That means
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
行使指挥权hoist a half-mast high
天使指环Angelium Ring;Angel Rings
受托人行使指定权Power of appointment
颜色使指数Color-rendering index
使指针指向第一个参数vl &first
使用指南user manual;User's Guide;Pitaschio
本词典使用指南Guide to the dictionary
电池使用指导Two battery using instruction
颐指气使boss around
The invention of a process to synthesise nitrogen cheaply into ammonium, a fertiliser, paved the way for the huge increase in food production in the 20th century.
She was deeply pained by the accusation.
This allegation has led to Google becoming mired in a legal battle whose scope and complexity makes the Jarndyce and Jarndyce case in Charles Dickens' Bleak House look straightforward.
The goal is 24 hour battery life, not standby, but real use. According to the chairman of Quanta, they have achieved that with the M1 navigation and entertainment device.
Better yet, you can incorporate some of this technology into your own applications to help make riders more savvy about their transit opportunities.
The book is about the creative individuals and teams that somehow defy the odds again and again and make their ideas happen.
Work from the resulting plan was “dispatched” to workers as they became idle, enabling work — at the time, heavy industry and construction work — to proceed systematically.
Strategic intelligence is a systematic and ethical program for gathering, analyzing, and managing external information that enables your company to make informed business decisions.
In my dream, a long-fingered witch was zapping me with heart attacks " Feel that?"
A low population and diverse habitats make the island one of Scotland's premier wildlife-watching sites.
The mood is set by Giggs, as hungry now as when he first glided into opposition nightmares at the Theatre of Dreams.
Unity refers to an ordering of all elements in an image so that each contributes to a unified aesthetic effect so that the image is seen as a whole.
This happens when the local currency (pesos in this case) falls dramatically against other world currencies, thereby sharply raising the price of imported goods, and hence the overall price level.
A cancelable operation is one that can be externally moved to completion in advance of when it would ordinarily complete on its own.
Curative tourism includes activities and destinations which provide physical or spiritual self-improvement and well-being opportunities to tourists.
He convinced me that no set of any length would meet all requirements even then, certainly not in the future, and that the Escape concept would work.
Love a person is to help him return to himself, that he is himself.
Internationalization - the process of designing an application so that it can be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes.
The area's annual rainfall is 1, 690 millimeters. This kind of agreeable climate makes Wuzhishan a unique place for tourists to visit for sightseeing or a holiday.
The area's annual rainfall is 1,690 millimeters. This kind of agreeable climate makes Wuzhishan a unique place for tourists to visit for sightseeing or a holiday.
针对J2EE的Web服务(一般指jsr- 109——参阅参考资料)定义了映射元数据文件,使您可以回避某些JAX - RPC映射规则。
Web services for J2EE (commonly referred to as JSR-109 — see Resources) defines a mapping metadata file which lets you bypass some of the JAX-RPC mapping rules.
I don’t picture small-scale fishermen as being terribly prolific writers who’d have bulked up the word-stock before that.
这是指,您可以读入一个XML实例,修改数据结构使之非常类似于本机风格,然后调用.write()方法进行重新序列化得到格式良好的 XML。
That is, you can read in an XML instance, modify fairly native-feeling data structures, then call the .write() method to re-serialize to well-formed XML.
这位奥斯卡获奖演员正在洽谈扮演帕特里齐亚·蕾加妮(Patrizia Reggiani)--一名因在1995年指使他人杀害其前夫、时装巨头莫里吉奥·古奇(Maurizio Gucci)而被判入狱的女子。
The Oscar-winning actor is in talks to play Patrizia Reggiani, the woman jailed for ordering the 1995 killing of her ex-husband, fashion magnate Maurizio Gucci.
No. I mean, there are reasonable philosophical or scientific grounds for worrying about each one of the premises.
It refers to the process of optimizing a Web site so that it appears prominently in search engine results for specific keywords.
To his surprise, the owner pointed to the book, which was tucked away in a corner.
Physics A disturbance, especially a random and persistent disturbance, that obscures or reduces the clarity of a signal.
"Conspicuous", with reference to a term, means so written, displayed, or presented that a reasonable person against which it is to operate ought to have noticed it.
"Conspicuous", with reference to a term, means so written, displayed, or presented that a reasonable person against which it is to operate ought to have noticed it.
There seems to be in existence from the beginning of creation this universal moral law, and that is: the God-endowed sanctity of human life.
No. I mean, there are reasonable philosophical or scientific grounds for worrying about each one of the premises.
And those words mean different things: immunogenic means that it stimulates your immune system for a response; pathogenic means that it causes a disease.
使指 shǐ zhǐ (1).使用手指。比喻天子、朝廷的指挥调度。语出汉贾谊 《治安策》:“令海内之势,如身之使臂,臂之使指,莫不制从。” 宋 王安石 《酬冲卿见别》诗:“朝伦孰与君材似,使指将如我病何?” (2).谓天子、朝廷的意旨命令。《史记·司马相如列传》:“ 相如欲諫,业已建之,不敢,乃著书,籍以蜀父老为辞,而己詰难之,以风天子,且因宣其使指,令百姓知天子之意。” 宋 苏辙 《张士澄通判定州告词》:“尔昔以才敏,尝奉使指,兹予命尔佐中山守。”