




  • n.molecule ; member ; element


分子(Molecules): 分子 由组成的原子按照一定的排列顺序, 由组成的原子按照一定的排列顺序,相互 影响相互作用结合的整体。

分子Numerator分子Numerator) :B=[b(1) b(2) … b(m+1)] 分母(Denominator):A=[a(1) 分母(Denominator):A=[a(

文章摘要信息 关键词 :克隆分子腺病毒辐射Egr-1[gap=1623]Keywords :cloningmolecularadenovirusradiationEgr-1



分子[fēn zǐ]

    • {数} numerator (in a fraction)
    • {化} molecule:

      gram molecule;


      polar molecule


  • 短语:
    • 分子泵 molecular pump;
    • 分子比热 molecular specific heat;
    • 分子表面能 molecular surface energy;
    • 分子病 molecular diseases;
    • 分子病理学 {病理} molecular pathology;
    • 分子不对称性 molecular asymmetry;
    • 分子层 molecular layer;
    • 分子缠结 molecular entanglement;
    • 分子场 molecular field;
    • 分子沉(陷) molsink;
    • 分子驰豫 {物化} molecular relaxation;
    • 分子重排(作用) molecular rearrangement;
    • 分子臭氧化物 molozonide;
    • 分子传导性 molecular conductivity;
    • 分子磁体 molecular magnet;
    • 分子磁致旋光 molecular magnetic rotation;
    • 分子簇 molecular cluster;
    • 分子导电系数 molecular conductivity;
    • 分子缔合 {物化} molecular association;
    • 分子电导率 molecular conductivity;
    • 分子电流 molecular (electric) current;
    • 分子电路 molecular circuit;
    • 分子电路学 molecular circuitry;
    • 分子电性 electric property of molecule;
    • 分子电子学 molectronics; molecular electronics;
    • 分子定向 molecular orientation;
    • 分子动力学 molecular dynamics;
    • 分子发光 mulecular luminescence;
    • 分子反应式 molecular equation;
    • 分子仿生 molecular bionics;
    • 分子仿生学 molecular bionics;
    • 分子分布 molecular distribution;
    • 分子分离器 molecular separator;
    • 分子分散体 molecular dispersoid;
    • 分子分散性 molecular dispersivity;
    • 分子附着力 molecular adhesion;
    • 分子幅度 {分化} molecular amplitude;
    • 分子工程学 molecular engineering;
    • 分子构象 molecular conformation;
    • 分子古生物学 molecular palaeontology;
    • 分子光谱 {光谱} molecular spectrum;
    • 分子光谱学 {光谱} molecular spectroscopy;
    • 分子光学 {光} molecular optics;
    • 分子光致电离 molecular photoionization;
    • 分子轨道 molecular orbit;
    • 分子轨道对称守恒 conservation of symmetry of molecular orbital;
    • 分子轨道理论 molecular orbital theory;
    • 分子轨道模型 molecular orbital model;
    • 分子轨道图形 graph of molecular orbit;
    • 分子轨道形理论 molecular orbital pattern theory;
    • 分子轨函数 {物化} molecular orbital function;
    • 分子过滤器 molecular filter;
    • 分子壑 molecular sink;
    • 分子化合物 molecular compound;
    • 分子混沌 molecular chaos;
    • 分子混乱性假设 Stosszablansatz;
    • 分子激光器 molecular laser;
    • 分子极化 molecular polarization;
    • 分子极化度 {物化} molecular polarizability;
    • 分子积分 molecular integral;
    • 分子集成电路 molecular integrated circuit;
    • 分子集成组件 molecular integrated device;
    • 分子记忆 molecular memory;
    • 分子加成化合物 molecular addition compound;
    • 分子加速器 moletron;
    • 分子假说 molecular hypothesis;
    • 分子键 molecular link;
    • 分子胶体 molecular colloid;
    • 分子接合度 molecular connectivity;
    • 分子结构 molecular structure;
    • 分子结构架 skeleton;
    • 分子结晶 molecular crystalline;
    • 分子进化 molecular evolution;
    • 分子晶体 molecular crystal;
    • 分子抗磁性 {物化} molecular diamagnetism;
