




  • 中恶

  • The evil

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公布中文名称:中恶英文名称:noxious pathogen attack定义:神气不足,卒感秽浊不正之气,以突然头晕呕恶,呼吸困难,不省人事,移时或经治而解为主要表现的疾病。应用学科: 中医内科妇科儿科(一级学科); 内科(



  • 林中恶鬼Waldteufel

  • 空中恶战Windhawk

  • 盒中恶灵Jinx in a Box

  • 为中恶性危险度Intermediate Risk

  • 心中的恶魔The Devil Inside

  • 其中恶性高热综合征MHS

  • 其中恶意软件隐藏where malware hides

  • 恶语中伤evil speaking;Verbally abusive;viciously slander;to calumny maliciously



White highlights all that is bad in human nature.


The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detector was used for the simultaneous determination of oxolinic acid and flumequine residues in fish tissues.


Degradation dynamics and final residues of hymexazol in Polygonum capitatum Buch were estimated by GC-FPD with pre-column derivatization.


For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, saith the LORD.


From Pandora's box, where all the ills of humanity swarmed, the Greeks drew out hope after all the others, as the most dreadful of all.


Now surrender those wicked men of Gibeah so that we may put them to death and purge the evil from Israel.


Dioxins occur as a complex mixture in the environment and in food.


Nothing could be so poignant and so terrible as this face, wherein was displayed all that may be designated as the evil of the good.


The film begins with the prologue to "Swan Lake," in which the sorcerer Rothbart casts his evil spell.


True, you don't have the benefit of meeting you pup's parents but rescued puppies are thoroughly examined for any illness or condition, are socialized by staff and trained early on.


In another incident, elevated dioxin levels were detected in animal feed in the Netherlands in 2006 and the source was identified as contaminated fat used in the production of the feed.


To commemorate this semi-historic event, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite badass fighter chicks from recent movie history.

与业界宣称的相反,在美国,对销售的个人护理产品甲醛、1,4 -二烷和其他大多数有毒化学物质的含量限制并没有监管标准。

Contrary to industry statements, there are no regulatory standards that limit formaldehyde, 1, 4-dioxane or most other toxic chemicals in personal care products sold in the United States.


Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment and they accumulate in the food chain, mainly in the fatty tissue of animals.


Trimming fat from meat and consuming low fat dairy products may decrease the exposure to dioxin compounds.


This is because new regulations, due to come into force in 2011, will require crematoriums to filter out toxic substances such as dioxins and mercury from waste gases.


In the environment, dioxins tend to accumulate in the food chain.


Long-term storage and improper disposal of this material may result in dioxin release into the environment and the contamination of human and animal food supplies.


Morality is extremely central to our lives, and a deep question, which we will struggle with throughout most of the course, is the question of good and evil, evil and good.


Dioxins are included in this monitoring programme.


In late 2008, Ireland recalled many tons of pork meat and pork products when up to 200 times more dioxins than the safe limit were detected in samples of pork.


Now since God is himself the transcendent source of all being and since he is good, in a monotheistic system there are no evil agents that constitute a realm that opposes God as an equal rival.


In real life if you presumed the other side as malicious it would indeed treat you with maliciously.


Moreover, dealing with rogues is high on Europe's agenda.


What does it take to identify and measure dioxins in the environment and food?

4 -二烷是一个叫做乙氧基化的化学加工过程的副产品,在这个过程,化妆品原料和环氧乙烷一起进行处理。

4-dioxane is a byproduct of a chemical processing technique called ethoxylation, in which cosmetic ingredients are processed with ethylene oxide.

28件被测产品的17件- 61% -同时含有甲醛和1 4 -二烷。

17 out of 28 products tested - 61 percent - contained both formaldehyde and 1, 4-dioxane.

28件被测产品的17件- 61% -同时含有甲醛和1,4 -二烷。

17 out of 28 products tested 61 percent contained both formaldehyde and 1, 4-dioxane.

28件被测产品的17件- 61% -同时含有甲醛和1,4 -二烷。

17 out of 28 products tested 61 percent contained both formaldehyde and 1, 4-dioxane.


You can figure Milton asking in this poem Lycidas if it's true: is it true what the Elder Brother said, ? that virtue is always rewarded and evil punished?


It used to be thought before people were very careful- we know that they do every terrible thing in the world in the Peloponnesian War.


in his great depiction of hell in Books One and Two) to avoid the standard epic scenes of the torture of the damned, for example, with which we're familiar if we've read Homer or Virgil or, of course, Dante much later.


Morality is extremely central to our lives, and a deep question, which we will struggle with throughout most of the course, is the question of good and evil, evil and good.


Now since God is himself the transcendent source of all being and since he is good, in a monotheistic system there are no evil agents that constitute a realm that opposes God as an equal rival.


that is to say, of knowing good by evil.


And so the pagan picture of an amoral universe of just competing powers, good and evil, Kaufman says, is transformed into a picture of a moral cosmos. The highest law is the will of God and that imposes a morality upon the structure of the universe.



中恶 中恶 ①病名。又称客忤、卒忤。感受秽毒或不正之气,突然厥逆,不省人事。出《肘后备急方》卷一。《证治要诀·中恶》:“中恶之证,因冒犯不正之气,忽然手足逆冷,肌肤粟起,头面青黑,精神不守;或错言妄语,牙紧口噤,或头旋晕倒,昏不知人。即此是卒厥、客忤、飞尸、鬼去。吊死、问丧、入庙、登家,多有此病。苏合香丸灌之,候稍苏,以调气散和平胃散服,名调脉平胃散。”《诸病源候论·中恶病诸候》有中恶候、中恶死候、尸厥候、卒死候、卒忤候、卒忤死候、鬼击候、卒魇死候、魇不寤候、自缢死候、溺死候、中热喝候、冒热困乏候、冻死候等。②经外穴名。《肘后备急方》:“五尸者……灸乳后三寸十四壮,男左女右。不止,更加壮数,差。”《医宗金鉴》列作经外穴,名中恶。近代《中国针灸学》易名传尸。在胸侧部,乳头外侧3寸处,约当第四肋间隙。主治疰忤,腹痛,胸肋痛,肋间神经痛等。艾炷灸3-5壮;或艾条灸5-10分钟。又,祸祟邪气所导致的病证,即中恶、客忤、中(撞)客者等,或名祟病。
