




  • 作做

  • Make to do

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 容易合作做生意Easy to do business with

  • 把一件工作做好to do a good job

  • 尝试去作做To try to do;Try to make do

  • 被用作做某事be used for doing sth

  • 工作做的怎么样了What do the work;What work do;How

  • 工作做完了吗Work done did;Work done yet

  • 做作业do homework;do my homework;do a home project

  • 做工作做得疲劳be fatigued with work

  • 没有把工作做好fall down on the job

  • 做的工作做好do job well



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He wrote in a clear and unpretentious style with a clear and straightforward language.


If we don't do the things which we ought to do, then we have wasted that particular moment which would remain a permanent loss of time from our life which would never come back.


He flew with them through night and cloud and storm, for the sport of it, while the flock huddled miserably on the ground.


And they can take directional bets by not hedging all of the marketmaking trades they do for clients.

直到我的课开始我才知道,因为在我的印象里,我将会很多攀岩练习为登山攀岩课程的一部分- - - - - - - -我在教室里的一座小墙上一些上下攀爬练习,但是,课程主要是专注于攀岩设备和安全措施,练习绳结。

Up until my class began, I was under the impression that I would do a lot of climbing as part of my rock climbing class. I did make it up a small wall during the class, so there was some climbing.


Imagine your personal time with as few chores, errands, paperwork, and commitments as possible. You'd be free to... well, do what you love most.


We later collaborated on a script for a faintly icky TV show that was going to be shot overseas, and then he sent me a screenplay that was in need of an English version for foreign investment.


It's a funny thing this brain of ours. When we do something enjoyable it forces us to do it regularly and for a considerable amount of time.


Put jobs that are disliked at the top of the "to do" list so that they are over and done with in the first part of the morning, and the rest of the day can be spent doing more pleasant tasks.


If you feel like eating a carton of ice-cream for dinner, you're free to do so, but that won't make you any better,... and you want to be better.


Some people might do that but I wouldn't like to do those kinds of linear predictions.


What I want to continue to do is... not only great powerful clothing, but also mixing music, subcultures, more of an entertainment spirit.


But he will think hard before doing so, for fear that this would raise tensions further.


He has trained himself to choose correctly between the two freedoms: the freedom to do as he pleases, and the freedom to do what he must do.


We spend some time each year in the United States, visiting friends and family—going to our grandson's school to be his "show-and-tell, " and tending to tax returns and medical checkups.


Fewer investors in the market won't necessarily spell lower oil prices, as speculators can take bets with equal ease on price declines or gains. It could also lead to greater price swings.


Sometimes this is best done when a bank chief has quit, as at Merrill Lynch.


When describing a crime scene, a CSI makes factual observations without drawing any conclusions.


The very poorest, who slip under the minimum-wage threshold to take the most menial and casual jobs, earn less than $200 a year.


And if we model this behavior ourselves, perhaps the many registered users on our sites will want to follow suit.


There were certain people that were fantastic public speakers and were always called upon to give presentations to clients or even internal training seminars — they loved it!


In 1995 the firm that had advised on so many cutting-edge takeovers itself fell prey to Swiss Bank Corporation, for a fraction of what it would have fetched a few years earlier.


Quiz for the day: How much time each day, on average, does a 6- to 12-year-old child spend on household chores?


Other companies that advertise seasonally or otherwise infrequently can misunderstand the danger, too.


Other companies that advertise seasonally or otherwise infrequently can misunderstand the danger, too.


By experiencing these emotions, whether the ups and the downs, what you are doing is being, being a human being.


So, I get up and sometimes I don't set the alarm and I get up late; I stagger out of bed; I wake the kids; I greet the servants; I get ready; I make breakfast.


So I took it as my role not to keep decisions away from him, but if they were important enough, to make sure that he had, he, the president, not a compromise, he the president had the oppotunity to make decisions among his cabinet officers, and he did.


STUDENT: Let me compare y to Yeah, it's not doing all of the comparisons.



作做 作做是一个汉语词语,读音zuò zuò,释义为当作,算作。
