




  • 则度

  • The degree of

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 井眼不规则度borehole rugosity

  • 回转不规则度cycle irregularity

  • 不规则度Degree of Irregularity;Irregularity;Irregular rate

  • 水量分布规则度water distribution regularity

  • 陪审制度原则the principle of jury system

  • 地形不规则度terrain irregularity

  • 刚度准则rigidity criterion;[航]stiffness criterion

  • 泽尔尼克不规则度Zernike Irregularity

  • 维度正则化Dimensional regularization

  • 频率不规则度frequency irregurality



In each of these three scenarios, SOA is the preferred approach, but the level of maturity required differs.


But what they offer in clarity and readability, they lack in contrast: Their look is decidedly gray, like an etch a Sketch.


Entropy is a measure of complexity, and if you add complexity now because of a just-in-time solution to a problem, you must pay some price for that for the remaining life of the project.


So, they had the ratio of two to one, which gave them the octave, and three to two, which gave them the fifth, and four to three, which gave them the fourth.


The report also asserts that Baidu's bidding system for keywords leads companies to bid more than necessary to get high ranking search results.


More generally, Brooks's Law predicts that the complexity and communication costs of a project rise with the square of the number of developers, while work done only rises linearly.


Robots - once found only in comic books and movies - now inhabit the real, everyday world.


There's even a formula which quantifies this: 6-7% more moisture in the air for every degree of warming near the Earth's surface.


The shift is reflected in a racier side of the regatta, an annual event on the Moscow River.


Goals by Xavi and Pedro gave the hosts a 2-0 lead in the first 18 minutes, and two goals by David Villa in the first 12 minutes of the second half erased any doubt about which was the better team.


He found craftsmanship relatively easy to measure, while agility was the most difficult to measure in a useful way.


Some use 360-degree-feedback before and after sessions to look for changes in behavior or relationships. Others rely on evaluations from both the subject and his boss.


"Caring" might reflect an interface direction with soft colors and shapes, whereas "guiding" might represent an interface with more contrast and decisive lines.


In the mobile environment contrast ratio takes on critical importance, as the lighting in vehicle and outdoor environments is not the typical subdued office lighting.


The Pharisees for instance say that there are angels and the Sadducees declare that angels do not exist.


I have no idea how much electricity that second refrigerator in the basement consumes, or how much I'd save by keeping the house 2 degrees cooler in the winter and 2 degrees warmer in the summer.


Having to manage a greater number of elements like classes and methods can imply that there is more complexity to deal with.


Sanya itself raised its international profile by hosting the Miss World beauty pageant four times over five years starting in 2003.


But the software market in which Microsoft mainly operates offers far weaker growth prospects than the intertwined search-and-advertising market dominated by Google.


Two people were considered to be acquaintances – or separated by one degree – if they communicated with one another through the email-like system.


Baidu has announced plans to delineate more clearly between paid and unpaid links, and has removed links to unlicensed providers of drugs and medical care from its index.


Johnny Depp accepted trophies for best comedic performance for Pirates of the Caribbean: at World's End and for best villain for Sweeney Todd.


It's comfortably within the error, but close to this one so I am quite happy that I took the uncertainties the way I did.


The year 2011 is the best of times for software engineers and the worst of times for roustabouts, according to a survey of the nation's best and worst jobs released on Jan. 5th.


An optical thickness of less than 0.1 indicates a clear sky with maximum visibility; a value of 1 or above indicates very hazy conditions.


The year 2011 is the best of times for software engineers and the worst of times for roustabouts, according to a survey of the nation's best and worst jobs released on Wednesday.


Some theories predict it starts steep and later flattens; other theories predict just the opposite.

灌木一直活到现在,它一是篱笆的一部分,如今孤零零地立在那里,因为没人胆敢用锹或是修枝刀去摆弄它。 至于那些奇怪的声音和说话声,它们直到几年前才销声匿迹。

The bush remains to this day: once portion of a hedge, it now stands by itself, for no one dare put spade or pruning-knife about it.


Researchers transported 20 local pine trees into Biosphere 2, keeping half in standard temperatures and warming the others by 7 degrees Fahrenheit.


Researchers transported 20 local pine trees into Biosphere 2, keeping half in standard temperatures and warming the others by 7 degrees Fahrenheit.


So, they had the ratio of two to one, which gave them the octave, and three to two, which gave them the fifth, and four to three, which gave them the fourth.



则度 《宋史·虞允文传》:“ 允文 姿雄伟,长六尺四寸,慷慨磊落有大志,而言动有则度。”
