n. slant ; slope
vi. incline ; tilt ; lean
... lean 侧重缺少脂肪。既可能是因病而瘦,也可能因饥饿而消瘦。也指身体消瘦,但肌肉结实,身体健康。 lean 倾斜 Leander 利安得 ...
磁轴 倾斜 ( Tilt )作为表征聚焦线圈性能最关键的技术指标,一直是相关领域研究人员的重点关注对象,因此磁轴控制技术就成为一项需要突破的关键单...
...斜的检测及评定-阿普拉-低碳中国门户 关键词:沉降; 倾斜; 地质勘察; 承载力; 加固 [gap=247]Key words: subsidence,slant, geologic reconnaissance, carrying ca-pacity, reinforcement ...
... loyalty: 忠实; 忠诚; 忠义; 忠贞; 丹心 decline: 拒绝; 辞退; 倾斜; 低下; 衰微; 谢绝; 使倾斜; 下坡; 衰退; 晚年; 下跌; 减低; 下降 tech: 技术 ...
- bias; tilt; dip; lean; incline; slope; slant; favour:
a steep slope;
favour education;
- 短语:
- 倾斜比 {船} rake ratio;
- 倾斜薄矿脉采矿法 mining method for narrow dipping vein;
- 倾斜薄煤层采煤法 inclined low seam mining method;
- 倾斜补偿装置 slope compensating device;
- 倾斜操纵 bank control;
- 倾斜层开采(法) rilling;
- 倾斜长壁采煤法 inclined longwell mining method;
- 倾斜长水槽 sluice; (自动)
- 倾斜车 dump car;
- 倾斜测定器 grad(i)ometer;
- 倾斜测量法 oblique photogrammetry;
- 倾斜潮 tilt tide;
- 倾斜挡板 sloping baffle;
- 倾斜电刷 angular brush;
- 倾斜电压 tilt voltage;
- 倾斜电子轮 tilted electron gun;
- 倾斜斗 tipping bucket;
- 倾斜短联络风巷 slant; shoofly;
- 倾斜断层 inclined fault;
- 倾斜断层错动 dislocating inclined fault;
- 倾斜发射装置 launching ramp;
- 倾斜改正 {地测} slope correction;
- 倾斜工作台 tilting table;
- 倾斜构件 diagonal member;
- 倾斜观测 declivity observation;
- 倾斜管 tipping tube;
- 倾斜轨道 {航空} inclined plane; inclined orbit;
- 倾斜航空摄影 oblique aerial photography;
- 倾斜航行 receding log;
- 倾斜厚矿体采矿法 inclined thick orebody mining method;
- 倾斜厚煤层采煤法 inclined high seam mining method;
- 倾斜滑槽 tip chute;
- 倾斜绘图机 oblique plotting machine;
- 倾斜校正器 tilt corrector;
- 倾斜接触 {地质} inclined contact;
- 倾斜节理 cutters;
- 倾斜结 bevelled junction;
- 倾斜界面 {地质} tilted interface;
- 倾斜可见距离 oblique visibility; oblique visual range; {光} slant visibility;
- 倾斜空中照片 oblique aerial photograph;
- 倾斜矿柱 slope pillar;
- 倾斜力矩 heeling moment;
- 倾斜斜炉 uphill furnace;
- 倾斜轮 angled wheel;
- 倾斜轮式平地机 {土} leaning wheel grader;
- 倾斜螺纹 leaning thread;
- 倾斜煤层 inclined seam;
- 倾斜煤巷 slant;
- 倾斜面 inclined plane; tilt;
- 倾斜面板 sloping desk;
- 倾斜木纹 short grain;
- 倾斜能见度 approach visibility;
- 倾斜逆转 reversal of dip; dip reversal;
- 倾斜喷管 angled nozzle;
- 倾斜平面 clinoplain;
- 倾斜曝光 canted exposure;
- 倾斜嵌入 oblique embedding;
- 倾斜球磨机 inclined ball mill;
- 倾斜容限 tilt tolerance;
- 倾斜入射 oblique incidence;
- 倾斜摄像 canted shot;
- 倾斜摄影 oblique photograph;
- 倾斜射线 inclined ray;
- 倾斜试验 inclining experiment;
- 倾斜输送机 {机} slope conveyor;
- 倾斜树 nodding tree;
- 倾斜索道 inclined cableway;
- 倾斜台式干燥机 sloping platform drier;
- 倾斜特厚煤层采煤法 inclined superhigh seam mining method;
- 倾斜体 tilter;
- 倾斜天线 inclined antenna; tilted antenna;
- 倾斜投影 oblique projection;
- 倾斜投影器 oblique projector;
- 倾斜头 tilt head;
- 倾斜陀螺仪 roll gyroscope;
- 倾斜位置 obliquity;
- 倾斜物 oblique;
- 倾斜误差 heeling error; tilt error;
- 倾斜洗矿台 {采矿} ragging frame;
- 倾斜洗选槽 log washer;
- 倾斜效应 gap tilt effect;
- 倾斜型 apsacline;
- 倾斜旋翼 tilting rotor;
- 倾斜压力角 angle of obliquity of action;
- 倾斜岩层 tilted stratum;
- 倾斜仪 clinometer; inclinometer; gradiometer;
- 倾斜翼 tiltwing;
- 倾斜因数 {光} obliquity factor;
- 倾斜因子 obliquity factor; inclination factor;
- 倾斜应力 inclined stress;
- 倾斜油缸 dump ram;
- 倾斜油气藏 dipping reservoir;
- 倾斜余角 underlay; underlie; hade;
- 倾斜与弯曲阴影补偿 tilt-and-bend shading;
- 倾斜裕量 lurching allowance;
- 倾斜运煤道 footrill;
- 倾斜指示器 rate of roll indicator;
- 倾斜中厚矿体采矿法 mining method for dipping medium thick orebody;
- 倾斜铸造 sloping casting;
- 倾斜转动架 tilted turret;
- 倾斜转弯 banked turn;
- 倾斜转弯指示器 {航空} bank and turn indicator; bank indicator;
- 倾斜装载机 heldiver;
- 倾斜自差调整器 heeling adjuster; heeling error instrument
倾斜角angle of inclination;angle of bank;[机]angle of slope;tilt angle
倾斜面inclined plane;Taper Faces;plane of inclination;Slope
