




  • 但已

  • But it has

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。


... had preferable最好还得;因该 But Had但却有;但已;却有 had started完成时态 ...



  • 但已成为了历史Now it's history

  • 但已是回忆But it is recalled;But it has been recalled

  • 但已不再亲密an uneasy relationship

  • 有硬木包装但已熏蒸Fumigdined on

  • 但已经没什么意义But that don't mean much

  • 但已是我的全部But it meant the world to me

  • 但我们已经失去but we lost it

  • 但已经过去了But is over



Less is not always more - but enough!


He has done wrong but repented.


It’s not a bridge to the sky, but it’s not far from the idea!


He was supposed to attend Sunday’s game but changed his plans.


Responsibility to protect is not yet dead, but it is fragile.


The fall was much more moderate, but still 10.4%, in the second.


The television business still suffers losses, but is on a firmer footing.


Cosette felt rather than understood the meaning of these words.


Swine flu has not yet hit Lebanon but is threatening a national custom.


Although it is still only a small fraction of what is needed, it has risen steeply.


He admitted he had been married before but said he divorced and married Lam in June.


These are startling figures, and considerably higher than in virtually any other country in the world.


The delegates recognized that East Asiacooperation has made great progress although it started not long time ago.


Authorities closed the trail Tuesday, but tourists already on the trail are still completing the four-day trek.


He may not put in that much of his own money this time around, but he is a proven fundraiser.


Its starting assumption is that America, while still the most powerful country in the world, is in relative decline.


While that won't be enough to knock it out of orbit, it could be sufficient to avoid a collision with a space station or satellite.


While debate continues on the best model for India's health-care financing, initiatives such as the National health Insurance Scheme are getting off the ground.


In fact she knocked my glasses flying and they fell, though unbroken, several feet away from me on the kitchen floor.


Mr. Lang himself spent many years on the road, but at the age of 53 prefers the lighter work of tending his shop.


Cleary Android version compatibility will still be an issue (e.g., Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb), but no more so than with any other devices already in the market.


File object locking is not available, but the modified block storage technique can be introduced here the way we did in this article to maintain data consistency.


People are conditioned to Google: it's simple and, yes, imperfect, but it's good enough and the results are still better than Live Search.


This breach, at first insensible, increases slowly, like all separations of branches. The boughs, without becoming detached from the trunk, grow away from it.


At 5.2% over the last year, inflation is a far cry from the four-digits spirals of the past. But it has already exceeded the Central Bank's target of 4.5%.


Hundreds of people have undergone brain surgery for psychiatric problems, most in experimental trials, with some encouraging results.


Cosette was meditating sadly; for, although she was only eight years old, she had already suffered so much that she reflected with the lugubrious air of an old woman.


Here, countries have escaped the fertility trap and the childbearing rate is around 1.8-not high, but higher than it was, and, in some cases, reaching the magic replacement level.


Here, countries have escaped the fertility trap and the childbearing rate is around 1.8-not high, but higher than it was, and, in some cases, reaching the magic replacement level.


Yes, Barthes talks about the death of the author, but even Barthes doesn't mean that the author is dead like Nietzsche's God. The author is there, sure.


I mean it's winter and it's really hot right now.


But this is a state, he believes, that has now been liberated or emancipated from Christian and classical conceptions of virtue.


I'm not saying he was right, and the damn fool should've got down and got real with the railroads, but he didn't.


I parried; but my hands were loath and cold.


It turns out that it's not a financial law that asset allocation takes center stage; it really is more a description of how it is that we behave.


But let's imagine that the brain has been scrubbed clean.


It's true, these questions have been debated for a very long time but the very fact that they have recurred and persisted may suggest that though they're impossible in one sense, they're unavoidable in another.


This is less of a problem in modern life then it used to be, but because things are supplemented and fortified-- overly so in some cases-- but still the deficiencies are less common then they used to be.


I regard the last few weeks as politicians deciding we gotta do something to get this off the table of the agenda to something that has a political demand for it What they did, they could have done worse things, they could have done better things.


This is essentially a reboot of something we put together a few years ago but the thing had grown in size, this particular app.


I said those strategies that were a best response to things that have now been thrown away, but not best response otherwise, I can throw those away too.


But I think you can see the big themes of the book already very present in the opening scene of the dialogue.


But however that may be, Plato believes he has found in the formula of one man, one job, a certain foundation for political justice.


But now I've had my fill of both and I can spend my later years, the twilight of my life, turning to the things about the gods, " performing sacrifices commanded by the gods."


The National Bureau of Economic Research, who announces recession dates, hasn't announced yet whether there's a recession, so we'll probably find out in a few more months whether we're already in a recession.


Yet, the authority of Aristotle obviously no longer has quite the power that it once did.


We overlook, we conveniently overlook a number of facts about him, his hostility to democracy, we'll see that in the Republic but we've seen it already to some degree in the Apology.


But Plato has given us enough.


But the question is, in my present circumstances, with evil on my hands, entailed from my father, would the general interest of the slaves and community at large, with reference to the slaves, be promoted best by emancipation?


So if you guys have had-- many health professionals say that there's not enough nutrition education out there, that most people don't learn it in the schools, people aren't getting it so much from families because families don't know a lot about nutrition, but the fact is you've had a lot of nutrition education and you've just proven it.


He had the idea but he didn't have the math.


Even when presented with the option to cease philosophizing, he refuses to do so on the ground that, again, he is acting under a command, divine command and cannot do otherwise.


He controls no real estate. He's been banished, yet he is clearly attempting to conquer, comparing himself to Columbus, to conquer in large part through the transformation of our understanding of good and evil, of virtue and vice.



但已 dàn yǐ 而已,罢了。谓不复深究或就此了事。《汉书·淮阳献王刘钦传》:“纵不伏诛,必蒙迁削贬黜之罪,未有但已者也。” 宋 陈亮 《又乙巳春书》之一:“理之所在,岂宜如此但已,愿更一言也。”《明史·何乔新传》:“岁大饥,故事,振贷迄秋止, 乔新 曰:‘止於秋,谓秋成可仰也,今秋可但已乎?’振至明年麦熟乃止。”
