




  • 先德

  • First,

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。


该公司总部位于美国俄亥俄州(Ohio),在英国伦敦有生产先德(SENSITITRE)品牌的分公司。TREK公司是第一个将荧光技术应用在鉴定和药敏试验上的 高科技生物公司,尤其是在药敏分析方面占有绝对优势,并不断...



  • 贾先德Ted Chia

  • 山德士先生Colonel Harland Sanders

  • 夏先德xian-de

  • 杨先德Xiande Yang

  • 伟德先生Victor Chandler

  • 伍德考克先生Mr Woodcock

  • 德干先驱报Deccan Herald

  • 汀兰德先生George Tinland;Gaston Tinland


先德等著, 1999 ,中国宝玉石的矿物物理学。广东科技出版社,广州。

Xie xiande et al . , 1999 , mineral physics of gemstones and jadestones in china . guangdong science and technology press , guangzhou.


I WAS hoping to be the first to give the verb to gay marry a serious treatment on a language blog, only to discover that Arnold Zwicky got there three years ago on language log.


He did not however, enter immediately, and Mrs Durbeyfield said that she would break the bad news to him herself, Tess keeping out of sight for the present.


Shepard ultimately opted to urinate in his shiny spacesuit, but asked launch control to switch the power off to his medical sensors first.


Freud was engaged and needed to be able to support a family before he could marry, and so he determined to go into private practice with a specialty in neurology.


Mr. Medvedev, who was scheduled to give a keynote address in Davos on Wednesday, postponed his trip to manage the aftermath of the attack.


Mr.Medvedev, who was scheduled to give a keynote address in Davos on Wednesday, postponed his trip to manage the aftermath of the attack.


But for today, besides giving our readers a preview of what is to come the next 13 days, we'll take this opportunity introduce you to Jerry Woodfill.

鲁·巴里摩尔(Drew Barrymore)华丽丽的生活中,她曾经考虑“如果一步自己的猫咪离去,她希望能将自己一小部分的骨灰放在猫儿的食物中,这样她就能与他同在了。”

In her more flowery days, Drew Barrymore reflected that "if I die before my cat, I want a little of my ashes put in his food so I can live inside him."


You need to first root your Motorola Droid phone if you haven't already done so.


Note, doing the Achievements first will prevent some of the Northrend Candy Buckets from being intractable.


Leonard: Work, then. Then you must eat.


Harold: That sounds more like what I had in mind, but I'll have to check with my office first.


He says the most important characteristics for a successful entrepreneur are the ability to handle ambiguity and the skills to bring an idea to fruition.


Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.


Turning to United's table-topping win, the defender revealed the Reds set out to stifle the opposition and then steal a goal.


"That could be the match in which I'd say goodbye to the national team, but I must talk with coach Karel Bruckner," Nedved told the Italian press.


Blasi? No comment. In any case, you should ask Della Valle.


One cold October day, he agreed to do a business deal with a man from out of town. Howard had hesitations about working with this man but decided to go ahead with the deal anyway.


The mechanism of the adhesion force changing with the relative humidity has been analyzed from the viewpoint of surface tension, van der Walls force, and basic bond forces.


Ted: So can store clerks. At least a hacker has to get through miles of encryption. 2.


Ted: So can store clerks. At least a hacker has to get through miles of encryption. 2.


I actually want to begin by going back to Freud and hitting a couple of loose ends.


Three years from now, that is after the next president has had time to enact this program and the program has had some time to begin taking effect will the number of illegal immigrants in the United States be higher, lower or about the same? Ken Judd.



先德 先德即指有德行的前辈,代指先世的德泽,也可用于指被人的父亲。
