偏移 off-centring;
- 中心频率 centre frequency; mid-frequency;
- 中心破碎强度 radial crushing strength;
- 中心剖面 centre section;
- 中心气旋 central cyclone;
- 中心气压 {气} central pressure;
- 中心千分尺 hub micrometer;
- 中心曲柄 centre-crank;
- 中心曲轴 centre-crank shaft;
- 中心缺口试样 centrally-notched specimen;
- 中心群体 central population;
- 中心燃烧式均热炉 bottom centre fired pit;
- 中心燃烧式热风炉 centre combustion stove;
- 中心人物 central person;
- 中心任务 central task;
- 中心润滑 central oiling; centralized lubrication;
- 中心设备声频混频器 central sound mixer;
- 中心设备视频混频器 central vision mixer;
- 中心生毛体 centro-blepharoplast;
- 中心食{天} central eclipse;
- 中心势 central potential;
- 中心市场 central market;
- 中心实验室 centralab;
- 中心试验器 centre tester;
- 中心收敛 centre convergence;
- 中心疏松 {机} centre porosity;
- 中心丝 central hair (光学仪器的);
- 中心四线组[四心绕组] centre quad (电缆的);
- 中心缩孔 central pipe;
- 中心索 axial cable;
- 中心锁定 centre-lock;
- 中心弹簧杆 centring spring rod;
- 中心掏槽 centre cut;
- 中心调节 {电子} centring control;
- 中心调节电流 centring current;
- 中心调节放大器 centring amplifier;
- 中心调整 centre regulation; centering control; centring; centering;
- 中心调整磁铁 centring magnet;
- 中心调整电路 centring-control circuit; centering circuit;
- 中心调整电位计 centring potentiometer;
- 中心调整管 centring tube;
- 中心调整器 centring adjuster;
- 中心调整线卷 centring winding;
- 中心调整线圈 frame coil; centring coil; picture control coil;
- 中心跳跃 {气} centre jump;
- 中心通道 central passage;
- 中心投影 central projection;
- 中心透视 perspective;
- 中心图解法 centrograph;
- 中心土墩 dumpling;
- 中心外圆磨床 centre-type cylindrical grinder;
- 中心外圆磨削 centre-type cylindrical grinding;
- 中心位置调整电路 positioning circuit;
- 中心位置调准电路 centring circuit;
- 中心问题 central issue; crucial question;
- 中心舞台 theatre-in-the-round;
- 中心系核线 centronema;
- 中心系统 centring system;
- 中心弦 centre chord;
- 中心项 {哲} central term;
- 中心销 {设计} centrepin; core pin; main pin; king bolt;
- 中心小学 central primary school;
- 中心小轴杆 {钟} centre staff;
- 中心心轴 {钟} centre arbor;
- 中心星{天} central star;
- 中心修理厂 central repair shop;
- 中心选矿厂{采矿} customsplant;
- 中心血库 a blood centre;
- 中心压力调节器 central pressure regulator;
- 中心遥控 {自} centralized telecontrol;
- 中心意识 centred consciousness;
- 中心阳极光电管 central anode photocell;
- 中心阳极式光电管 central anode type phototube;
- 中心阴极光电管 central cathode photocell;
- 中心阴极式光电管 central cathode type phototube;
- 中心幼体 {无脊椎} kentrogon;
- 中心载荷 centre-line load;
- 中心站 centre;
- 中心支承 centre bearing; pivoting bearing;
- 中心支持系统 centre support system;
- 中心支柱 centre strut;
- 中心值 central value;
- 中心指零式(测量)仪表 centre zero meter; zero centre meter;
- 中心中导孔纸带{计} centre feed tape;
- 中心周球 plasmosphere;
- 中心轴 central shaft; spigot shaft; centre pin;
- 中心轴承除泥罩 centre bearing mud slinger;
- 中心轴承防尘罩 centre bearing dust shield;
- 中心轴承壳 centre bearing housing;
- 中心轴承壳盖 centre bearing housing cap;
- 中心轴承壳软垫 centre bearing housing insulator;
- 中心轴承托架 centre bearing housing bracket; centre bearing housing carrier;
- 中心轴线 central axis;
- 中心轴柱 (蒴果) central column;
- 中心柱形阀 centre spool valve;
- 中心注口 trumpet;
- 中心砖 centre runner brick;
- 中心转接 central switching;
- 中心装料centre charging;
- 中心装料法 method of centre charging;
- 中心锥体 conical inner body;
- 中心钻 centre bit;
- 中心钻孔 centre-drilling hole;
- 中心最大磨削直径 maximum grinding diameter on centers
以经济建设为中心to take economic development as the central task; to focus on economic development;to take economic development as the central task;focus on economic development;accelerating the economy
世界贸易中心[贸易]World Trade Center;WTC;Putra World Trade Centre;Central World
呼叫中心Call Center;call centre;CTI;call
国际金融中心international financial center;International Finance Centre;IFC;financial centre
迪拜购物中心The Dubai Mall;DUBAI MALL;Dubai Shopping Mall;Dubai Mingl
中心线[数]Center line;[数]centre line;axis
以人民为中心making the people the central focus of development;put the people first
企业技术中心Enterprise Technical Center;enterprise technology center
加工中心[机]machining center;CNC;FANUC;MC
She now also does pottery classes at a community centre.
