




  • n. separation ; segregation

  • vt. separate ; isolate ; segregate


审贷分离(SEPARATE):通过对上述两家商业银行信贷体制的考察比较, 一个显而易见的结论就是,具备科学合理的现代信贷机制的关键核心就是要实行彻 底的审...


如果你后悔了,不要紧,还来得及,打开组,选中此物体,点选组菜单下的: 分离Detach)即可将此物体从组中分离出来。



分离[fēn lí]

    • (分开) separate; sever; resolve; segregate; isolate; detach; dis(as)sociate; abstrict:

      separate nitrogen from air;


      an educational system where boys and girls are segregated


    • (离别) part (for a long period); leave; bid farewell:

      I met an old friend from whom I had parted for many years.


    • separation; severance; segregation; isolation; disassociation; demixing; detachment; diastasis:

      after a long separation;


      Separation from his friends made him sad.


  • 短语:
    • 分离比偏差 segregation ratio distortion;
    • 分离编译 separate compilation;
    • 分离变量法 separation of variable;
    • 分离变数法 {数} separation of variables;
    • 分离舱 pod;
    • 分离叉 release yoke;
    • 分离掣爪 disengaging latch;
    • 分离常数 dissociation constant; separation constant;
    • 分离超平面 separating hyperplane;
    • 分离传动离合器 declutch driving clutch;
    • 分离存储环 separate storage rings;
    • 分离单元 {核子} separative element;
    • 分离担子 apobasidium;
    • 分离挡板 skimming baffle;
    • 分离涤气机 separator-scrubber;
    • 分离点 burble point; separation point;
    • 分离电路 split circuit; anti-Rossi circuit;
    • 分离电平 discrete level;
    • 分离定理 separation theorem;
    • 分离定律 law of segregation;
    • 分离度 separating [separation] degree;
    • 分离段 {航空} fallaway section;
    • 分离多径接收 rake reception;
    • 分离多径接收机 rake receiver;
    • 分离多项式 separation polynomial;
    • 分离二烯烃 dines separation;
    • 分离发动机 escape engine;
    • 分离阀 separating valve;
    • 分离法 partition method; separation process;
    • 分离法兰 parting flange;
    • 分离分生组织 detached meristem;
    • 分离分选机 grader and separator;
    • 分离符号 separating character;
    • 分离浮选 separating flotation;
    • 分离负荷 segregational load;
    • 分离杆 declutcher control lever; declutching lever; disconnecting lever; disengaging bar; disengaging lever; disengaging rod; tripping lever;
    • 分离杆链 uncoupling lever chain;
    • 分离杆托架 detachable lever bracket;
    • 分离杆轴 uncoupling lever shaft;
    • 分离功 work of separation;
    • 分离功量值 separative work content value;
    • 分离功率 {核子} separative power;
    • 分离公理 axiom of separation, separation axiom;
    • 分离钩 detaching hook; selfdetaching hook;
    • 分离沟 splitter box;
    • 分离鼓 {化工} knock-out drum;
    • 分离管 separator tube;
    • 分离罐 knockout drum;
    • 分离规 extractor gauge;
    • 分离轨道回旋加速器 separated-orbits cyclotron;
    • 分离滚筒 separation barrel;
    • 分离过程 separation process;
    • 分离过滤器 {工} separator-filter;
    • 分离滑动离合器 declutch sliding clutch;
    • 分离环 separation ring; withdraw collar;
    • 分离火箭 separation rocket;
    • 分离火焰 separated flame;
    • 分离机 separating centrifuge; separator;
    • 分离机构 charge-driven piston mechanism; detatching mechanism; disengaging gear; disengaging mechanism; release mechanism; separation mechanism; tripper; kickoff mechanism;
    • 分离畸变 {遗} segregation distorter;
    • 分离激励 dissociative excitation;
    • 分离计数器 gap counter;
    • 分离检波方式 separated detection system;
    • 分离角 angle of departure (投射线与水平面的角度);
    • 分离结晶(作用) fractional crystallization;