    • 分子扩散 molecular diffusion;
    • 分子扩散速率 molecular diffusion rate;
    • 分子扩散性 moleculalr diffusivity;
    • 分子类型分析 molecular type analysis;
    • 分子离解 molecular dissociation;
    • 分子离子 molecular ion; molion;
    • 分子离子峰 molecular ion peak;
    • 分子力 molecular force;
    • 分子流 molecular flow;
    • 分子流变学 molecular rheology;
    • 分子流动 molecular flow;
    • 分子氯 mol-chloric;
    • 分子滤器 molecular filter;
    • 分子弥散体 molecular dispersoid;
    • 分子密度 molecular density;
    • 分子命题 molecular proposition;
    • 分子模型 molecular model;
    • 分子膜 molecular film;
    • 分子能级 {物化} molecular energy level;
    • 分子能量 molecular energy;
    • 分子偶极子 {物化} molecular dipole;
    • 分子排列[布] molecular arrangement;
    • 分子胚胎学 molecular embryology;
    • 分子碰撞 molecular collision;
    • 分子频率 molecular frequency;
    • 分子频率标准 molecular frequency standard;
    • 分子平衡 molecular equilibrium;
    • 分子破裂 cracking of molecules;
    • 分子谱 molecular spectra;
    • 分子气体激光器 molecular gas laser;
    • 分子取向 molecular orientation;
    • 分子热 molecular heat;
    • 分子人类学 molecular anthropology;
    • 分子溶液 molecular solution;
    • 分子色散 molecular dispersion;
    • 分子设计 molecular design;
    • 分子射线 molecular ray;
    • 分子声学 molecular acoustics;
    • 分子生物电子学 molecular bioelectronics;
    • 分子生物物理学 molecular biophysics;
    • 分子生物学 molecular biology;
    • 分子式 molecular formula;
    • 分子双折射 molecular birefringence;
    • 分子顺磁性 {物化} molecular paramagnetism;
    • 分子速度 molecular velocity;
    • 分子速率分布律 molecular speed distribution law;
    • 分子碎片 molecular fragment;
    • 分子体积 molecular volume;
    • 分子团 micel; micella; micelle; micellae; molecular group; cluster;
    • 分子拖曳泵 {工} molecular drag pump;
    • 分子无性系 molecular clone;
    • 分子物理学 {物} molecular physics;
    • 分子吸收[附] molecular absorption;
    • 分子吸引 {物化} molecular attraction;
    • 分子吸着 molecular sorption;
    • 分子线 molecular line;
    • 分子消光系数 molecular extinction coefficient;
    • 分子泻流 molecular effusion;
    • 分子性 molecularity;
    • 分子旋光本领 molecular rotatory power;
    • 分子旋光度 molecular rotation;
    • 分子压力 molecular pressure;
    • 分子压力计 molecular pressure gage;
    • 分子氧络合物 molecular oxygen complex;
    • 分子遗传学 molecular genetics;
    • 分子因子 branching factor;
    • 分子引力 molecular attraction;
    • 分子印迹 molecular engram;
    • 分子云 molecular cloud;
    • 分子运动 molecular motion;
    • 分子运动假说 kinetic hypothesis;
    • 分子运动论 kinetic theory;
    • 分子运载体 molecular carrier;
    • 分子杂合 molecular hybridization;
    • 分子杂交 molecular hyridization;
    • 分子杂交技术 molecular hybridization;
    • 分子粘附 {物化} molecular adhesion;
    • 分子折叠 molecular folding;
    • 分子折射度 molecular refraction;
    • 分子真空泵 molecular pump;
    • 分子真空计 molecular vacuum gauge;
    • 分子振荡器 molecular oscillator; maser oscillator;
    • 分子振动 molecular vibration;
    • 分子蒸馏 molecular distillation;
    • 分子直径 {物化} molecular diameter;
    • 分子钟 molecular clock;
    • 分子转动 molecular rotation;
    • 分子阻止本领 molecular stopping power;
    • 分子组缨 micelle

