




  • 事条

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  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 反事实条件counterfactual condition; contrafactualité;counterfactual condition;Kontrafaktisches Konditional

  • 海事条例Ordonnace de la Marine

  • 宗教事务条例the Regulations on Supervising Religious Affairs;the Regulations on Religious Affairs

  • 美国军事条例和规范ARMY

  • 反事实条件句counterfactual conditional;counterfactual conditionals

  • 人事条例Staff regulations

  • 海事条件maritime condition

  • 刑事罪行条例Crimes Ordinance

  • 领事条例consular act

  • 军事条约military treaty;military treaties



This is the clue as to what is going on.


Make a To Do list (and cross at least one thing off).

现在,摆在这些公司面前的,主要有两路:一是收购其他公司(百公司前不久才收购了两大饮料品牌);二是把钱交给股东们——想象他们欣喜若狂,就不会再把钱攒起来了。 ---》they指代firms,公司现在有钱了,很high,不像金融危机那样紧巴巴不敢花钱了。assume假定

They have two main options: acquisitions (Pepsi has just bought its two main bottlers) or payouts to shareholders—assuming they are cheery enough to stop hoarding cash.


All the stuff you're doing that seems hard - it will be of use. This is the first one that might not be as obvious.


As you put each item down on paper, imagine yourself setting aside that concern.


Some parents, understandably, have a very hard time with this one. They may feel that anything their kids do is their business.


Because that will lead you to find a way to make money doing what you love.

好,假设我们现在是这样的情况:你正沿着一街走,想着自己的。 突然,一只长得不错的狗不知道从哪里走了出来,并且像最卑鄙的东西一样报复世界。

Fine, so we’ve all been there: You’re walking down the street, minding your own business, when out of nowhere, a beautiful dog emerges and wreaks like the most wretched thing on the planet.


This one comes first because if you get everything else right, but don’t absolutely nail this, nothing else really matters.


Among the first things they did when they took ownership was to try to claim a county road that passes their property, erecting a sign that identified their land as "Thunder Mountain Ranch."


So the first thing that we want to do, if we're thinking about something like this, is just to determine exactly what orbitals are causing the five different lines that we're seeing in the spectrum.


Take the learner down a garden path where everything makes perfectsense until it explodes.


And so the next thing you do is you call up a journal and say I've discovered a fundamental law of nature.


Since the first remark seems to emphasize that everything is relative and the other appears to focus on matters of hygiene, both were posted on the Internet without incident.


They're not scared to seriously intervene if they see that something is seriously bad for you or if you're going down the wrong path.


Pete, one of these days we'll have to get you a crying towel! You complain about everything twice as much as anybody else who works in our office. Don't be such a crybaby!


The physicists give a simplified example of how this can happen: trying toreach a destination either by using a short but narrow bridge or a longer butwide motorway.


If there's a universal truth in health news lately, it's that being overweight isn't good for your health.


Her final employment was to gather sea-weed, of various kinds, and make herself a scarf, or mantle, and a head-dress, and thus assume the aspect of a little mermaid.


That is all pretty good.Let me tell you now what if I have to compute flux along a closed curve and I don't want to compute it.


It shouldn't be in there but this cute baby has decided to make the best of an odd situation by trying to eat his way out of a watermelon.


Whether it's as simple as an embarrassing text message sent, a drunken confession of love or something a little bit more bizarre, it's usually the sort of thing we wouldn't do while sober.


Growers producing unexceptional coffee must either cut costs to compete with big, mechanised farms-impossible for most-or improve quality.


Notice that Luke knows this,Luke is giving us a clue that he knows he's taking this passage out of its context from where he found it because the people say, "Do for us what you did in Capernaum."


Now, we are appalled in the West at the notion of eating dog while considering it natural to have a dog as a pet - I own a Beagle myself (" Ned ") and I'm very fond of him.


Taylor also took to her MySpace Celebrity page to dispel pregnancy hearsay: "I read a very creative rumor this morning saying I'm pregnant, which is the most IMPOSSIBLE thing on the planet."


Taylor also took to her MySpace Celebrity page to dispel pregnancy hearsay: "I read a very creative rumor this morning saying I'm pregnant, which is the most IMPOSSIBLE thing on the planet."


I would put them in my room and hang them all over the walls and just look at them and wonder what was happening at this particular intersection or in this area or how to get down this road most efficiently.


That's a choice, and that choice turns out to be very interesting and really important, because if you connect these two points together, you get a straight line that has to intercept the x-axis at some point.



事条 唐 吴兢 《贞观政要·纳谏》:“陛下初即位,诏书曰:‘逋租宿债,欠负官物,并悉原免。’即令所司,列为事条。”
