




  • 会且

  • Will and

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 而且会直到永远and most of all it's built to last

  • 并且你会永远and that you'll always;say you'll always

  • 并且我不会再去改变了And I'm not gonna change

  • 而且不会停止and it don't stop

  • 而且都会下雨And the rain will;And it is raining

  • 并且不会很吵And not noisy;and not very noisy;Quarreled and not very

  • 并且会恋爱And will fall in love;And meets the love;And would love

  • 并且会很累And will be tired;It will be very tired

  • 并且我会铭记时间And I'll remember time

  • 而且会一直爱你and i always will



In a large, well-endowed school, the opportunities for laboratory work are likely to be greater.


Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana's four higher education boards.


There is no give and take, as the controller is uncomfortable and bossy if you want to make a choice about something.


They're worried the tunnel construction could damage the site and get in the way of their work.


Radar can be blinded by bad weather, and not all volcanoes are within range of suitable equipment.


The critics of this point of view would say that's impossible and inconceivable.


Management jargon can alienate staff and leave bosses looking untrustworthy and weak, according to a survey commissioned by Investors in People.


Political philosophy is the oldest of the social sciences, and it can boast a wealth of heavy hitter.


If we believe it's a finite resource, we act that way, we feel exhausted and need breaks between demanding mental tasks.


The newly domesticated animals behaved better, were easier to control, and may have enjoyed a higher birth rate, which in turn yielded greater milk supplies.


Not only does she have a tendency to be moody all the time, but she misses appointments, doesn't follow through on projects, and doesn't seem to plan anything till the last minute.


I soon realized that my mom's greatest strength was taking care of those who cannot advocate for themselves and need trustworthy care providers.


Today's economic slump could well generate a similar backlog of couples whose relationships have been irreparably ruined.


Finally, we know that language changes over time, which is natural and normal if a language is to survive.


During a megathrust event, all of that stress releases and some of the world's most powerful earthquakes occur.


Mass market paperbacks, which have been declining for years anyway, will probably disappear, as will hardbacks for mysteries, thrillers, "romance fiction," etc.

现在,Web 上充满了各种小程序,当你查看一个 Web 页面时,这些小程序自动下载,并在你自己的机器上运行。

Now the Web is full of tiny programs that automatically download when you look at a Web page, and run on your own machine.

通过 NEA,也就是国家艺术基金,艺术得到发展,在全国范围内得到推广。

It was through the NEA, the National Endowment for the Arts, that the arts would develop, would be promoted throughout the nation.


By focusing and harnessing all your power, energy, time, focus, thinking, etc. on one goal, you will be amazed at how deep and quickly you can accomplish that.


This approach is slow, not very effective, and causes considerable performance problems.


This routine takes in two arguments, the second being the absolute value of time by which, if the lock could not be acquired, the routine returns with a non-zero status.


Until recently military planners had assumed that fuel would be plentiful and easily available.


Mr Breuers, through his lawyer, says the trades were approved by the managing board and no limits were breached.


However, converting and testing existing code can be tedious and error-prone if the code has not been completed correctly.


Reversing this trend would be difficult and time-consuming even with political support.


Writing code that simulates user interaction with GUIs can be tedious and error-prone.


Fear in one part of your life invariably spreads to all other parts — you can’t comparmentalize it.


If your site contains only a handful of pages, it is faster and cheaper to forgo XML.


The less question marks visitors have, the better sense of orientation they have and the more trust they can develop towards the company the site represents.


The less question marks visitors have, the better sense of orientation they have and the more trust they can develop towards the company the site represents.


And what's striking about these is--it's not-- these are not just sort of big, screwy problems of messed up people.


That is to say, Polemarchus recalling Polemarchus, those who are good to friends and bark and growl at strangers.


And incidentally, to know where he's coming from on this, he had a very dramatic and ambitious goal.


The clean, strong feeling that sweeps you when you've done it makes you know that.


What starts out looking very benign, once you look closer, is pretty fierce and filled with violence, and that's why people want to leave.


They're going to choose positions very close to each other and very close to the center.


Our little study hypothesized that foods that you could buy in the United States would be sweeter and have more sugar in it than the same foods that one could buy in other countries.


There are also survivorship policies that will pay, for example, the second to die-- there would be a policy if a husband and wife get it, then it pays out when the second of them dies.


He's not saying that it is because we are rational creatures possessed of the power of speech that causes us to engage in politics.


I would even saythe necessary and inevitable conflictbetween the freedom of the mind and the requirements of political life.


Whatever form the best regime takeshowever it will always favor a certain kind of human being with a certain set of character traits.


Virtue means for him a kind of manly self-assertion, audacity, ruthlessness, a reliance on one's own arms and calculated use of cruelty to achieve one's ends.


In what sense, we could ask ourselves and I think you probably will be asking in your sections, ? in what sense is the city by nature?


To say it's natural for us to do so is not to say we engage in political life spontaneously and avidly, as you might say spiders spin webs or ants build anthills.


The inevitable conclusion that I reach and I believe any sensible reader of Aristotle would reach is that Aristotlein fact discovered the American Constitution 1500 or 2000 years before it was written.


Should it trump all other goods or does toleration reach a point when it ceases to be toleration and becomes in fact a kind of soft nihilism that can extend liberty to everything precisely because it takes nothing very seriously.


Political philosophy is the oldest of the social sciences and it can boast a wealth of heavy hitters from Plato and Aristotle to MachiavelliHobbes HegelTocquevilleNietzscheand so on.



会且 huì qiě ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄑㄧㄝ ˇ 会且 犹将要。 宋 范成大 《晁子西寄诗谢酒》诗:“慧刀傥未割,会且掀禅牀。””
