Out of the ground
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
演出地点Venue;stage location;performance place
让出地方make way;make room for
冲出地狱Out Of Hell
输入/输出地址I/O Address
杀出地狱Painkiller SP;Painkiller Battle Out Of Hell;battle out of hell;Painkiller Battle of Hell
腾出地方make room for;make way
逃出地铁Must Escape the Subway;Tube Escape;Subway Escape
逃出地下怪兽洞Neverending Light
This book tells us in a simple way how to use a computer to do complex work.
Thee sun goes down. The frogs jumped out of the lotus leaf, along the winding ridge towards a jump to yin.
A health beverage was developed from nostoc and studies were carried out on its processing technology.
There, on the outside wall, we saw the end of file, sawing in and out, cutting through the brick.
It seems like that I try my best to remember and achieve them, but still lost something, from left ear to right.
Short History of Nearly Everything makes sense of what they taught you at school but you didn't understand.
Based on the experience from using the theodolite for 20years, we discussed how to use theodolite to observe wind and how to improve the observation quality.
The relation between strength and deformation of rock and soil is explained in simple terms. Some puzzling questions are discussed and possible explanations are given.
This dialogue tackles with the economic and social benefits of periodicals and points out the best method of periodical management which is the knowledge reorganizing.
SWAT Guo Joe layman class students are introduced to the duties of police and police equipment badge, so that the profession of police students a deeper understanding and knowledge.
He found he could get patients to talk just by putting them in a relaxing position (the couch) and encouraging them to say whatever came into their heads (free association).
I can be reasonably precise about the time of the incident.
The play is being widely read as an allegory of imperialist conquest.
She declaimed the famous opening speech of the play.
She can rattle off the names of all the presidents of the US.
Alison cleverly deduced that I was the author of the letter.
One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.
I couldn't say exactly what our expenses are.
A passenger, noting this play, grew excessively sardonic, and winked at himself in one of the numerous mirrors.
No one in the book industry can say with any confidence what will happen to the book, as we've known it.
In another firm the workers were constantly complaining about the malfunctioning heating system, but the owners was too busy or too mean to do anything about it.
It means anyone who may see an advantage in implying certain things that are untrue without explicitly saying something untrue.
Government scientists have succeeded in isolating from mouse leukemia tissue another agent which has produced salivary gland cancers in mice.
Careful excavation and documentation of layers in a mound can reveal a wealth of information about the everyday life of a people in a settlement over many periods of occupation.
The navvy, swaying, presses a forefinger against a wing of his nose and ejects from the farther nostril a long liquid jet of snot.
Using the so-called Maxim of Relevance we can infer things as well, or rather the speaker can imply things and the listener can make inferences.
Hendon was puzzled, and said, "What's amiss?"
Again and again, they closed upon him, and again and again, he hewed a clear space.
Again and again, they closed upon him, and again and again, he hewed a clear space.
I had not really had a conversation with a person who was out as lesbian or gay before I was in college.
which can be performed outright, as... you know, a movement piece
Similarly, the so-called five books of Moses--Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers, Deuteronomy, nowhere claim to have been written in their entirety by Moses.
And we can actually better visualize this if we plot how that energy changes as a function of internuclear distance.
Here I paused in my fiction to shield my eyes and stanch the arrow-straight tracks clawed down my cheek.
He memorizes his songs and then expresses the music accurately for his own point of view through his own meaningfulness.
With the goal as the best as the possible was to make Some inferences about learning outcomes, And how will the teachers use the materials to effectively help the students learn.
On it there is little language and it's obvious it's talking about some kind of a town council.
Very clear about whoagain the ideal statesman or readerpotential statesman the reader of this book would be.
She took a doubtful step and then undid it To raise herself and look again.
Interestingly,and somewhat more surprisingly, looking at it from the inside,we won't be able to tell either.
Then in your mind, without realizing it, you found the trajectory at all future times.
But when you start writing programs, especially when we get to web-based stuff where you want -- to check the user's input -- is it valid, is it an email address, -- and all these different scenarios -- it's actually often useful to be able to just enumerate them or rattle them off using this switching construct instead.
t be automatic for him to just walk around to the other side and have different shape and angle and then just obviously know that it the same.
It may not clearly think about things, about objects, but it has a kind of legitimate basis that generates the sort of thinking that it does.
So, university professors have teaching evaluations and you could use this as a rough and ready approximation of what students think of them.
He has all the information he knows that has been reported on the various elements on file cards He even carried them around in his pocket and he would look at them from time to time and try to devise a scheme.
Well, I don't want to arbitrarily calculate a figure, ... I mean, right now. I think that... You want to take it under advisement?
The extent to which Milton succeeds in justifying such a God in Paradise Lost will be, of course, one of the questions that we will be exploring over the next couple of weeks. So You will read for Wednesday's class the first two books of Paradise Lost.
So in one of them Joshua's warriors seem to march silently around the city seven times.
He points out that the knowledge of how to do this, of how to grow the kind of grapes you want, viticulture, and also arboriculture, both of these, are learned from Asia.
I've just charted the structure very briefly for you so you can get your footing in the book of Exodus.
I'll go back to that story in a minute, because I think it's very revealing about Aristotle.
And I've come down to rescue them from the Egyptians, and to bring them out of that land to a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey, the region of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
You thought you were imagining a world in which the Evening Star exists and the Morning Star doesn't, but you weren't really imagining a world in which the Evening Star exists and the Morning Star doesn't.
So unlike Scratch where you pretty much had to say "repeat" ten times or whatever, or forever where it's just "forever" with for loops, -- can you actually specify a finite number of iterations -- and as I learned 15 years ago, finite is important.
Well, the figure I saw last was a number too small to be mentioned; I mean, to say you just can't really say how much it is, but all right, two percent.
And from each of these individual parts, well, you very likely come out with a very impressive whole.
So, let's quickly go through the Lewis structure for ozone.
Then it lands on your foot, because assuming the cannon is at zero height, the cannonball certainly comes out towards the enemy, but has no time of flight.
然后它就会落在你的脚边,因为假设大炮的高度为 0,炮弹笔直地出膛打向敌人,却没有时间飞行
出地 【拼音】 chū dì 【注音】ㄔㄨ ㄉㄧˋ 【条目】出地 【引证解释】 指被侵夺的土地。《战国策·魏策三》:“初时 惠王 伐 赵 ,战胜乎 三梁 ,十万之军拔 邯郸 , 赵氏 不割,而 邯郸 复归。 齐 人攻 燕 ,杀 子之 ,破故国, 燕 不割,而 燕国 复归。 燕 赵 之所以国全兵劲,而地不并乎诸侯者,以其能忍难而重出地也。” 亦作“ 出的 ”。忽地,突然地。 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷二:“ 法聪 出地过,谁人比得他骁果?” 元 尚仲贤 《单鞭夺槊》第三折:“我则见忽地战马交,出的枣槊起,飕的钢鞭重。”