the 24 solar terms (立春 the Beginning of Spring ; 雨水 Rain Water ; 惊蛰 the Waking of Insects ; 春分 the Spring Equinox ; 清明 Pure Brightness ; 谷雨 Grain Rain ; 立夏 the Beginning of Summer ; 小满 Grain Full ; 芒种 Grain in Ear ; 夏至 the Summer Solstice ; 小暑 Slight Heat ; 大暑 Great Heat ; 立秋 the Beginning of Autumn ; 处暑the Limit of Heat ; 白露 White Dew ; 秋分 the Autumnal Equinox ; 寒露 Cold Dew ; 霜降 Frost's Descent ; 立冬 the Beginning of Winter ; 小雪 Slight Snow ; 大雪 Great Snow ; 冬至 the Winter Solstice ; 小寒 Slight Cold ; 大寒 Great Cold)
请将下面这段中文翻译成英文: 清明 清明是我国二十四节气(the twenty-four solar terms )之一,一般是在每年的4月4日至6日前后。人们庆祝清明节大约始于东周时代,距今已有两千五百多年的历史。
- the 24 solar terms (立春 the Beginning of Spring; 雨水 Rain Water; 惊蛰 the Waking of Insects; 春分 the Spring Equinox; 清明 Pure Brightness; 谷雨 Grain Rain; 立夏 the Beginning of Summer; 小满 Grain Full; 芒种 Grain in Ear; 夏至 the Summer Solstice; 小暑 Slight Heat; 大暑 Great Heat; 立秋 the Beginning of Autumn; 处暑the Limit of Heat; 白露 White Dew; 秋分 the Autumnal Equinox; 寒露 Cold Dew; 霜降 Frost's Descent; 立冬 the Beginning of Winter; 小雪 Slight Snow; 大雪 Great Snow; 冬至 the Winter Solstice; 小寒 Slight Cold; 大寒 Great Cold)
中国二十四节气solar term
What is the seventh one in the 24 Solar Terms?
What is the second one in the 24 Solar Terms?
Today is in the Chinese 24 solar terms hoar frost descendings.
Your cable is traditional our country 24 winter solstice in the solar divisionses.
What does people summed the 24 Solar Terms up from?
What Are the 24 Solar Terms?
Grain rain is one of the 24 solar terms.
Vernal Equinox or Spring Equinox is the fourth solar terms in the total twenty-four.
Spring Festival because it was said, referring to the 24 solar terms in the "beginning of spring."
Because it was said the Spring Festival, refers to the 24solar terms of"spring".
Astronomically, the Twenty-four Solar Terms are defined according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic.
Qingming festival is one of the solar terms, and also a very important festival in China.
The 24 solar terms were determined by the changes of the sun's position in the zodiac all through the year.
The beginning of spring, he first one of the 24 solar terms, is regarded as the beginning of spring by the Chinese folks.
Ching Ming Festival is one of the lunar calendar, turn in mid-spring and late spring, that is, 106 days after the winter solstice.
Since China has a vast territory and a varied terrain the Twenty-fourjieqis are just referential to many places in other parts of the country.
The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coodination with the changes of Nature).
From the names for the 24 solar terms, we can see that their division follows the changing seasons and climates.
Qingming is one of the twenty-four solar terms and also a traditional festival for sweeping tombs and offering sacrifice to ancestors. It is a day between April 4th and 6th in the Gregorian calendar.
The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coodination with the changes of Nature).
One year four seasons and 24 solar terms should be based on the lunar calendar, so the calendar in "the first snow in 2002" is the lunar calendar.
二十四节气中的四立, “立春”,“立夏”,“立秋”,“立冬”在农历中都代表着新季节的开始,是中国古代重要的节日。
Thee four beginnings of the seasons were important festivals in ancient times. Before the Start of Winter, the ancient emperor would take a shower and have no more meat.
China's '24 solar terms' is a knowledge system and social practice formed through observations of the sun's annual motion, and cognition of the year's changes in season, climate and phenology.
China's '24 solar terms' is a knowledge system and social practice formed through observations of the sun's annual motion, and cognition of the year's changes in season, climate and phenology.
China's 24 Solar Terms is a calendar of twenty-four periods and climate to govern agricultural arrangements in ancient China and functions even now.
China's 24 Solar Terms is a calendar of twenty-four periods and climate to govern agricultural arrangements in ancient China and functions even now.