分子[fèn zǐ]

  • member; elememt:

      activist; active member;


      advanced element;



  • 知识分子[劳经]intellectual;intellectual; the intelligensia;intellectual; the intelligensia; intellegentia; интеллигенция;intellectuals

  • 高分子[高分子]macromolecule;[高分子]POLYMER;higher molecular weight;high molecule

  • 恐怖分子terrorists;terrorist;Terrorizers

  • 分子遗传学[分子生物][遗]molecular genetics;BSc Molecular Genetics;Leicester Molecular Genetics MSc;Molecular ics

  • 分子伴侣Chaperone;molecular chaperone;GroEL

  • 分子生物学[分子生物]Molecular Biology;Nature Structural & Molecular Biology;MICM;Master Programme in Molecular Biology

  • 犯罪分子criminals;Criminal;offender

  • 分子马达molecular motor;molecule motor

  • 分子量[化学]molecular weight;mw;Dalton



The molecules join together to form long strings.


The DNA molecule is compounded from many smaller molecules.


Artistic and intellectual people tend toward left-wing views.


The rebels are obviously intent on keeping up the pressure.


They were finally forced to capitulate to the terrorists' demands.


The man is armed and dangerous.


He ruled out any exchange of prisoners with the militants.


He was a known political subversive.


The drug-traffickers have offered to lay down their arms.


Demonstrators chanted "down with the rebels."


I suspect he's a closet fascist.


Agents regularly rounded up suspected subversives.


It's really only the hard core that bother(s) to go to meetings.


Government forces have found it difficult to pacify the rebels.


They were forced to reach an accommodation with the rebels.


The terrorists can strike at any time without provocation.


A rebellion by radicals failed to materialize.


A few diehards are trying to stop the reforms.


The party has been penetrated by extremists.


The terrorist was kept under police guard.


They aimed to make the country safe from terrorist attacks.


The terrorists fired into the crowd at random.


The terrorists are threatening to blow up the plane.


The army has come under attack by separatists.


Terrorists bombed several army barracks.


The government will not negotiate with terrorists.


The police station was blown up by terrorists.


The Republican Right despise him.


Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists.


Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists.


But they were fully formed adults and intellectuals, and that was a heady experience for a kid from Chicago.


Langston Hughes's poetry comes out of this experience in a community of black intellectuals and artists it created specifically in Harlem.


Now, Ken Kesey, some of you probably know, was a sort of performer, writer, not really an activist.


So what we can actually directly compare is the dissociation energy or the bond strength of nitrogen versus hydrogen.


Manykinds of molecules make up your coffee There are the water molecules, the flavor molecules the milk proteins, etcetera.


That there are other molecules in the lipid bilayer and they're important for cells getting information or getting molecules from outside.


Many labs around the world are interested in finding the molecules and the molecular components of this transduction machinery.


If I have one that's 400 kilojoules per mole and another that's 200 kilojoules per mole and I blend them, how do I get 500 kilojoules per mole?


The idea is that these positions are left wing positions and these positions are right wing positions.


It's still your body after you lose-- some molecules, even a lot of molecules.


So any time in a molecular orbital diagram you draw in orbitals, you need to draw the corresponding molecular orbitals.


In contrast, the dissociation energy of a bond for hydrogen, and molecular hydrogen is everywhere around us, we see 432 kilojoules per mole.


The signal comes in the form of molecules which we're going to call throughout the lecture here 'ligands'.


Higher entropy basically because you're forming molecules of gas where there weren't any before, and there's more disorder in the gas phase than in the liquid. That is, the gas phase molecules have more freedom to roam.


Symmetric disposition of polar bonds still results in a nonpolar molecule.


So we can go ahead and name our molecular orbital, just like we know how to name our atomic orbitals.


For example, sodium in our blood plasma is almost to the point sometimes of 100 millimol or that's very, very concentrated.


So if we add them all up, there should be no net charge on the molecule, if the molecule is neutral.


Steroids are small molecules - much smaller than proteins - smaller molecules that tend to be hydrophobic or lipid soluble.


So, let's compare this to the energy of the h 2 molecule, and we find that that's negative 3,048 kilojoules per mole.


Then we're going to actually use MO theory to describe bonding within these molecules, and we'll start with homonuclear diatomic molecules.


What happens in the intestine is that food gets broken down into constituent molecules, some of those molecules are absorbed into our bodies.


They have two fatty acid chains and so these are the oily like parts of the molecule, the molecules that behave like oil.


So, in talking about covalent bonds, we should be able to still apply a more general definition of a chemical bond, which should tell us that the h 2 molecule is going to be lower in energy than if we looked at 2 separate hydrogen atom molecules.


It's these cells that are sitting at the surface here that are responsible for determining what becomes part of us and what stays outside.


Molecules are produced here and they flow directly over, usually by diffusion, to the neighboring molecule.


And where we had left off was we were going to start one example of thinking about now where we have a heteronuclear diatomic molecules, so two different atoms in terms of forming the molecule.


Because of that, if I eat something that's rich in glucose, so it has lots of sugar molecules, the sugar molecules can't pass between the cells.


So let's draw the electron configuration of hydrogen, the molecule, molecular hydrogen.


So where we had left off with was we'd fully discussed up to the point of considering homonuclear diatomic molecules, so molecules that both have the same nucleus.



分子 化学上,分子是构成物质的一种基本粒子的名称。数学上,如果将分数看作除式,被除数也被称作分子。文学上,表示“成员”的意思,表示具有某种性质的人,如恐怖分子。
