Generation of room
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
现代室内设计modern interior design
当代室内色彩设计Contemporary Color Design
王室代表representatives of royal families
当代室内细部设计Contemporary Details
当代室内设计The Art Of Contemporary Interiors
德国现代室内乐团Ensemble Modern
现代室内the modern interior
室町时代Muromachi period
时尚现代室内设计Fashion Modern Interior Design
Offices became increasingly feminized during the 1960s.
Five studios, "The Big Five", worked to achieve vertical integration through the late 1940s, owning vast real estate on which to construct elaborate sets.
"The RAAF Super Hornet will bring a new generation of air power to Australia," said Group Capt. Steve Roberton, Head Air Combat Transition Office, RAAF.
In the 1970s he and Rita moved to North End, the Oxfordshire farm where they still live and keep their studio.
他们在伦敦唯一的样车陈列室,仍然保持着50年前开张时的老样子- 木制的办公室,褪色的国旗还有1960年代的老家具。
Its sole London showroom still has the same wood-paneled offices, sun-bleached British flags and 1960s furniture as when it opened 50 years ago.There are no computers.
Delft studio WAM Architecten have completed a hotel that looks like a pile of houses in Zaandam, the Netherlands.
In the past, 'the Baby Boomers kept office romance secret' amid fears of career damage or reprisal, says Helaine Olen, co-author with Stephanie Losee of 'office Mate,' a book on the topic.
How fast is the new supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory?
For a sense of how bold a move this is, you can turn to China's Internet chat-rooms, where young nationalists raised on an official pap of anti-Japan diatribes seem puzzled.
He spent the early 80s living in south London bedsits, flat broke and lonely, working on his craft as a comedian.
But when it comes to the younger set, women may be finding more opportunities to cheat via interoffice affairs and the good 'ole World Wide Web.
Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett, from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, report their concerns in the journal Nature.
The younger generation may not give too much thought before writing a complaint about a patient or bad day at the office;
According to the Office for National Statistics, levels of contentment have remained the same, at around 87 per cent, for the past ten years and are lower than during the recession in the 1970s.
The set, in a former factory, was made to look like a 1950s FBI office, complete with dated newspapers, ashtrays, and file folders marked CONFIDENTIAL.
The Proper Names Translation Office was founded in the 1950s as part of an effort to unify and standardize the country.
Just like that, his signature bowl cut with the flirtatious fringe hit the cutting room floor in favor of a gelled, layered look that harkens back to the New Wave singers of the 1980s.
Asmara became an Art Deco laboratory during the 1930s for designs that seemed, well, just too out there for mainland Italy.
位于劳德代尔堡的布林克利·摩根的婚姻与家庭法律团体律师Jodi FurrColton,在一对夫妇来她的办公室时说道:“他们生活在两个不同的世界。”
Jodi Furr Colton, an attorney with the marriage and family law group at Fort Lauderdale's Brinkley Morgan, said by the time couples arrive at her office, "they are living in two different worlds."
After expanding by 1.3% a year in the 1990s, it grew by just 1% from 2000 to 2010, and the Congressional Budget Office predicts that over the next decade it will grow by only 0.7%.
“如果这是在1980年代,我得需要一间角落办公室,”25岁的理事会会员暨MarketingZen创始人夏玛·卡巴尼(ShamaKabani)坦言,Marketing Zen是一家达拉斯的数字化营销公司,年收入达7位数。
"If this were the 1980s, I'd need a corner office," says Shama Kabani, 25, a Y. E. C. member and founder of marketing Zen, a digital marketing firm in Dallas, with yearly revenue in the seven figures.
或许是受到了1950、60年代的核微粒遮蔽所的启发,比尔·庞斯(BillBounds)站在他在曼哈顿海滩洛杉矶郊区自建的烟雾报警室的入口。 时间为1971年。
Perhaps inspired by the nuclear-fallout shelters of the ‘50s and ‘60s, Bill Bounds stands at the entrance to his underground smog-alert chamber in the L.A. suburb of Manhattan Beach in 1971.
During his exile from Apple in eighties, he became the chief executive and majority shareholder of Pixar Animation Studios, until it was acquired by the Walt Disney Company in 2006.
The Plan 9 operating system was created by Bell Labs in the 1980s as a research operating system and successor to UNIX.
Su remembers when he kept a sleeping bag at the office but that was in the late 1990s, when Microsoft still reigned as one of Wall Street's better stories.
Gone are the smoky 1970s offices where secretaries bustled around fetching armfuls of paperwork for their bosses, archiving cardboard files in dusty cabinets.
Gone are the smoky 1970s offices where secretaries bustled around fetching armfuls of paperwork for their bosses, archiving cardboard files in dusty cabinets.
代室 【拼音】 dài shì 【注音】ㄉㄞˋ ㄕㄧˋ 【条目】 代室 【引证解释】即世室。古代帝王举行祭祀、庆赏等大典以宣明政教的地方。 唐 李白 《明堂赋》:“采 殷 制,酌 夏 步,杂以代室重屋之名,括以辰次火木之数。” 王琦 注:“代室即世室也, 唐 以 太宗 讳,改‘世’为‘代’也。 蔡邕 《明堂论》:‘ 夏后氏 曰世室, 殷 人曰重屋, 周 人曰明堂。’”参见“ 明堂 ”。