




  • 内和

  • And within the

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 国内和国际两级法治the rule of law at the national and international levels

  • 以增进党内和谐促进社会和谐to increase intra-Party harmony to promote social harmony

  • 木内和夫Harmonix

  • 坪内和人Kazuto Tsubouchi

  • 日内和日间相对标准差RSD

  • 室内和室外环境indoor and outdoor climates

  • 舱内和或舱面in andor overdeck

  • 舱内和或甲板上in andor over

  • 内内和萨奥Marco Sau

  • 室内和环境设计Bdes Interior and Environmental design



The reaction lets kesterite grains grow within a few seconds and at relatively low temperatures.


Search across and within configurations for properties.


Count the number of generated points that are both in the circle and in the square.


Downtime includes both planned and unplanned downtime.


The scope of cover is written in the basic policy form and the clauses for different covers.


The extent of in sur ance is stipulated in the basic policy form and in the various risks clauses.


He would also meet with Brazilian leaders such as President of the Senate Jose Sarney and President of the Chamber of Deputies Joao Laulo Cunhna.


Durian is banned in many public places especially in hotels and airplanes.


This image shows the in - and out-of-focus designators produced by the code shown below in its final version.


They repeated the scans within 48 hours after the event and again about three months later.


But British researchers believe they may have found another cause-warm houses and workplaces.


By analyzing meticulous agricultural records, Bygren and two colleagues determined how much food had been available to the parents and grandparents when they were young.


The round_rect function will provide the highlighting in both the in-focus and out-of-focus visualizations.


An event from a portlet can be propagated across multiple on-page and cross-page wires.


It is designed for high availability to allow for business continuity in the event of planned and unplanned outages.


Finally we'll take a look at the SCA domain and see how bindings relate to communication within and outside an SCA domain.


And this has profound effects on what's involved in maintaining an equilibrium between what goes on inside and outside of the cell.


And that does not count related parts like the system that maintains the temperature of the cells within an acceptable range and manages the charging and discharging.


But the English are growing visibly cleaner, and we may hope that in a hundred years they will be almost as clean as the Japanese.


Loaded with both in - and out-of-container persistence options, JPA brings J2EE architects a number of new design choices.


This type of profile is the destination for the migrations of a node both in a cell and not in a cell, although the Custom profile is recommended for federated nodes.


PowerHA SystemMirror can be configured to minimize both planned and unplanned outages and can also be used for offline backups.


They bankrolled the signings of players including Germany captain Thomas Hitzlsperger, Frederic Piquionne and Pablo Barrera.


PowerHA is used for both planned and unplanned outages and provides the mechanics for one server to failover to another in case of a hardware event.


Although the National labor relations Act encompasses most private-sector workers, states have jurisdiction over labor relations for state and local employees and agricultural workers.


This availability level is often referred to as the "Five 9s" or 99.999% availability, which translates into just over 5 minutes per year of planned or unplanned outages in total.


This availability level is often referred to as the "Five 9s" or 99.999% availability, which translates into just over 5 minutes per year of planned or unplanned outages in total.


But the second is a desire to attract and maintain the divine presence, the continued presence of God in the sanctuary.


making sure that, you know, the building is kept up, building is safe and maintained,


Now the story of creation in Genesis 1 takes place over seven days, and there's a certain logic and parallelism to the six days of creating.


Vertically means that every class connected to the next class is connected to every class throughout the semester around a spiral.


We did that, we came up with very good Chinese search engine technology, and we signed up a lot of the Chinese portals in a very short period of time.


In the biochemical reactions that are taking place in your body, there is equilibrium between a whole myriad of reactants and products, and thank heavens that gets maintained.


By that I mean psychological framing, and there are many psychologists who talk about this, but notably Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky.


Because it was precisely because of this one world, run by the Romans and maintained by the Romans, that allowed the spread of Christianity, to a great extent, both ideologically and thought-wise, as well as simply physically.


Well, a movement is simply an independent piece, that works oftentimes-- if there arre multiple movements in a symphony or concerto-- works with other movements.


And let's just draw how those, that pink and blue line look in that box.


Depending on what you call external and internal environment, this path that I'm tracing here, deep within your digestive system, is really directly connected to the outside world through both ends.


Those foods that you see there, that throw off the animals homeostasis, and their hunger equilibrium are the same foods that are marketed very heavily.


So, let's think qualitatively for a second about what that means or what the real meaning of that is. What that is telling us is that according to Newtonian mechanics and Coulomb's force law, is that the electron should actually plummet into the nucleus in 0.1 nanoseconds.


The force may taper off, the force may not be given by a straight line, but for modest deformations, every spring will have a linear regime in which the force is linearly proportional to the stretching.


this is David Nason and Henry Paulson, although it's not signed by them, it's signed by The Treasury.


We're going to talk a lot about antibodies over the next week or so, but antibodies are specialized proteins that, as you know, are designed to bind to antigens or foreign molecules inside the body.


Well, the Fed is like that now, but what Paulson and Nason wanted to do is make it more than a banker's bank.


It indicates how information flows in cells and indicates a lot about the work that a cell does in maintaining and recreating itself, and maintaining its environment.

这个图展示了信息如何在细胞传递,以及细胞,在维持 复制自身,维持其周围环境所需起的作用

Their eyesight and hearing improved significantly in as little as a week.


I think that what Paulson and Nason want to do is to create a separate business conduct agency that is aimed at consumer protection.


In general, less volatile stocks have done better over time than more volatile stocks, which is somewhat inconsistent with the notion of efficient markets.


Banks are institutions that exist within the community, and they live among the business people in the community and have an ongoing relationship with them.


Kahneman and Tversky also-- and others have also talked about insurance.


Now, figure in the fact that smoking is playing a role, physical activity is playing a role, still just changing fruit and vegetable consumption potentially could reduce heart disease worldwide by this much: stroke by 19% and some cancers by as much as 20%.


If I cut both the plasmid and my DNA of interest with the same restriction enzyme I'm going to end up with the same sticky ends on both molecules.


The market portfolio is, if you took all the stocks and bonds, and oil, and real estate, anything that's available to invest in, in the whole world, put them all together in one portfolio.


The other is that some places where the disease occurs the governments are not stable, or there might be civil unrest or civil wars and that makes it very difficult to orchestrate giving vaccines when there's other things happening in the country that are of more immediate concern.


One of the other things that MHC1 does, in addition to marking yourselves as your own, is that it's capable of making combinations with all the different molecules that are present inside the cell and expressing them on the surface, and sort of showing them to the outside world.

HC1的另一项功能,除了给你标记一个独一无二的标签以外,MHC可以细胞所有不同的,分子结合 使其能够呈现在细胞表面,使其暴露于外界


内和 内和是一个汉语词语,读音是nèi hé,是指内心平和;家庭和睦。