    • 分离界限 stall limit;
    • 分离进位表示法 separate carry representation;
    • 分离进位加法电路 separate carry adder;
    • 分离精液保存 semen isolation storage;
    • 分离空间 separated space;
    • 分离控制电路 separation control circuit;
    • 分离冷却 cooling in spaced formation;
    • 分离离合器 cut-off clutch;
    • 分离连接器 separate connector;
    • 分离链接字段 split chaining field;
    • 分离流冰(群) open pack ice;
    • 分离流动 separated flow;
    • 分离炉 chamber furnace;
    • 分离滤波器 separation filter;
    • 分离码 separate code;
    • 分离脉冲 discrete pulse;
    • 分离密度 partition density; {采矿} tromp cut point;
    • 分离面 parting surface; separate surface; separation surface;
    • 分离模式(标本) clastotype;
    • 分离膜 diffusion barrier;
    • 分离能 {核} separation energy;
    • 分离能力 {化工} separating power;
    • 分离盘 separator disk;
    • 分离培养 separate culture;
    • 分离培养基 isolation medium;
    • 分离配件 discrete;
    • 分离平面 separating plane;
    • 分离器件 discrete device;
    • 分离汽锅 {工} separating drum;
    • 分离取样铲 splitter;
    • 分离砂糖 turbinado; turbinado sugar;
    • 分离筛 bolter; screen sieve; separating grid; shaker bed;
    • 分离射流 separation jet;
    • 分离设备 separation plant;
    • 分离升力 {航空} separated lift;
    • 分离升运链 cleaner chain;
    • 分离势 {核子} separation potential;
    • 分离术 exclusion;
    • 分离数 separation number;
    • 分离数据 mask data;
    • 分离瞬间 time of releasing;
    • 分离速度 separating rate;
    • 分离速率 {航空} rate of departure;
    • 分离踏板 cut-out pedal; release pedal;
    • 分离弹簧 cut spring; disengaging spring;
    • 分离套筒 release sleeve;
    • 分离特性 stalling characteristic;
    • 分离体 chorista;
    • 分离条件 separation condition;
    • 分离透镜 dialyte lens;
    • 分离-脱落式连接器 separation-breakaway connector;
    • 分离网 seperate mesh;
    • 分离位置 separation point position;
    • 分离温度 separation temperature;
    • 分离蜗杆 worm with disengaging motion;
    • 分离涡流 separation eddy;
    • 分离物 separator; separate;
    • 分离洗涤机 separator-scrubber;
    • 分离系数 separation; separation factor;
    • 分离系数形式 detached;
    • 分离系统 {建} split system;
    • 分离纤维 defibre;
    • 分离线路 split circuit; anti-Rossi circuit;
    • 分离相位开关设备 isolated phase switchgear;
    • 分离效率 {核子} separative efficiency;
    • 分离效应 separation effect;
    • 分离信号 separation signal;
    • 分离信号电路 {电子} demultiplexing circuit;
    • 分离形式 unpack format;
    • 分离旋管 knockout coil;
    • 分离页面 separator page;
    • 分离叶片 separate blade;
    • 分离遗传特性 qualitative character;
    • 分离异丁烯 isobutylene separation;
    • 分离因数 separation factor;
    • 分离因子 separation factor;
    • 分离语句 detach statement;
    • 分离元件 resolution element;
    • 分离运动 disengaging movement;
    • 分离爪 disengaging pawl;
    • 分离折叠波导 split-folded wave guide;
    • 分离诊断 isolation diagnostic;
    • 分离指令 separation command;
    • 分离指示器 separation indicator;
    • 分离中央胎座式 {植} free central placentation;
    • 分离轴 declutch shaft; disengaging shaft; divided axle; release shaft;
    • 分离轴承 release bearing;
    • 分离轴承盖垫密片 declutch shaft bearing gasket;
    • 分离柱 {化工} splitter;
    • 分离逐稿轮 separating beater;
    • 分离装置 {自} segregating unit; disconnecting gear; releasing device; separating unit; separating mechanism;
    • 分离子 segregant;
    • 分离字 mask;
    • 分离总线 separate bus;
    • 分离组织 chorista;
    • 分离座舱 detchable cabin;
    • 分离座架 declutch carrier