自动倾斜器swashplate;Auto bank unit
倾斜测试tilt test;inclination
倾斜仪[仪]clinometer;batter level;[仪]tiltmeter;inclinator
倾斜计clinometer;tiltometer;[测]gradienter;inclined gauge
倾斜梢angular pin
The seat tilts forward, when you press this lever.
The boat is now leaning at a 30 degree angle.
The bank sloped down sharply to the river.
She lifted the kettle a little and tilted its spout over the tea-pot.
The garden sloped gently downwards to the river.
The land inclined gently towards the shore.
The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head.
The boat tipped to one side.
To compared humans with nature, the libra of feeling is tilted.
The second movement involved in the hypothesis has to do with axial tilt.
那个耳背的人向前倾斜着身子, 以便听清谈话。
The partly deaf man inclined forward to hear the conversation more clearly.
The tilt of the earth's axis, that imaginary pole that runs through the center of the earth.
The tree leans toward the house.
Maybe the ground vibrates, or maybe the ground itself is shifting, tilting.
He so sidled and twittered and tilted as he hopped on his bush.
You slant the pen with an angle of 30 degrees on the paper when you're writing.
He tilted up the pot, and a glorious stream of hot rich stew gurgled into the plate.
How violent these processes were suggested by the odd tilt and spin of many of the planets.
The Moon's spin and tilt are unique among other planetary bodies in the solar system.
Depending on the angle it tilts at, the seasons can be more or less severe.
Changes in eccentricity, tilt and wobble do not affect the total amount of solar radiation Earth receives in a year.
The earth's not always the same distance from the sun, and it's not always tilting toward the sun at the same angle.
To generate lift, a bird has merely to tilt its wings, adjusting the flow of air below and above them.
As it lost weight, it started to incline its orbit toward the earth: it was dangerous, above and beyond anything else.
Lisbon would tilt the balance of power a bit toward Luxembourg, but not as far as its opponents fear.
I managed to pull myself up onto a wet, sloping ledge.
In front of them the valley dropped sharply away from the road.
The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers.
The plane banked steeply to the left.
The wall is several degrees off the vertical.
One side was dense honeysuckle. The other was open and slanted down to a telescoped view of the city. The white cloud was directly in front of them.
Then the--so the term structure was downward-sloping until about two and a half years and then it was upward sloping.
This made me think of Mississippi Gene too and as the river poured down from mid America by starlight I knew, I knew like mad, that everything I had ever known and would ever know was One.
That was way fewer responses than I wanted. Let's try again; what's the name of this downward sloping line that I've just drawn?
It is tight, buff, a lean, mean fighting machine.
You've got to be very used to the notion of taking a vector in some oblique direction and writing it in terms of i and j.
你们应该已经很熟悉,倾斜的坐标系中矢量的概念,和用 i 和 j 来表示该矢量的方法
In the partnership game the best response lines sloped up.
That's a strongly downward-sloping term structure.
Now, the term structure was pretty much upward-sloping everywhere.
I mentioned something of increasing importance only later, which is that you are free to pick another set of axes, not in the traditional x and y direction, but as an oblique direction.
后来我又讲了更重要的知识点,你可以随意选取另外一个坐标系,不再是传统的 x 和 y 方向,而是倾斜过的方向
倾斜 "倾斜"是个多义词,它可以指倾斜(汉语词语),倾斜(工程专有名词),倾斜(字体格式),倾斜(林忆莲歌曲),倾斜(草蜢演唱歌曲)。