




  • 出学

  • The study

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 杰出学者Distinguished Fellow;Distinguished Scholar;distinguished academics;Eminent Scholar

  • 逃出学校走廊school corridor escape

  • 化石产出学biostratonomy

  • 逃出学习室Study Room Escape

  • 逃出学校教室Classic Classroom Escape

  • 逃出学校的走廊School Corridor Escape

  • 杰出学校Uncommon Schools;outstanding school

  • 牛津大学出版社Oxford University Press;OUP;Oxford

  • 突出学说Enation Theory

  • 跑出学校run out of the building



To help mitigate the problem, Hammer and other teachers said, they use social studies texts within their reading lessons, because reading skills will appear on standardized tests.


Antonio Meucci was born in Italy in 1808. He studied engineering and drawing.


Antediluvian Phytology was published in 1825.


They know how other experts go wrong because this is what they study, so maybe they're better at avoiding some of these problems.


Not to be the skunk at this party, but I think it's important to ask whether neuroscience reveals anything more than we already know from, say, anthropology.


In particular, he said they had been influenced by the discovery of a crucified skeleton, which was found near Jerusalem in 1968 and is the only such archaeological find.


And yet despite this, the issue of free will in psychiatry seems almost completely neglected outside of forensics.


"It is actually what is happening now, what is happening in the real world," said Albert Osterhaus, head of virology at the Erasmus Medical Center, who designed "the Great Flu" game with colleagues.


A brash economics graduate of Harvard, he was annoyed that 'they wouldn't take a chance on me right out of college,' he says.


In an article in Current Biology in February, Dr. Pritchard suggested that a lot of natural selection may take place through what he called soft sweeps.


Hawking, 68, who won global recognition with his 1988 book "a Brief History of Time," an account of the origins of the universe, is renowned for his work on black holes, cosmology and quantum gravity.


Imagine, say, allying synthetic biology with the genome of Neanderthal man that was described earlier this year.


Because there is nothing in the nature of extension just geometrical extendedness in space that implies any activities.


This is the point that de Man is making in Semiology and Rhetoric that there is a perpetual tension in any utterance between grammar and rhetoric.


One has since achieved even greater fame than anticipated. Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago became a household name as co-author of “Freakonomics”, a bestselling book published in 2005.


He would sort out the logistics later.


Other fields of research are being drawn, blinking, into the light by geoengineering's new-found popularity.


The teacher I love best is Ms. Yi Yan. This beautiful, elegant and young teacher explains the profound course of “language and linguistics” in a simple way.


She was the first to isolate pure radium, and was world renowned as the leading expert on radiation.


If the data explosion magnifies longstanding issues in statistics, it also opens up new frontiers.


ONLINE archaeology can yield surprising results.

但是正如新布伦瑞克大的Aurora Nedelcu和亚里桑那大的Richard Michod在“分子生物与进化”中所说,他们认为他们已研究这一过程。

However, as they report in Molecular Biology and Evolution, Aurora Nedelcu of the University of New Brunswick and Richard Michod of the University of Arizona think they have worked out what happened.


The authors acknowledge that the study, published in Tuesday's issue of Neurology, depended on volunteers reporting their parents' illnesses accurately.

调查负责人、杜克大福库商院(Duke' s FuquaSchoolofBusiness)金融教授约翰·格雷厄姆(Johnr . Graham)表示,目前可能是美国经济自1979- 81年现二次衰退以来最长时间的经济疲软。

'This could be the longest slowdown since the double-dip recession of 1979-81,' said survey director John R. Graham, who is a finance professor at Duke's Fuqua School of Business.

调查负责人、杜克大福库商院(Duke' s FuquaSchoolofBusiness)金融教授约翰·格雷厄姆(Johnr . Graham)表示,目前可能是美国经济自1979- 81年现二次衰退以来最长时间的经济疲软。

'This could be the longest slowdown since the double-dip recession of 1979-81,' said survey director John R. Graham, who is a finance professor at Duke's Fuqua School of Business.


Hopefully, they'll all study them again, so this won't be an issue.


In the early days when there are four or five formulas, you could memorize all of them and you can try each one of them until something works, but after a couple of weeks you will have a hundred formulas and you cannot memorize all of them.


So unlike Scratch where you pretty much had to say "repeat" ten times or whatever, or forever where it's just "forever" with for loops, -- can you actually specify a finite number of iterations -- and as I learned 15 years ago, finite is important.



出学 【拼音】chū xué 【注音】ㄔㄨ ㄒㄩㄝˊ 【条目】出学 【引证解释】 1. 犹卒业。《礼记·王制》:“凡入学以齿。将出学,小胥、大胥、小乐正,简不帅教者,以告于大乐正,大乐正以告于王。” 郑玄 注:“出学,谓九年大成学止也。” 2. 谓离开学校,或停学,退学。 明 何良俊 《四友斋丛说·正俗二》:“某以壬辰年应岁贡出学,至壬子年谒选到京,中间历二十年,未尝一日乘轿。”《天雨花》第二五回:“十三岁上来出学,便在闺房理绣针。”《清史稿·选举志二》:“二十分以下为最下等,应出学。”
