




  • 初岁

  • ChuSui

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 十七岁初体验all i want;Try Seventeen

  • 一岁羊初剪毛teg wool

  • 岁初诊牙科畏惧症dental anxiety

  • 初恋于青葱岁月Green Days



Early in February, 2016, 4-year-old Arabella recited a Tang Dynasty poem in Chinese.


While height increased in Uganda and Niger during the early 20th century, the trend has reversed in recent years, with height decreasing among 18-year-olds.


The bill to increase the minimum retirement age from 60 to 62 passed France's lower house of parliament earlier this month and the upper house is set to approve it in early October.


Ultimate control, however, has for some time rested with Liz, Mr Mohn's second wife, whom he met at a company party when she was a 17-year-old switchboard operator. They married 24 years later.


Research says that typical age of onset for an eating disorder is 14 to 25.


Although the 73-year-old veteran has said he will decide whether to run again for next spring's presidential election only early in 2007, it now looks all but impossible.


For some unmarried women there is a time in their late 20s and early 30s when being a bridesmaid becomes a rite of passage.


And may you find with each New Year your love has just begun.


Just 10% of people stayed on at school beyond the age of 16 at the start of that decade, and the exams they took were mostly devised by the universities at which they would later enroll.

现年50岁的艾迪-墨菲在1982年初登荧屏,在《48小时》里扮演一个自以为是的罪犯。 而后在影片中都有不俗表现:《比佛利山超级警探》、《肥佬教授》及《怪物史莱克》系列。

Murphy, 50, made his feature film debut in 1982 with the buddy comedy 48 Hours and went on to star in the Beverly Hills Cop, The Nutty Professor and Shrek franchises.


On my travels around the interwebs today I stumbled across this interesting piece, “The 5 Things I’d Tell My 21 Year Old Entrepreneurial Self.”


Kinzel, 70, who is retiring at the end of the year, started his career managing food stands on the midway in the early 1970s and has been the company's chief executive officer since 1986.


More than 28,000 Japanese are 100 years or older, up from a mere 1,000 at the start of the 1980s as solid health habits increase the graying of the population.


Ultimate control, however, has for some time rested with Liz, Mr Mohn's second wife, whom he met at a company party when she was a 17-year-old switchboard operator.They married 24 years later.


Ge Xiufang, now 62, was a penniless peasant in a northern area of Jiangsu Province when her newly graduated son began looking for work in the early 1990s.


The findings came from a long-term research project into 6, 014 British civil servants aged 39-61, two-thirds of whom were men, who had healthy hearts at the start of the probe in the early 1990s.


The college premium stopped growing earlier this decade, but it remains high enough to affect the calculus for any 18-year-old weighing whether to look for work or stay in education.


Before entering the Apache Software Foundation in 2008, Shiro was already 5 years old and previously known as the JSecurity project, which started in early 2003.

这名42岁的流行歌星最近出演了菲亚特500轿车的广告,该广告在今年九月初的《周一橄榄球之夜》(Monday Night Football)节目上首次与观众见面。

The 42-year-old pop singer starred in an ad for Fiat's 500, first aired during Monday Night Football earlier this September.


By the early 1970s, age 40 and with a dozen books already behind him, Naipaul had reached an impasse in his life and work.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, life expectancy at birth in America was 47.3 years, and in the middle of the nineteenth century it was less than forty.


Huo Baiyi, 21, is a social work major at Nanjing Institute of Technology. He set up a media company in early 2012 and started the registration process in March.


To master weight transitive inference is about the time of the end of grade one and the early of grade two, 7.07 years on average.


Yet in early December, a 28-year-old man was driven to "self-investigate" the reports, wielding an assault rifle at a employee and firing it inside the restaurant.


Yet in early December, a 28-year-old man was driven to "self-investigate" the reports, wielding an assault rifle at a employee and firing it inside the restaurant.



初岁 初岁,读音chū suì,汉语词语,古以腊日为岁终,祭祀送岁。腊日的次日,称为“初岁”。泛指一年之初。
