




  • 主首

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  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 社会主义首先要发展生产力To Build Socialism We Must First Develop the Productive Forces

  • 迪士尼公主首饰系列Disney Princess Jewellery Collection

  • 首席主教Primate

  • 主题的首届设计师沙龙Salon de Designer

  • 首支主打Ready For Love;Krazy;Rock It;My Prerogative

  • 首波主打Swagger Jagger;Nothing Here But Love;we'll never know

  • 主编卷首语Preface by Chief Editor

  • 首都大主教eparch

  • 首要宿主primary host



I heard afterwards from his daughter that he went to his eternal youth with the song "How sweet is thy mercy, Lord!" on his lips.


"Don't ask me how or why," she sings in "The Fame," her debut album's title track, which recalls the genesis of her career, "but I'm gonna make it happen."


They have won the World Cup twice, first at the inaugural event in 1930, and then in 1950, when Brazil hosted the tournament.


It is the causeless mercy of the Supreme Lord that he always tries to bring us back home, back to Godhead.


This paper demonstrates the selection of main dimensions, design of hull lines and determination of channel parameters for a high-speed twin-hulled planing boat, which is first built in China.


Any one who accepts this philosophy of God's Mercy in suffering conditions, and still makes progress in Krishna Consciousness, it is said that he is sure to go back to Home, back to Godhead.


As you get more comfortable, bring the main workout back to its original level and extend the first run to 40 minutes.


"I Love You This Big" was the lead single from "Clear As Day. " The song opened at Number 32 on Billboard's Hot Country Songs chart, which was the highest debut entry for a new artist since 1984.


"Friends" is a popular and classic inspirational song. It was first released in 1997 by the famous singer Chau Wakin, it was the hits of the album which was in the same title, "Friends".

以一数码单曲《LACHATA》开始在歌坛活动,很快由这五个魅力十足的女孩组成的组合就赢得了关注,打歌《LA CHA TA》也开始被越来越多的传唱。

With a digital single la CHA of musical activities in the ta, quickly from the five glamorous girl won the combination of components, the title of la CHA ta also begins to be more and more.


Chapter 8 yuan, Mu Zhou Tonglu who registered six Scholars Dali first. Zhen Yuan, the adjusted principal book Death Jurong. Poetry volume, this deposit 6.


Lord ! Lord, you who are the creator of all (Herr! der du alles wohl gemacht (), Liebeslieder for voice & piano No. 6

感谢赐给我一美好的诗歌。 愿用这音乐祝福您和您的教会。

Thank you Lord for giving me this melody to go with Psalm 23.

感谢赐给我一美好的诗歌。 愿用这音乐祝福您和您的教会。

Thank you Lord for giving me this melody to go with Psalm 23.



主首 zhǔ shǒu 1.头领。《宣和遗事》后集:“留下千户五人,内一主首名 啜鸡兀 。” 元 刘致 《小桃红·武昌歌妓》曲:“温柔乡里甲头,无何乡里主首,便权一日也风流。” 2.主持寺观的僧道。 宋 沈括 《梦溪笔谈·官政一》:“又召诸佛寺主首谕之曰:‘饥岁工价至贱,可以大兴土木之役。’於是诸寺工作鼎兴。” 宋 赵彦卫 《云麓漫钞》卷六:“﹝佛寺﹞ 隋 曰道场, 唐 曰寺,本朝则大曰寺,次曰院。在法寺有寺主,郡有僧首,总称主首。”
