After the
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
... 0008 Ijiro 印代 1407 Izugo 出后 0205 Iseji 伊势路 ...
演出后after the show
在日出后][日出后After Sunrise
抛出后通知After throwing advice
先出后结settement after export
脱出后纵韧带后型extrusion transligamention
产后出血[妇产]postpartum hemorrhage;flooding;Post-natal hemorrhage
婴儿娩出后rd stage of labour
Children should get sealants soon after their teeth erupt into the mouth.
The powder is ground out through this machinery and into these containers.
The waters of the lake flow out over a large waterfall.
The total thickness of four points is about the thickness of the center dough.
After the run, an inspection of the reamer blades showed good performance and little wear.
When this matter has run its course everybody will find out that what Phil Brown has said is the truth.
Look at each picture and read the sentence. Circle the right word for each sentence. Tell the story.
After the acid has been removed, a huge wet-type sieve drum crushes all the solid battery components.
After reporter gives condition and bat batch covering to proptosis, said functionary show: Will appoint a body then see.
It had been a long time-years-since I'd tried to take him.
In the case of center-positioned gate, moving die is not separated from fixed die due to the interference of the biscuit part and the cutting of gate is ery difficult after pulling out the product.
As news of the Obamas' housing plans became public on Wednesday, journalists and news photographers flocked to the block. "My housekeeper was a little freaked out," Mr. Podesta said.
The more that risk could be calibrated, the greater the opportunity to turn debt into securities that could be sold or held in trading books, with lower capital charges than regular loans.
McPherson took the corner and James crashed his header off the crossbar and over the line.
I made doubly sure I locked all the doors when I went out.
An injury was hindering him from playing his best.
After both sides tell what they think happened to cause the conflict, they discuss ways to solve it.
Pressel started on the back nine and her birdie streak ended with a bogey on No. 13.
在1940年出版的《失业的男人和他的家庭》(The unemploymentMan andHisFamily)一书中,丈夫失去工作后的第一反应是“不知疲倦地寻找工作”。
In a 1940 book, "The Unemployed Man and His Family," described a family in which the husband initially reacted to losing his job "with tireless search for work".
A 49-year-old lady had presented with an fungal corneal ulcer by a descemetocele and microperforation.
There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.
During his career, Yao has also been questioned about his loyalty to his country, such as when his daughter obtained US citizenship after her birth in 2010.
Some tools dump out data you need to review or interpret or graph over time to see results.
Montague noticed that whenever the caudate exhibited reduced activity, trust tended to break down.
Many of the companies they profiled performed badly in subsequent years and the book has been heavily criticised since it came out in 1982.
Many of the companies they profiled performed badly in subsequent years and the book has been heavily criticised since it came out in 1982.
It is, in fact, a very deliberate and self-conscious repudiation of that late romantic aesthetic that Yeats's early book, and even the cover of that early book, represents.
and then after that, you can go out and do basically anything, so.
Now,that thing that wakes up after this complete irreversible amnesia will no doubt eventually develop a personality,a set of beliefs,memories.
It wasn't until the 20th century, so almost 200 years later, that we learned how to do this.
Let's check it out. I've written a little bit of a test script here, so if we test cell sort, and I've written this so that it's going to print out what the list is at the end of each round, OK.
We would hire one other programmer to work on the client's site and build a hardware out, I would build the server software and then answer that question.
This infinitesimal gap-- and this gap is known as a synapse-- and what happens is when a neuron fires, an axon sends chemicals shooting through the gap.
Glancing at the bottom, this is pretty arbitrary, but I chose to format my string as follows: % 1f so at the bottom here I'm printing out %.1f, which quick sanity check means print just one digit after the decimal place.
It is, needless to say, being a bright, brilliant idea that one guy thought of, it has been assaulted on all sides and there is plenty of controversy about it.
We'll loop back as we go through the class to questions about what's gone so horribly wrong, and more important, from a public health point of view, what can be done about it?
The brain perceives all of this complex information and it processes it and it extrapolates from it the beat, but again nobody in music-- except the bass drum player in a marching band-- nobody in music ever does anything except just play the beat.
And we learn just as much, do just as well after college.
After crossing, the Israelites then celebrate the Passover, and that makes a strong link then to the Exodus led by Moses, also at the time of the first Passover. Moses had a vision of God at the burning bush. He was told to remove his shoes, his sandals, because he was on holy ground.
The free-body diagram, it says you can pick any one body that you like and apply F = ma to it, provided you identify all the forces acting on that body.
所谓隔离法,就是说你可以任意 选取一个物体,分析出它所受的所有力后,单独对其运用 F = ma 进行计算
This was not a naturally occurring attenuated virus as used in smallpox, but a virus that was attenuated in the laboratory, basically by propagating it in culture and looking for mutants that were formed as you propagated this virus under different experimental conditions.
You were nothing to begin with; you'll be nothing when you're finished. Relax.
But if, over the course of the semester, you get better, then we will give, at the end of the semester, when we're figuring out your semester grade, we'll give the later, stronger papers more than their official weight.
See this is testing your restraint because those of you who have willpower will stay for the rest of the class, the rest of you will flee the room and go to Starbucks right up on the corner and get something like this.
出后 出后,读音是chū hòu,汉语词语,意思为出继,过继给他人为后代。