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In his long career, Horton turned around two entire divisions.


Patten scored his second touchdown of the game.


Balton went broke twice in his career.


Police have recaptured Alan Lewis, who escaped from a jail cell in Boston.


Mr. Easton was crippled in an accident and had to leave his job.


In one 1990s experiment, a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton asked participants to write essays opposing funding for the disabled.


In his lifetime, Hutton patented 244 inventions.


It is true that an increased inventory of finished products often indicates that production is outstripping demand, but in Burton's case it indicates no such thing.


To familiar faces such as Dylan Thomas and Richard Burton have been added new icons such as Catherine Zeta·Jones, the movie star, and Bryn Terfel, the opera singer.


In the last three chapters, he takes off his gloves and gives the creationists a good beating.


The "coca" in the name referred to the extracts of coca leaf that the drink's originator, chemist John Pemberton, mixed with his sugary syrup.


This fantastic suggestion startled Hendon out of his reverie.


In Boston in the winter, this experiment worked very well because we were always in an environment full of static electricity.


So I can put that on the application for the grant, that I plan on using material from that library for my research, and figure a trip to Boston into my budget?


By their tremendous heroism, men such as Shakleton, Scott, and Amundsen caused a new continent to emerge from the shadows, and yet that heroic age, little more than a century old, is already passing.


Andrew talked about the class list and gave you some ways of understanding those pictures in Gaston Godin's apartment.


It is unclear whether the items sourced from Easton for Anglomania have now been excised from the collection.


The concept of "slight pause" comes from the break made in reading unpunctuated ancient writings.


They say that distractions, such as playing on the computer or checking email, make it harder for us to remember what we have eaten for lunch.


But on an outing earlier this month Mr Rolston appeared flummoxed by news that the queue of ships waiting to enter the port and load coal had stretched that morning to a record 70 vessels.


The day after they were married, Clapton brought Pattie on stage and sang this to her at his show in Tucson, Arizona.


In the case of Boston, enterprise technologies and telecom were always strengths.


While he is gone, Cathy meets Hareton on the moors and learns of her cousin and Wuthering Heights' existence.


In pages from a notebook da Vinci’s slanted “mirror” writing describes the guests at a dinner.


Those games were added Friday to the three that already were set when the 2011-12 schedule was originally unveiled: Boston at New York, Miami at Dallas, and Chicago at the Los Angeles Lakers.


Bolton didn't address those issues in the report.


Like Holden Caulfield in the Catcher in the Rye, Benjamin's goal is to avoid the phonies he sees all around him.


Like Holden Caulfield in the Catcher in the Rye, Benjamin's goal is to avoid the phonies he sees all around him.


Its difficulty lies in Milton's tendency in this poem to seek out what Dr. Johnson wonderfully calls remote allusions.


Milton devotes a lot of time in Areopagitica to making a number of attempts to distinguish licensing from censorship.


So finding spaces... -Yes What do you think... What kind of progression do you expect a student to have for their four years here?


In Lycidas, Milton looks back at the Elder Brother's theodicy, and it's almost as if he's attempting to test its validity.


Now in these two books we've seen Milton dig up and discard just about the entiretradition of epic poetry.


Now this isn't the first time that we have in Milton the representation of the turning of a person to marble.


In making this point, Milton has just made us, I think, almost utterly unwilling to effect this justice that he himself has called for.


In this pamphlet, this prose treatise, Milton is looking back at this exuberant affection for the very idea of chastity that he had held in his youth.


We will see Milton returning to all of these questions in Paradise Lost.


I think there's a connection here between the image from the commonplace book and the treatment in Milton's mask of this strangely conjoint phenomenon of virginity and speechlessness.


You can figure Milton asking in this poem Lycidas if it's true: is it true what the Elder Brother said, ? that virtue is always rewarded and evil punished?


How troubling though -- this seems undeniable -- and how strange that Woolf really at her most radical is echoing the very words of the power that she's opposing!


So in "At a Solemn Music" and in the poem "Arcades," Milton turns to what he considered to be the greatest song of all: the music of the heavenly spheres.


This densely tangled thicket of clustered consonants in this amazing couplet is a signal to us of the weight, of the import, of this terrible event.


We're being asked to accept the fiction that Milton is having this very poem laid at the blessed feet of the infant Christ.


It shouldn't be difficult to see a kind of problem that is beginning to arise in Milton's text here.


It's also a subject that we can find in the reading journal that Milton kept for the better part of his life.


Milton is able in this speech to combine, I think, for the first time the two associations borne by that Latin word pastor.


I think this might be the first time that John Milton is actually attacked or brought to the attention of the English people in print.


But the unmistakable physicality of the heaven imagined in the poem about Diodati gives us some idea, I think, of how to read the end of Lycidas.


In this final assertion of the body Milton, I think, is able to recover his theodicy, his attempt to justify the ways of God here on earth.


The language of Homer and of Virgil and of Pindar and of Ovid had become an inextricable part of his literary imagination and of his consciousness in general.


Now one of the entries in Milton's commonplace book that touches on the subject of chastity strikes me as a particularly charged one for its terrifying image of violence.


As we read this passage, we sort out Christian myths from Egyptian myths, or let's say we sort out from what with Milton be Christian truth from Egyptian myths.


In some important way, I think, the Lady can be seen as being in the same position that Milton had been representing himself in so many of the early poems.


Now on one level of this passage, Milton's describing this modern condition as the product of the Fall.


We might be able to understand some of the weird, anxious energy behind this stanza if we think of the phrase that Milton uses here: the phrase "Infant God."


You may remember that I had suggested in the lecture on the Nativity Ode that Milton may have thought of his career as if it were something like a race.


In the works that Milton is going to be publishing now with greater and greater frequency, it's this Spenserian ideal of marriage that will be the new and, believe me, the endlessly complex Miltonic subject.


It's with this image of a brooding impregnation that Milton announces the presence in his poem of his most potent, what I think is the most interesting, theological innovation that he comes up with here.



中顿 《资治通鉴·唐高祖武德五年》:“ 突厥 比数为寇,良以 马邑 为之中顿故也。” 胡三省 注:“中顿者,谓中道有城有粮,可以顿食也。置食之所曰顿, 唐 人多言置顿。”《宋史·礼志十七》:“﹝巡幸之制﹞中顿侍食,百官就宿顿迎驾讫,先发,或道涂隘远,则免迎驾。”
