




  • 为从

  • For from

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。


Special machines » 专用机床 for from » 为从 If there is a good time for you, then I can arrange my schedule » 如果没有你的好时机,我可以安排我的日程 ..



  • 因为从有到无Gone not around longer;A Girl In Love;focus CAP&Chunji

  • 为从事更专业性的工作for more specialized work

  • 想知道成为从者前的SABER

  • 因为从内心我意识到Course inside I realize;Cuz inside I realize

  • 可分为从价税advalerem duty

  • 因为从内心Cuz inside;Cause inside I realize

  • 认为从think from;VIEW FROM

  • 因为从逻辑another push

  • 作为从设备Secondary Device



Nigerian military drenched in sweat from the blazing heat and demanded registration papers for anything from engine parts to hubcaps.


The differentiating sequence is from archicortex to paleocortex and to neocortex.


This burner is designed for high temperature radiation from the burner block.


Preparing a JRE for running the installation from a batch file.


It also updates the network configurations to access the WPAR from outside.


A regular queue destination can be configured to receive messages from a foreign bus.


To efficiently maximize the performance from the given configuration, follow these rules.


Notice that Scala provides some shortcuts for importing more than one class from the same package.


A JDBC provider is configured to connect to the database from the applications.


The first step prior to installation is to ensure your BIOS is configured to boot from a CD.


In the above output, rep1 is defined as a non-master replicate and rep2 is defined as master replicate.


This application will provide a directory of employee contact information designed to be accessed from mobile devices.


Start the listener at the target for the receiver end of the channel from the source by issuing this command.


It will eventually be connected to a solar panel, allowing it to power everything from lamps to laptops.


The newly created activity diagram contains one node for each business process step read from the text file.


Every hour, the hour hand moves from one number to the next (in this case, it is moving from 3 to 4) which represents 30 degrees.


This means you don't have to do anything special to set up for the OS boot from SAN DS8000.


XQuery is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard designed specifically for extracting information from XML documentation.

通过允许您将条目设置list 中弹出(删除并返回),pop方法支持这些功能。

The pop method supports these capabilities by allowing you to set the item to be popped (removed and returned) from the list.


Primary health care provides the best model for comprehensive services, from prevention, screening, and early detection, to long-term care that engages communities.


In some cases application-specific caches can be designed in such a way that they lookup the required data from some data source that is transparent to the client.


It has been entirely designed to run from the Phar archive file, yet still provides the ability to store its configuration file outside the Phar archive.


Change the MDB's deployment descriptor to configure it to get messages from the queue on which WebSphere ESB puts them.

本文演示如何使用gnuplot 和批文件sar或其他数据源收集的数据生成图形。

This article demonstrates how to use gnuplot using a batch file to generate data collected from sar and other data sources.

ppackage - name—设置生成的类的目标包(缺省WSDL命名空间生成)。

P package-name - Sets the target package for generated classes (default is generated from WSDL namespace).

用于指定单个十六进制值的语法助记符 ,其中NN 00到FF 的十六进制数字。

The syntax for specifying a single hexadecimal value is mnemonic where NN is a hexadecimal digit in the range 00 to FF.


In this case, you create a new tuple whose values are the first, second, and 10th values from the initial tuple.


Design it as inheriting from both Serializable and Work, just to assure we can serialize operation results.


WebSphere CloudBurst provides management capabilities for the virtual systems created from deploying patterns that exist on the appliance.


Depending on the author, blogs are updated anywhere from several times a day to once every week or two.


And from the titles we know he considered for this book, none of them make that claim "The Life of Richard Wright."


First we have the "Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff," and the pilot stands ab extra, from outside, in the simile.


Let me cluster them because really what I have, sorry, separate them out. I've gone from one problem size eight down to eight problems of size one.


We start at p1, V1. and p external is equal to zero.


And the way it manifests itself, as you know from just how people talk, is you're compulsive, you're clean, you're stingy.


And from that to the further claim that whatever we mix our labor with that is un-owned becomes our property.


We have the preamble, and the historical background to the covenant in God's summary introduction to the people in Exodus 20: "I am Yahweh who brought you out of the land of Egypt."


So in the summer of 2001, we decided to switch gear from a backend technology provider to a front-end consumer-oriented search service.


Last time, I alluded to Yeats's involvement in the Abbey Theater, beginning in 1904.


So similarly, as we now move up only one more atom in the table, 3 so to an atomic number of three or lithium, now we're going from six variables all the way to nine variables.


A 100% uncertainty in the position 15% gives rise to a 15% uncertainty in velocity.


Could it be that the hidden throb I stole from them did not affect their future? I had possessed her, and she never knew it.


I'm not aware that there is such a thing as Southern art," Said Shelby, "At least not if you're defining it by technique.


Yen worked on the course last year and she's the senior of the teaching fellows that are working on the course this year.


Here's another version of an argument that goes from inference to the best explanation.


The tax, as of 1862, was 3% on incomes 3% over $600 a year.


I just like it or I just don't like it according to principles that can be understood as arising from the faculty of judgment and not from the faculty of the understanding, which is appetitive, and the faculty of reason, which is moral.


It's the way to store energy in a place that protects it, packs it away, and keeps it for pregnancy and for nursing the baby, so it's very important from a reproductive point of view.


that is,people who were administered,who are governed, but in the sense of having people passing papers back and forth, and having to sign every damn thing you could ever imagine- it's just unbelievable-- before they ever thought of themselves as being citizens.


All of Milton's labors in the cause of liberating England from the tyranny of monarchy had in some way - could be construed as having been useless.


I got thisfrom Google Images, typing in "cute baby," getting rid of the porn andcoming on to that.


Does stuff change phase to go from liquid to solid and so forth, right?


So let's look at the second example, all right, I keep doing that -- this piece of code from here to here gives me a way of now creating a hash table of size 256.


And what it's saying semantically is, using that variable as my placeholder, have it walk through this collection, starting at the first thing, execute that code, then the next thing, execute that code, and so on.


In Democracy in America there's that famous passage, or passages, when Tocqueville crosses the Ohio River, from Ohio into Kentucky, from free soil into slave soil, free state into a slave state.


It's like we have laws of thermodynamics that underlie the use of engines, but you can't just go from the laws of thermodynamics to an automobile; there are a million steps along the way.


What I'd like to do today is talk to you about how it is that we moved from this old model to what it is that today many institutions call the Yale model.


So at the end of this first lecture where I've gone some way I am trying to tell you what Biomedical Engineering is about, I thought I would try to relate it in a different sort of way.


Now as you can see from the handout, Milton is discussed in a very different manner a year later 0 in a work published by Mary Astell in 1700 and in an even more remarkably feminist cry for the liberation of women from what she describes and characterizes as domestic oppression.



为从 wéi cónɡ 为从(为从) 附从。多指从犯。《老残游记》第四回:“这家就报了案,经这 玉大人 极力的严拿,居然也拿住两个为从的伙计。”
