




  • 代作

  • Generation of a

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 交代作用[地质]metasomatism;metasomatosis;metasomatose;[地质]replacement

  • 现代作品选讲Lectures on Selected Contemporary Writings

  • 取代作用substitution;metalepsy;displacement;isomorphous substitution

  • 现代作家neoteric;Modern Writers;contemporary writer

  • 当代作家Contemporary Writers;contemporary authors

  • 当代作品Contemporary

  • 直接取代作用direct substitution

  • 间位取代作用metasubstitution

  • 代作文章人ghostwriter

  • 浸染交代作用disseminated replacement



By using examples, the author analysed and summerized the compound nouns'rhetoric functions as metaphor and metonymy.


G.M. in particular is involved in the development of lithium ion batteries to power the next generation of cars.


But a new generation of molecular biologists is starting to give that old adage a decidedly high-tech twist.


The Lord reigns forever, your God, o Zion, for all generations.


Any male descendant of Aaron may eat it. It is his regular share of the offerings made to the Lord by fire for the generations to come.


Travis starred on stage opposite Al Jolson in 1926, the song Singin' in the Rain was written for her to sing in 1929 and she starred in a string of Hollywood movies in the 1920s.


I read Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, a book by Edwin Lefevre about Jesse Livermore, a famous 1920s speculator whose nickname was the Boy Plunger of Wall Street.


And two oxen, five RAMS, five male goats and five male lambs a year old, to be sacrificed as a fellowship offering. This was the offering of Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai.


It might lack the surprise of the series first outing, but BioShock 2, for us, and we’re sure many of you remains head and shoulders above most first-person shooters around.


And two oxen, five RAMS, five male goats and five male lambs a year old, to be sacrificed as a fellowship offering. This was the offering of Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai.

其中有一首,我想你们会说它是我的“”——野马。 现在它反响很好,并且第一次在电台播出时、是由Terry Wogan(BBC著名的电台主持人,从60年开始就主持节目了)播的!

One of the songs, I suppose you would call it a signature tune, 'Wild Horses', has had a great reception and was first played on the radio by Terry Wogan!


Tonight, I come before you less as an icon of pop (whatever that means anyway), and more as an icon of a generation, a generation that no longer knows what it means to be children.


They also bridge the gap between the high school students and the Rotarians, leading by example and mentoring the future generations of Rotary.

在设计方案中,采用第四IPM半桥主电路,以性能好、功能强的数字信号处理器TMS320 LF 240 X DSP为控制器。

In the plan of design, the fourth generation of IPM is used as the main half-bridge circuit and TMS320LF240X DSP with good performance and strong function is used as a controller.


I can't make that decision for you; you will have to use your judgement.


In the 1980s, the Special Committee began allowing a delegation from the Islands to make presentations at the Committee's meetings, despite Aspatria's protests.


It can directly influence the next generation's health condition. So our P. E. workers must set on example for the development of whole people's physical benefit and make a due contribution.


As a famous poetess of her generation, Li Qingzhao expressed females' passion, an important element in the field of human minds.


Workers bees use this hormone to sterilize the food fed to larvae, protecting the next generation and contributing to the collective immunity of the hive.


Second-generation phototypesetter A computer aided phototypesetting system using flash tube as the light source and a rotating film matrix for exposing the film or paper.


His slick debut novel, "The Wish Maker", the story of three generations of a middle-class Lahore family, was one of the first titles launched by Hamish Hamilton on the subcontinent.


Fourth-generation phototypesetters: phototypesetters that use laser as light source for exposure.


W electrode is used instead of the imperfect mo electrode in the molten-salt electrolysis of nd. The fabrication steps and connection method of W electrode is investigated.


Vessel: contact with freight forwarder, book the shipping space, entrust the forward to clear the customs, get cargos loaded, confirm the bill of lading, settle the fares.


The paper is intended to classify male images in Wang Anyi s works and make an analysis of her writing purposes based on her writing psychology at that times.


The paper is intended to classify male images in Wang Anyi s works and make an analysis of her writing purposes based on her writing psychology at that times.



代作 代作是一个汉语词语,拼音是dài zuò,意思指递相出现。
