




  • 令令

  • To make

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 修改优先命令口令enable

  • 远程命令设置命令rcmd

  • 训练与条令司令部TRADOC

  • 指令、命令command

  • 指令命令command;[计]instruction command

  • 命令指令command;[计]command instruction

  • 撤消前一个指令的指令Canceling Order

  • 取消宏指令的伪指令PURGE

  • 命令指令集NET

  • 命令、指令order;command



A statue which is aesthetically pleasing to one person, however, may be repulsive to another.


This word first appeared in a summit communiqué in September to the delight of France and the concern of Britain.


This practice effectively empowers teams to do their own process improvement and enables them to self-organize more easily.


For example, there might be things that appealed particularly to men, or to people from a certain culture.


He is able to grant royal pardons and reduce sentences but usually only after the felon has served time in jail.


OK, I can certainly print out strings, but I can actually add strings together, and just as you saw, I can multiply strings, you can kind of guess what this is going to do.


The risk is that China's transition will be made worse by policies whose effect will be to cause a short-term and unsustainable rise in fiscal borrowing, bank debt and corporate inventory.


To get our trade deficit down, however, we need to make American products more competitive, which in practice means that we need the dollar's value to fall in terms of other currencies.


Poland should shame every nation that believes peace and reconciliation are impossible, every state that believes the sacrifice of new generations is needed to avenge the grievances of history.


Mr Jobs has been treated for cancer in the past and investors were worried by how thin he appeared recently, leading to speculation about a successor.


The lack of data leaves prospective buyers at loss when faced with a hard sell from buyers -- and may keep the developers, themselves, from sensing the extent of their overbuilding.


When Style is a fetish, sites confuse visitors, hurting users and the companies that paid for the sites.


Weak handshakes turn people off, so practice yours with a friend to make sure it's neither bone-crushing nor wimpy.


The Pope's decree, issued Saturday, brings back into the Catholic Church's fold bishop Richard Williamson and three other bishops who belong to the Society of Saint Pius X.

反而以一个6-1费德勒很狼狈,自从2001年被安德烈·阿加西(Andre Agasii)以6-1击败之后,至今还再没有人费天王如此狼狈不堪。

Instead, he kept flustering Federer, who hadn't lost a 6-1 set at the U.S.Open since a 2001 defeat against Andre Agassi.


Jobs' appearance threatened to overshadow the iPad 2 launch and may alleviate some criticisms that the tablet computer isn't a major upgrade over the original.


I sincerely believe you can get a warrant in 30 minutes, but until I see that warrant I am not opening the safe.


In the same way reality makes everything possible and yet nothing that makes a thing what it is, its name and form, comes from reality.


Peace, we talk about peace, we make ourselves peaceful first, then we make the world peaceful. We cannot make worldwide peace without making ourselves peaceful.


He gets a set every week and usually returns them with his approvals-or in some cases bounces-in three or four days.


Just as time wrinkles the skin but enriches the soul, a mediocre film may as well be the best motivation for Zhao to make better ones in the future.


Just as time wrinkles the skin but enriches the soul, a mediocre film may as well be the best motivation for Zhao to make better ones in the future.


Well, this brings me to some criticisms or at least some questions about Hobbes' conception of the laws of nature.


with what they did, not just with their own songs, but what they did with other people's songs as well.


You'll be biased to put extra weight on the cases that support your theory and diminish cases that refute it.


Because here what we have is some atom that we're studying, in the case, it's going to be a gas, and we hit it with a photon that has some incident energy.


Well one thing I was struck by this was that Welles has such a great sence of humor.


Today, I'm going to pick up on some of those other scenes that he mentions as his secret points of delight in the novel.


We love to read and everything we read is a page turner, ; all to the good; but the fact is our fascination with reading isn't simply a fascination that takes the form of having fun.


Yeah. I think one of the things that impress me in talking with you and looking at the work you have done is how pro-active you've been in going out and engaging in various communities.


Now, some of these things can prove things that are mathematically way over my head.


The other scary thing for the Dutch is, of course, the big guy down south.


You can't just put two people together and make them like each other.


This is amazing to me.


So, we are talking about a wealthy group, and of course, the thing that struck Schliemann almost amazingly was that in the circle of graves that we've been talking about, he found all kinds of precious things buried.


So I differentiated this object, this is my first derivative and I set it equal to 0 Now in a second I'm going to work with that, but I want to make sure i'm going to find a maximum and not a minimum, so how do I make sure I'm finding a maximum and not a minimum?


I see. Then could you tell us about one of the most memorable students you've had?


I actually do get worked up over these things because it drives me nuts because these are not hard problems to solve and yet consistently throughout society and your own laptops there are dozens of examples I'm sure of poorly designed software.


Since they do not think about the things that are serious, they get excited by tiny things."


And I think it shocked me when I was in that room was that there were all kinds of adults setting there around the table talking about young people, the relationship to technology the relationship to culture the relationship to schooling and to each other.


It was one thing for the Lady to imagine -- you know, crazy as it was, for the Lady to imagine -- a rescue squad of angels to zip to her aid at the first hint of a physical assault.


23456789 All right, here I gave it a big number, 123456789. And again, I don't want to bore you, but you can see what's going on here with this trend.


This is one of the biggest classes at Yale, but I think we've got it so it will be a good and satisfying experience with you.


Then, you could get the Hepatitis B protein expressed in your cells.


Then go to the x equation and demand that this be equal to the desired x value and find the time.

然后列出关于 x 的方程,这个式子等于给定的 x,并求出时间

Projection is, I have certain impulses I am uncomfortable with, so rather than own them myself, I project them to somebody else.


So, if we took the case of nitrogen, if we add an electron to nitrogen and go to n minus, we find that the change in energy is 7 kilojoules per mole.


So what we're going to do is set these two things equal to each other, put in stars here.


- If you eat these raw, which they do in many places around the world, if you eat a bitter one, you could, in fact, get enough cyanide to kill you.


The pig is going to do some things you like and some things you don't like.


This horrified the Boyars, who thought that this was unbecoming.


The deepest thinking I've done in my life."



令令 健壮貌。《诗经·齐风·卢令》:“卢令令,其人美且仁。” 毛 传:“卢,田犬。令令,健壮貌。”一说“令”通“ 獜 ”,“ 令令 ”为健壮貌。
