In the said
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
规则定义中说明Outside agency
谚语中说Proverb says;Says in Proverbs
少年中国说Young China
无意中说漏了嘴It was a slip of the tongue
随着中说With that said
昨夜梦中说爱迩Dream last night said love you;ream last night said love you
中性观察说theory-neutral observation
在信中说The Letter Said;The Letter Says
你可以在定单中说明You can order the instructions;You can order description
The Georgian leader said in a radio broadcast that he still favoured dialogue between the opposing sides.
In the document, it says that all goods shall be shipped over before the due day.
Tom proudly marched into a thick clump of sumach bushes and said, "Here you are!"
They said on the radio last night that a storm was coming in from the mountains and the morning paper forecast heavy rain.
As I mentioned in my comments, I'd like you to place your grandmother's concert in a broader context.
County manager Jason Ward said in a statement, "I'm not pleased that so many bees were killed."
So they got some cheap socks, and they advertised to give a pair away with each bowl of soup.
The Ethiopian statement says that there is "no definitive explanation" for the crash near the Lebanese capital, which occurred during stormy weather.
You know, I must say I was pleased to hear from you, but from what you said on the phone, everything is so sudden.
"This way you can save a lot of money," Shelly Lara, 42, said in an interview.
The calm General Petraeus later confirmed in a TV interview that some scaling back of the surge was probable.
Li Enhui said in an interview, "As long as we are alive, there are no problems that cannot be solved, and many people don't have my experiences."
"We have never come across anything like the situation," Chris McGuire, sports marketing manager for Adidas soccer, said in a statement.
Eventually these were superseded by "small clock", or French, hours, which split the day into two 12-hour periods commencing at midnight.
美国联邦调查局发言人在一份声明中说,在机场安检处进行X 光安检时,该可疑物品就在他随身携带的行李中。
The item was in his carry-on during X-ray screening at a security checkpoint at the airport, an FBI spokesman said in a statement.
"The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did not, on tasks that assessed their ability to rotate and translate shapes," Levine said in a statement.
当问到他的iPad 中有什么时,Flake在电子邮件中说:“我日前装了一款'记事本'的应用程序。”
Asked what's on his iPad, Flake e-mailed: "I have a 'notepad' app that I checked the other day."
首席研究员Saho Takagi在一份新闻稿中说:“猫利用对噪音或声音的因果逻辑的理解来预测看不见的物体的出现。”
"Cats use a causal-logical understanding of noise or sounds to predict the appearance of invisible objects," lead researcher Saho Takagi says in a press release.
Huang said in an email response Monday to questions.
In his remarks, Li Zhaoxing said that this round of talks had enjoyed a good start.
In his email, Mr. Kinnucan said he refused to tape any calls.
'I've repeatedly told him to go out with other people,' she said in an interview.
Recall from my earlier discussion that CBC asks for cipher-block chaining.
Mr. Obama spoke in a pre-recorded interview that aired on the NBC television network.
That was the narrative she clung to, when he refused to say “fidelity” in their wedding vows.
That was the narrative she clung to, when he refused to say “fidelity” in their wedding vows.
De Broglie, 1924, in his PhD thesis says if an electron has wavelike properties this would be its wavelength.
The best things, as they say, "Best things in life are free" and it really is true that, you know,
President Obama, I think, recognized that and has said that there are other people in this administration looking at those questions.
That echoes his words in Genesis 1 where he proposes, "Let us make humans," or humankind, "in our image."
She's probably said way more than enough in her testimony to the potentially apocalyptic power of her virginal speech.
So, a lot of them were in this little community, and they picked up wanderers and various people who wanted to learn from them.
Now in the passage I gave you, Freud says a very interesting thing, which is that after all, we have absolutely no objective evidence that the unconscious exists.
This is Hobbes' answer to Machiavelli's famous call in chapter 25 to master fortuna, to master chance or luck, fortune.
I want to talk about government regulation of insurance because I said that was an important aspect of insurance.
But occasionally there is this one little remnant of the old CGS system, centimeters-gram-second, and this is one.
If in my thought experiment I say to my friend, "Well, I know why you're feeling that way.
Last time we said we had three kinds of texture in music which are: monophonic, homophonic and polyphonic.
A candidate could say during an election that "I'm a moderate candidate, I'm at position 5" but you might not believe him or her.
If we are neutralists, we're going to say, the question is, what would the contents of my life have been, for the next year, ? ten years, whatever?
Some people said of him in real life he had a little button nose. I don't know from some pictures of the look, if they were without make-up.
Aristotle in his Politics says this: "As man is the best of the animals when perfected, so he is the worst of all when he is divided away from the law and justice."
I know I have the wrong glasses on the see hands up too, but... STUDENT: PROFESSOR: Who said it?
And there is Owen, in uniform, a handsome young man. This is all, as I say, very much part of the transmission of Owen's poetry.
When you get exposed to that particular antigen they say, 'I'm on, it's my time'.
So, as I said, this was first discovered and isolated from the jellyfish.
He wrote his son in 1704, he said, "I may die tomorrow, but be sure that you have little pleasure if you fail to follow my example.
In an 1850s anti-slavery speech she said, among other things, this conclusion in effect, she's answer the question now, "Why has slavery boomed and persisted and grows still?"
That's not to say that sacrifice is abolished, it's not to say that sacrifice isn't important to Deuteronomy--very far from it, it's an essential part of God's service for Deuteronomy.
We looked last time at Saint Peter's declamatory speech in Lycidas, and we spent a lot of time on it.
There are no signs or fruit of religion," he says, " "but in man only," he says in chapter 12.
We know that two vehicles are going to come along and not help Tony and that the third vehicle will, because everything, as I say, happens in threes in folklore.
Let me just also say there are a thousand things to talk about in this novel, so I hope you'll get to some of them in section. And if you want to write about this, it's a very rich novel for writing your papers.
To make life easy, we're going to assume that this political spectrum has ten positions.
简单点说,一系列政治主张中 共有10个立场
You cannot imagine, it seems to me, in the world that Hesiod describes, Achilles or anybody else saying, "Well, you insulted me and so I'm not going to fight anymore for my polis."
中说 "中说"是个多义词,它可以指中说(汉语词汇),中说(刘克庄诗作)。