The centre will serve the whole community.
The centre is easily accessible to the general public.
The centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering.
The centre is run on a non-profit basis.
Tokyo and New York are major financial centres.
Burgundy has always been considered a major centre of gastronomy.
Fires were burning out of control in the centre of the city.
Rioters caused havoc in the centre of the town.
The cab speeded them into the centre of the city.
A regular bus service connects the train station with the town centre.
Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre.
State occasions always centred around the king.
She was forced to the centre of the political stage.
The meeting will be held in the community centre.
The centre offers activities like canoeing and sailing and such.
The shopping centre took the full force of the blast.
The centre of pressure moves rearward and the aeroplane becomes unbalanced.
The prison camps were euphemistically called 'retraining centres'.
I started by asking how many day-care centres were located in the United States.
The major centre for language is in the left side of the brain.
The naked male figure was always the central theme of Greek art.
Our offices are in the city centre.
Tokyo is a major financial centre.
The tremor was centred in the Gulf of Sirte.
The shopping centre is not roofed over.
She thinks that the world revolves around her.
The island's social hub is the Cafe Sport.
Factories were spreading outwards from the old heart of the town.
The vice-president is increasingly being sidelined.
How does that fit in with your esteemed chair of the Louis Center of the Arts and Pulitzer Prize winning poet?
I mean, you can go anywhere and everywhere, and USF is located in the heart of San Francisco, so.
The work that goes on at the Center for Educational Computing Innovations really falls into three Different intersecting areas.
It brought Judean religion closer to monotheism because you have the insistence of worshiping one god in his one central sanctuary.
If the element of surprise is to become absolutely central and paramount in the reading process, the gap has to get bigger.
I'm going to say, quite to the contrary, the positive charge is concentrated at the center in a tiny, tiny, tiny volume.
So ever since then and when I came back to Princeton, then we formed a center to study those problems.
According to Eliot, the modern world lacks a center, a kind of set of collective beliefs and commitments that would enable communication between us.
Now, probably the form of power that we most readily associated with John Milton involves his position at the dead center of the English literary canon.
The city center, the town, would be the center of this, and that's where the institutions would be, that's where the government would be, that's where the different buildings would be that I'm going to explain later.
She was a Catholic, and she very much made her Catholicism at the center of all the things that she said about her fictional practice.
So, which atom would you expect to be in the center of a Lewis structure for thionyl chloride?
So in January, 2005, I joined the positive psychology center as the director of education and senior scholar.
It used to be employed by the Space Research Center at the specific Institute of Technology.
Thus, the city structure itself, the way the city was built with houses along the canals reflects the economic primacy of global trade.
Unlike the ancient near eastern cities, these towns do not grow up around a temple or a marketplace, confluence of rivers as they do in medieval Europe.
But... I really like the student center because there's a lot of places you can eat in there,
Most of our real estate exposure is institutional -acquisitions of office buildings -largely in major markets-- central business districts.
The centrality Aristotle ascribes to politics forces us to consider another question ? namely what is the purpose of this study?
The Northern cities, seats of market culture, commercialism, manufacturing, were immigrant cities.
You get a lot, lot of studios further downtown like around NYU and Chelsea and all of that.
It's, also... I think it's fairly unique in New York because it's almost like a shopping mall.
Deuteronomy will insist that all worship must occur in one central sanctuary and these outlying areas, and their asherot are to be destroyed.
OK, then it says draw a single bond from each surrounding atom to the central atom, and subtract two valence electrons.
All of the poets we read, even that New England hayseed, Robert Frost, begin their careers in metropolitan centers, primarily in London and New York.
And I thought the best way to illustrate some of that Was to talk a little about some of the projects.
then what you have is a carbon in the middle with three hydrogens around it, and then it can only be bonded to one other thing.
We'll talk about humble in a minute, but I'm interested now in the word prevent, which for me is really the central word of this remarkable stanza.
In other words, the world is no longer anthropocentric; it's linguistic.
中心 "中心"是个多义词,它可以指中心(词语),中心(火影忍者中人物)。