




  • 书课

  • The book class

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 证书课程Certificate;Graduate Certificate;Certificate Program;Higher Nitec

  • 国际预科证书课程International Baccalaureate Diploma Program;IB Diploma

  • 学历证书课程CERTIFICATE;Certificate Programmes

  • 研究生证书课程Graduate Diploma;Graduate Certificate

  • 国际私人教练证书课程IHFI;IPTA

  • 法律专业证书课程PCLL

  • 英文证书课程CEP

  • 局证书课程Higher Nitec

  • 英语证书课程Embassy Certificate of English;Certificate in English;ATICP



For example, the "brand book rooms division classes, community talk about family film credit" to 10 feature the ninth is the parent class.


Unfortunately, I've never taken a course in an organic chemistry course, but I've started reading some books about it lately.


Four years later, Goethe published a book titled Color Lesson.


I have to teach the same course books several times in the summer holiday camp, which is sometimes boring and not well-paid, but by and large, I am quite delighted in being with young people.


There're only 2 weeks of classes left in the semester and there are like 6 books on the syllabus that we haven't even touched.


She has an English class this morning, so she brings her English book.


We will be talking about papers in the section.It will be helpful to you it will also give you a chanceto talk about these books so please do go.


We get hundreds of books on the health desk every year. Few are as amusing as this 212-page crash course in wellness.


This seems to be the best reference on which to build a textbook, since it is a standard on the subject and covers what most U.S. history students study in high school and college.


"I knew what I was doing that day," he wrote in the introduction of his best-selling book, also titled the Last Lecture.


I read Hemingway, tended to tutorials, and talked to my friends, including a fascinating new one.


That way they eliminate (mostly!) those last-minute anxieties over whether someone has soccer shoes for the first practice, the books for a report, or a ride to a music lesson.


Do you need to take a course, read a book, make a phone call, create a proposal, or write a letter?


Phoebe takes a literature class; Rachel decides to come with her, but doesn't bother to read the books.


In the second half of class, I will introduce to you and start telling the first story of the term, and that's about Richard Wright's Black boy which is our first reading of the term.


Also, we see the letter of Ephesians — again, claims to be by Paul but I'll argue is not by Paul when we get to that lecture, way into the semester.


For example, Mike Hernandez, taught a database design course and based on the course crafted a bestselling book, database design For Mere Mortals, now in its second edition.

这门我准备用一本精彩的作为框架,SaraBasse的“agift offire,第二版”。

I'm going to use the framework from a wonderful book, a Gift of Fire, 2ed. by Sara Basse. 2.

最近的一次会议上,我得到一本,RandyPausch 的《最后一 》。

At a recent conference, I was given a copy of the book, "The Last Lecture, " by Randy Pausch.


Near the end of each class we can talk to our friends about our books.


This chapter covers the prerequisite topics for Red Hat's RH300 course in a minimum of detail, with references to other books and sources for more information.


This lesson must be gone over again.


My reason for cutting some classes could be accepted. I was learning more from reading the books that I borrowed from the library.


I read all the books in English and go to most of the lectures.


I read all the books in English and go to most of the lectures.


When we started with the entire class, I showed the children how to bind the book by hand.


It's really easy to go back to my room between classes and get my books,


Unfortunately, I've never taken a course in it, but I've started reading it lately out of just my broad intellectual interest.


Those are questions that are going to frame the two lectures that I give on this novel.


Next time reread for the third time - you will be repaid by your dedication - Books One and Two, this time focusing on the similes. Also, as I mentioned at the beginning of class, read the essays by Stanley Fish and Geoffrey Hartman.


Now one of the books that will be assigned for the class is by Michael Pollan called, In Defense of Food, and he spends some time in that book discussing and he has a very interesting take on it.


This is a research done by Sonja Lyubomirsky-- I mentioned her book in the first class: "The how of happiness".


He said, "Well, he dropped out when he saw this book and the requirements."


This will be a theme of my course and also a theme of this book, Irrational Exuberance.


Jeremy Siegel, in his book, which is assigned for this course, is really emphasizing this capital asset pricing model, emphasizing the kind of efficient portfolio frontier calculations that I've done.


Let me read you a quick excerpt by Abraham Maslow who talks about this approach, "If one took a course or picked up a book on the psychology of learning, most of it, in my opinion, would be beside the point - that is, beside the 'humanistic' point.



书课 shū kè 1.书载官吏考绩。 唐 包佶 《立春后休沐》诗:“定知书课日,优诏许辞归。” 2.指修习的课业。 宋 陆游 《春雨》诗:“黯黯阴连月,萧萧滴到明。窗昏减书课,弦缓咽琴声。”
