




  • 代马

  • Generation of the horse

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 当代马克思Actuel Marx

  • 马代马堡Castel Madama

  • 代马孕酮delmadinone

  • 马尔代夫Maldives;The Republic of Maldives;mv;Mingdives

  • 溴代马来酸酐BROMOMALEIC ANHYDRIDE;Bromofuran-2,5-dione

  • 代马克司Acetazolamide

  • 托马斯·哈代Thomas Hardy

  • 后现代的马克思主义post-modern Marxism

  • 代马克斯Myelotrast



Mules are universally substituted for horses on the farms.


Researchers have found high levels of mercury in fish caught in Madre DE Dios.


The Shadow Effect, by the leading spiritual healers of our time — Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford, and Marianne Williamson — is one of the most recent efforts at getting people to understand this idea.


Madge nodded. "But I can't understand his friendliness toward you - unless it's because you're from the Klondike."


Marco Tardelli was to earn himself a place in football lore for his wild celebration of Italy's second goal, putting the Azzurri into a lead which was to prove beyond the Germans.


Britain's youngster mother, Tressa Middleton, from Armadale, West Lothian, gave birth aged 12 in 2006.


Mark Mather: We have all these baby boomers who are just now starting to reach retirement age.


When I was child growing up in Louisville, Kentucky, in the late 1950s, I lived in constant fear of horses, cats, dust, shellfish and tomatoes.


In the late 1970s, Ms. Maathai began the Green Belt movement to help poor women in rural communities meet their most basic needs.


The only point where they meet is that on July 18th, the 24-year old mother of one child, and the wife of a priest in the town of Deir Mawas, 400km south of Cairo, vanished from her home.


But in the nineties, with Libya isolated by international sanctions because of Qaddafi's refusal to hand over suspects in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, Osama had struggled to make a living.

但是1940年中期与哈塔•甘地(Mahatama Gandhi)在他的修炼道场一起生活过之后,某些事情在他身上发生了。

But after living with Mahatma Gandhi in his ashram in the mid-1940s, something had happened to him.


In the 1880s the British poet and culture critic Matthew Arnold paid two visits to the U.S. to observe the native customs.


Until oil and gas made it rich, beginning in the 1960s, this tiny, scalding, pancake-flat peninsula scarcely boasted a settled population, let alone a town of any size.

汀于上世纪80年加入“梅努多”男孩乐团,并由此开始他的演唱生涯。 这位格莱美获奖歌手的个人专辑销量达到6000多万张。

The Grammy-winning singer, who got his start in the 1980s with boy band Menudo, has sold more than 60 million albums as a solo artist.


In the 1930s, Marey's scientific legacy was continued by Harold Edgerton, an electrical engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

西班牙人克·柯今年34岁,曾为2006、2009年9500公里比赛冠军得主。 2011年,他的主要劲敌是来自法国的卫冕冠军西瑞尔·斯普利司,这将给他的夺冠带来巨大挑战。

The 34-year-old Spaniard won the 9,500 kilometre event in 2006 and 2009, and faces stiff competition in 2011 from arch-rival and reigning champion Cyril Despres of France.

西班牙人克·柯今年34岁,曾为2006、2009年9500公里比赛冠军得主。 2011年,他的主要劲敌是来自法国的卫冕冠军西瑞尔·斯普利司,这将给他的夺冠带来巨大挑战。

The 34-year-old Spaniard won the 9, 500 kilometre event in 2006 and 2009, and faces stiff competition in 2011 from arch-rival and reigning champion Cyril Despres of France.

阿尔兹太空游仿佛将人们又带回到了20世纪70年。 那一时期苏联经常以民用研究的名义利将乘坐宇航员的阿尔兹轨道舱发射到空间轨道上以监视敌方动向。

The Almaz spacecraft represent a 1970s throwback to a time when the Soviets envisioned human crews flying into orbit to secretly spy on enemies under the cover of being civilian research stations.


1950s jazz saxophonist Paul Desmond said he wanted the sound of a dry martini. Just listen to his composition Take Five.


In the 1880s, Marey turned his attention to the tricky analysis of bird flight, photographing sequences of herons and cockatoos.


During the 1990s the two parties won power in maharashtra-which allowed Mr Thackeray to rename bombay-and, as part of a broader coalition, in Delhi.


Starting in the late 1990s Tasmanian wildlife authorities began receiving unusual reports: Some of the island's Tasmanian devils were spied with their faces marred by ulcerated sores.


For millennials, the notion of collaborating to advance the collective interest in networks often trumps going it alone in markets.


For millennials, the notion of collaborating to advance the collective interest in networks often trumps going it alone in markets.



代马 代马、胡犬、昆山之玉,是赵国三宝。《诗经》所谓“代马依北风,越鸟巢南枝”的代马是也。 中原马劣,代地的骏马品质绝群,在春秋末期三家分晋的赵家赵无恤占领代地后,很好地武装了赵家的主力车骑。为后来的胡服骑射打下基础。吃苦耐劳的骡子也是代地狄人所培育的。