  • 分离器[电子][矿业]separator;Splitter;disjunctor;grading machine

  • 分离钚separated plutonium

  • 管办分离supervision be separated from day-to-day operations

  • 证照分离to separate operating permits and business licenses

  • 维也纳分离派Vienna Secession;Viennese Secession;The Vienna Sezession;Wiener Secession

  • 使分离set apart;cut off;disconnect;disunite

  • 分离变量法[数]separation of variables;Method of separation of variables

  • 同位素分离[核]separation of isotopes;mass separation;[核]isotope fractionation

  • 关注点分离Separation of Concerns;Separation of Concern;separation of concerns -



They want to separate teaching from research.


South America and Africa separated 200 million years ago.


South America separated from Africa 200 million years ago.


You can liquefy the carbon dioxide to separate it from the other constituents.


Researchers are still trying to isolate the gene that causes this abnormality.


If prepared many hours ahead, the mixture may separate out.


The pans were held in both hands and swirled around to separate gold particles from the dirt.


Far from being separate, the mind and body form an indivisible whole.


The ability to separate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.


This powerful electric juicer automatically separates the pulp from the juice.


A fortunate encounter brought the two friends together after a long separation.


Separation from his friends made him sad.


When the glaciers retreated, the separated populations of plants and animals came into contact again.


Element 43's radioactivity makes it easy to isolate and measure.


Separate the useful fibre from the rest of raw materials.


They swore never to be separated.


We collect the poop and rinse it and clean and separate the fibers.


The clients should always be located on machines separate from the application servers.


When an iceberg separates from the ice shelf and capsizes, the green ice is exposed.


What the argument attempts to show is that this mind must be something separate from my body.


Grazing herds stimulate microbial activity in the soil, helping to capture water and separate carbon.


In isolated human cells, this antibody proved to be extraordinarily effective at thwarting the rhinovirus.


When that separation lasts for a period of time, the two populations are able to evolve along different trajectories.


For what this separation is done, I do not know, unless it be to hinder the development of the child's affection towards its mother.


We reasoned that these two eventually reach some kind of an equilibrium separation, which we are using lowercase r to represent.


Obviously, there's not much sense of stereo-channel separation unless you have a very skinny head.


The arms could be held away from the body and carry separate items in their hands; there is no back pillar.


The people of the province wished to break away and form a new state.


Can it ever be right to divide a mother from her child?


Several firms have splintered off from the original company.


If you start segregating the gases, there are fewer possible configurations that because you're forcing a particular set of circumstances.


The panting and happy reader, and there they spontaneously embrace and are linked forever if the book lasts forever.


And that's exactly one of the reasons why I want to have the functions, because I've separated those out.


Death is presumably the separation of the mind and the body, perhaps the permanent separation, with the destruction of the body.


Separation entails also separation to God's service. That means, of course, the observance of his laws, especially the laws of purity, the rejection of pagan practices, and so on.


For example, if I isolated this one called the myeloid cell, it's capable of forming red blood cells, megakaryocytes and neutrophils.


But what they share is the idea that what you are is separable from this physical thing you carry around.


And so what I get is the energy of the system at the equilibrium separation is given by minus z plus.


And if I want to detach it, I just click and drag, and now I can go back and put different puzzle pieces there altogether.


When we separated banking from investment banking, on the theory the investment banking had natural proclivity to get from another folly to do it.


And there are other secularists who said, religion and state should be completely separated.


Like Isis, whom we saw piecing together the body of Osiris, or like the sad friends of Truth picking up the torn limbs of that beautiful virgin, we are left to cull out and sort asunder the confused seeds of good and evil.


So, let's, for example, look at nitrogen. So n 2, we can do the chart here in green, so it's the green dotted line, and what we see is that we have now defined this energy as where the 2 nitrogen atoms are separated.


There's a pretty interesting and potentially important gender factor going on here where the women in the orange line, after about this point, start to diverge.


But how do we get to 1861 and that secession crisis with Alexander H. Stephens delivering this Cornerstone Speech, declaring that, "Hey folks, it's all about slavery and its preservation?"


Well,you can just--an engineer will just sit there and isolate that second of sound and then give a "times three" command and "boom," well,look at Pavarotti hold out that note.


And the most controversial of those decisions will ultimately be in 1905-- if you exclude going to war and getting all these millions of people killed-- was the separation of church and state.


So that's a shot fired across the bow against the author because it's Barthes' supposition that the author isn't maybe even quite an author function because that function may be hard to identify in a discrete way among myriad other functions.


And the badness for him isn't just a matter of separation, because that we already had in number one.


Well, one way would be to isolate individual cells and culture them outside the body and see what they become.


It means that if I took this cell and isolated and watched it, I'd notice that it had a couple of characteristics.


The theory doesn't try to explain why they separated. We don't know Perhaps it was disaffection.


A couple of other things about hydrogen: hydrogen also, like other elements, has isotopes and we already saw that in 1766, Cavendish isolated atomic hydrogen and enunciated some of its properties.


We talk about owning our brains as if we're somehow separate from them.


If they're really, bottom line, metaphysically speaking, the same thing, then you couldn't have one without the other after all.


If there's something worse about story number two, and I think it's pretty clear there is something worse, it's not the separation.


But at least it allows you to see how the body and the personality could come apart.


At some point there was a desire to separate, and in that process of identity formation, a polemic began to develop that created Yahweh in a distinct way, differentiated from the Canaanite deities.


We're going to read these stories with an eye to Israel's adaptation of Near Eastern motifs and themes to sort of monotheize those motifs and themes and express a new conception of God and the world and humankind.


If we want to get at the central badness of death,it seems to me, we can't focus on the badness of separation,the badness for the survivors.



分离 "分离"是个多义词,它可以指分离(汉语词汇),分离(变形金刚人物),分离(爱德华蒙克创作油画),分离(歌手纪艳平原唱歌曲),分离(正伟演唱歌曲)。
