




  • 内知

  • In the knowledge

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 宫内知美Tomomi Miyauchi

  • 内知觉inner perception;innere Wahrnehmung

  • 海内存知己,天涯若比邻"If you have a friend afar who knows your heart; distance can't keep you two apart."

  • 内隐认知implicit cognition

  • 内隐知识Tacit Knowledge;tacit knowledge or implicit knowledge

  • 数据库内知识发现knowledge discovery in databases

  • 邀请同行业内知名专家Invite industry experts

  • 国内知名品牌专区Famous bran



Globally, brands like Coca-Cola and McDonald's may be more widely known, but neither concludes 20th-century America in quite the same way as Disney.

在 C++中,无论何时在处理程序捕获一个异常,关于该异常来源的信息都是不为人的。

In C++, whenever an exception is caught within a handler, the information about the source of the exception is lost.


His only connection to the outside world was an air tube and a bell. Each day he rang a bell to let those outside know that he was still alive.


Small particles of ash, for example, are normally removed by forcing the flue gases, as the fumes from the furnace are known in the trade, between electrically charged plates.


Service orientation brings a discipline of modularity that has been well known in the software engineering community for more than 30 years, but had been little applied in corporate-wide it projects.


A survey commissioned by the ICRC to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the 1949 conventions found that knowledge of them was patchy, even in places that had recently seen conflict.


“Plastic” is well understood, it works, it’s accepted everywhere around the world —and each card is a totem of a distinct account.


The Dimona complex in the Negev desert is famous as the heavily guarded heart of Israel’s never-acknowledged nuclear arms program, where neat rows of factories make atomic fuel for the arsenal.


Washington now faces a difficult task in convincing contacts around the world that any future conversations will remain confidential.


SATB1 is a nuclear protein well known for its crucial role in regulating gene expression during the differentiation and activation of t cells, making it a key player in the immune system.


The lack of immune response to a xenograft of mouse cells in an immunocompetent rabbit model may suggest an as yet unrecognized immunoprivileged site within the intervertebral disc space.


Though Wagner's workers are widely known in the world and still hold the stage, the mere mention of the name Wagner still provokes angry outbursts and denunciations from Israeli public.


Ascending a form that is so dense is a more difficult task than within those creations that knows only an etheric form.


Vipassana meditator should nurture awareness and equality mind as well so as to make an improvement in practicing meditation.


Secondly, an intradiegetic narrator had both first-person narrative and omniscient point of view.


Seeing truly and clearly is called insight. Insight is to realize and truly see according to reality.

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If you have received this message in error, please delete it and delete all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by calling our hotline (852) 2533 0777.


Similarly, by experience the meditator realizes that whenever a pleasant sensation occurs within the mental-physical structure, one reacts with craving.


This is the real purpose of Vipassana meditation: to awaken an understanding of truth in all its aspects, and to maintain this understanding in every situation.


There was no place in the body where you could focus your awareness and have any sense of comfort at all.


Third , the student of Mind Yoga, should know that we all have the responsibility to protect the environment mentality. you should keep it calm ;


The Domain HowNet is used to assist Domain Ontology to express the domain knowledge.


The Domain HowNet is used to assist Domain Ontology to express the domain knowledge.


And the company grew 80%per year for the first eight years compounded, and 60 % per year for the six years after that, which adds up to tens of billions real quick, as you know.



内知 【拼音】nèi zhī 【释义】指豪门的管家。 【出处】宋 魏泰 《东轩笔录》卷二:“ 冯拯 之父,为中令 赵普 家内知。内知,盖勾当本宅事者也。”
