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从量税(又作从量关税)specific duties
从从容容Taking my time;unhurried
顺从、依从comply with;give into;give in to
从从容容才是真China Drug Store
你可从从我眼神中看出you can see it in my eyes
从前从前ONCE IN A WHILE;beat by Hoteenz;Once Upon A Time;In the Past
I mean you get larger numbers from Latin America or… -Yes. Well, of all the students enrolled last year, nearly half were from overseas.
In Canada children begin at 5 years of age in kindergarten, or a formal pre - school.
The Eisenhower Matrix takes a step towards identifying the important from the non-important stuff.
They are learning how to extract oxygen and other vital elements from lunar rocks and soil.
Every aspect of design imaginable is represented here, from industrial design and architecture to graphic design, fashion and furniture.
Scientists speculate that the problem is partly a modern one, because parents don't get as much help at home as they did in previous generations.
He talks of "creating or saving" no fewer than 4m jobs and of completing a withdrawal from Iraq within 16 months of taking office: the clock is about to start ticking.
“Playing games is so important to everyone’s childhood from little kids to teenagers, though it’s a bittersweet experience, ” said Zhan.
The number 13 has long been considered unlucky by superstitious people around the globe. How fitting, then, that Bill Gates' reign as the world's richest person ends after his 13th year at the top.
这些活动打出了漂亮一击,销售额从从1980年初120万猛涨*2到年末的1520万。 *2: Go throughtheroof: 英国习语,形容商品的猛涨。
The Eau campaign was a marketing coup and sales went through the roof from 12 million bottles in 1980 to 152 million by the end of the decade.
Departure times are 08:15 from Baltimore, and 10:15 from Newark.
Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.
"Where do you get this stuff?" asks Leroy. "From your pappy?"
I told her the crossover from actress to singer is easier than singer to actress.
I found wood carving satisfying, and painting fun.
About 600 U.S. athletes will compete in 30 different sports at the Games—from swimming to fencing, and from judo to gymnastics.
As long as you remember that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, everything can be explained.
They would love to buy anything from him, from underwear to shoes to sports drinks.
"They must scurry back through the grimy crevices from where they had crept," says the New Times.
Time would finally change us from babies to adults and our parents from adults to the elderly persons.
Latent heat is absorbed or released whenever matter changes phase, as when matter changes from liquid to gas, for example, or from gas to liquid.
Maybe you could gather capital from other sources, smaller loans from more lenders.
Reducing waste by incorporating used materials into production can cut costs and decrease the price of procuremen: less to be procured from the outside and more to be re utilized from the inside.
Time will transform us from babies into adults and our parents from adults to old men.
众所周知,从谷歌到欧莱雅,从IBM 到富国银行,很多公司都在工作场合进行了某种程度的游戏化。
Companies from Google to L'Oréal to IBM to Wells Fargo are known to use some degree of gamification in their workplaces.
5 billion between November and December—an increase from 3.
He learns everything from his family from baby time till old age. He sees his family walking and then he tries to follow them.
Imagine being able to get fashion advice from your mirror, or receive food shopping suggestions from your refrigerator.
The quickest way to get from Paris to Frankfurt, from Barcelona to Madrid will be by train, not plane.
The quickest way to get from Paris to Frankfurt, from Barcelona to Madrid will be by train, not plane.
Just look at those lines again: rom Morn to Noon he fell, from Noon to dewy Eve, A Summer's day.
She starts at the beginning of her day and goes through task after task, chore after chore, project after project
We started with gaseous sodium to make gaseous sodium ion and gaseous atomic chlorine to make gaseous chloride ion through electron transfer.
And also in a very sort of pragmatic sense, in a negative way, it's tax-deductible.
Now, it's evident from the schematic representation or the way I've described the sanctuary that holiness increases as you move deeper into the sanctuary.
So again, idea on the left, fairly straightforward, idea on the right, same but just looks a little different.
a You know that what will happen is that heat will flow from a to b from b to c and from a to c. That's common-sense.
The better way to think about this is, suppose, rather than starting at the beginning, I just grabbed some spot at random, like this one.
Similarly we see as we go down the table, so as we're going from one row to the next row, so, for example, between helium and lithium, we see a drop; the same with neon to sodium, we see a drop here.
So,for example,now if you want to go from-- say you're in Lyon and you want to go to Bordeaux, you're going to be broke.
All cell membranes have these channels within them, and under their resting conditions sodium is moving from outside to inside, potassium's moving from inside to outside.
They are also, and we see this from their relationship between one another, and the way they speak to one another, they are also highly competitive, super achievers.
And I'm observing them from a particular perspective, from a particular standpoint.
I have it shown with the--the vertical lines on this chart indicate recessions and this shows--this is from 1948 to 2007 and every recession that we've had since 1948 is shown.
In Democracy in America there's that famous passage, or passages, when Tocqueville crosses the Ohio River, from Ohio into Kentucky, from free soil into slave soil, free state into a slave state.
And if the goalie dives to the right, you're best off shooting to the left, second best off shooting to the middle, and worst off by shooting to the right; and that's kind of common sense.
The poems come to you abstracted from the contexts in which they were originally produced and read, from their place in a body of work, in a book, in a magazine, in a life that produced it.
But also, there is this sense of imagination, and you get that in the dreaming waters; you get that in the sense of travel or the image of the road that you can see in the green and red vegetables stretching away in their rows to the bright horizon.
So, what I want to do is start off small, with the smallest interesting part of the brain and then get bigger and bigger and bigger talk about how the small part of the brain, the neurons, the basic building blocks of thought, combine to other mental structures and into different subparts of the brain and finally to the whole thing.
In fact, I used to go to church in Harlem. And it was...We would walk to and from church.
And I don't have to worry about these relative dimensions because we know from Marsden's calculations that, on the length scale that I have shown here, these would be just tiny little dots.
We just did some basic breathing techniques and what's called guided imagery where you picture yourself being your true self, from what works in your past, what feels right in your past.
We just go through the list top to bottom, left to right, and cross names off as we go.
Now, the top is different from the bottom because the sperm came in this side physically and not the other side.
With that in mind, I want to point up to the two quotations that I put on the board to start us off today: "I like his eyes.
B And when you get a B from me... now, I say me, this is the royal me.
So the Hund's Rule is telling us to put the two electrons in separate orbitals unpaired as opposed to we should not put them in like this, like some librarian might want to fill nicely from left to right, up and down.
Each consumer is going to buy one product, either from Firm 1 or from Firm 2.
It was here, from a place of political exile, that he wrote his major works--The Prince, the Discourses on Livy, and The Art of War.
One of the advantages of an evolutionary perspective on the mind is that it forces us to look scientifically at what we would otherwise take for granted.