adj. primary ; elementary
... graduate 研究生 elementary, fundamental 初级 Intermediate, secondary 中级 ...
- elementary; primary; junior; initial:
elementary exercises for the piano;
At present, China is still on the initial stage of socialism.
现在, 中国仍然处在社会主义的初级阶段。
- 短语:
- 初级班 junior class; elementary course;
- 初级变分 {数} first variation;
- 初级补偿器 primary compensator;
- 初级不离开 primary nondisjunction;
- 初级侧 primary side;
- 初级测量元件 primary measuring element;
- 初级产品 primary products;
- 初级产品出口 primary exporting;
- 初级产品出口国 primary exporting countries;
- 初级产品生产国 primary producing country;
- 初级操作员 junior operator;
- 初级成本 prime cost;
- 初级成本会计 elementary cost accounting;
- 初级抵押市场 primary mortgage market;
- 初级抵制 primary boycott;
- 初级齿圈 primary annulus;
- 初级抽气泵 {机} backing pump;
- 初级穿孔员 junior keypunch operator;
- 初级代谢产物 metabolite;
- 初级蛋白质结构 primary protein structure;
- 初级电池 primary cell; primary battery;
- 初级电离 {核物理} primary ionization;
- 初级电流 {电子} primary current; primary flow;
- 初级电路 primary circuit; primary wire;
- 初级电压 primary voltage;
- 初级电子 {电子} primary electron;
- 初级读本 primer;
- 初级端电压 primary terminal voltage;
- 初级发射 primary emission;
- 初级放射性同位素 primary radioisotope;
- 初级法院 (原审法院) lower court;
- 初级飞羽 {动} primaries; primary;
- 初级辐射 {物} primary radiation;
- 初级辐射体 primary radiator;
- 初级覆羽 primary covert;
- 初级高聚物 primary high polymer;
- 初级工业 (基本工业) primary industry;
- 初级功率 prime power;
- 初级滑翔机 primary type glider;
- 初级活期存款 primary demand deposit;
- 初级货物 (初级产品) primary goods;
- 初级激励器 first driver;
- 初级断电器 primary relay;
- 初级检测器 sensor;
- 初级检测元件 primary control element;
- 初级检验元件 primary detecting element;
- 初级阶段 primary phase; initial stage;
- 初级金属 primary metals;
- 初级精母细胞 first [primary] spermatocyte; spermatocyte I;
- 初级空气 primary air;
- 初级空气动力学 elementary aerodynamics;
- 初级雷达 {电磁} primary radar;
- 初级棱锥体 pyramid of the first order; protopyramid;
- 初级例外子代 {生} primary exceptional progeny;
- 初级利率 (最低利率) prime rate;
- 初级粒子 primary particle;
- 初级卵泡 primary follicle;
- 初级卵原细胞 primary oogonium [ovogonium];
- 初级农业生产合作社 elementary agricultural producer's cooperative;
- 初级培养物 primary culture;
- 初级皮碗 primary cup;
- 初级票据 (上等票据) prime bill;
- 初级屏蔽 {物} primary shield;
- 初级破碎机 {机} primary breaker;
- 初级迁移 {油} primary migration;
- 初级强化 primary reinforcement;
- 初级绕组 primary winding;
- 初级绕组电容 primary winding capacitance;
- 初级人民法院 basic people's court;
- 初级蠕变 primary creep;
- 初级三体生物 primary trisomic;
- 初级散射{物} primary scattering;
- 初级商品 (初级产品) primary commodity;
- 初级商品价格指数 price index of primary commodities;
- 初级社 elementary agricultural producers' cooperative;
- 初级生产 basic-level production;
- 初级生产力 {生态} primary productivity;
- 初级生产要素 primary factor of production;
- 初级生长 primary growth;
- 初级损伤 primary injury;
- 初级市场 basic-level market;
- 初级太阳齿轮 primary sun gear;
- 初级太阳轮 primary sun wheel;
- 初级提水机械 primary water lifting machinery;
- 初级体腔 protocoel;
- 初级天线 primary antenna;
- 初级系统分析员 junior systems analyst;
- 初级线圈 primary coil [winding];
- 初级线圈电感 primary inductance;
- 初级线圈端 outprimary;
- 初级线圈阻抗 primary impedance;
- 初级象差 primary aberration;
- 初级消费者 {生} primary consumer;
- 初级消光 primary extinction;
- 初级小学 lower primary school;
- 初级性母细胞 auxocyte;
- 初级性征 primary sexual character;
- 初级选举 primary election;
- 初级学院 junior college;
- 初级压碎机 {化} initial crusher;
- 初级医生 feldsher;
- 初级缢痕 primary constriction;
- 初级宇宙线 primary cosmic ray;
- 初级语言 low-level language;
- 初级再结晶 primary recrystallization;
- 初级炸药 primary explosive;
- 初级振荡器 primary oscillator;
- 初级蒸馏 primary distillation;
- 初级中学 junior middle school;
- 初级主振部分 first driver unit;
- 初级转储系统 primary dump system
初级产品the primary products;Primary Commodity;[工经]primary product;[工经]primary goods
社会主义初级阶段in the primary stage of socialism;the primary stage of socialism
初级中学middle school;junior high school;grammar school;Junior High
初级本质essence of the first order; primary essence
初级生产primary production;primer produkci;basic production;[工经]basic-level production
初级市场primary y market;primario
初级和二级劳动市场the primary and secondary labour market
南洋初级学院Nanyang Junior College
He entered the firm as a junior associate.
Junior nurses usually work alongside more senior nurses.
The content of primary education should be the same for everyone.
Junior hospital doctors are thrown in at the deep end in their first jobs.
Our junior employees are being groomed for more senior roles.
Mrs Smith, who has a lot of teaching experience at junior level, will be joining the school in September.
Take reading, it must first reading lots of primary book.
Primary groups are fundamental to us and to society.
First, primary groups are critical to the socialization process.
A number of conditions enhance the likelihood that primary groups will arise.
Monica was a junior specialist.
He is busy preparing for the 2019 National Primary Championships.
If you're not sure, it is always a good idea to check with your primary care provider.
Third, primary groups are fundamental because they serve as powerful instruments for social control.
They see how heavily the reimbursement deck is stacked against primary care.
The thinking in each chapter uses at most only elementary arithmetic, and sometimes not even that.
The U.S. takes the opposite approach by emphasizing the specialist rather than the primary care physician.
The open-data shift poses a confusing problem for junior researchers.
Primary groups, then, serve both as carriers of social norms and as enforcers of them.
Lotta is the first junior cycle mayor in the world and her working area is the Dutch capital.
Look, it says they want a junior sales manager, and it seems like it's a big company.
Countries with appropriate primary care resources score highly when it comes to health outcomes and cost.
Open science also offers junior researchers the chance to level the playing field by gaining better access to crucial data.
The startling finding was that the average Medicare patient saw a total of seven doctors—two primary care physicians and five specialists—in a given year.
All this is so elementary that one would blush to state it if it were not being constantly forgotten by those who coin and circulate the new slogans.
Crippling health care bills, long emergency-room waits and the inability to find a primary care physician just scratch the surface of the problems that patients face daily.
Such self-help networks, which encourage and support ethnic minority entrepreneurs, consist of "primary" institutions, those closest to the individual in shaping his or her behavior and beliefs.
Expressive ties predominate in primary groups; we view the people as ends in themselves and valuable in their own right.
She's going in for the Cambridge First Certificate.
Many entry-level jobs were filled by high school grads.
It's a long sequence of instructions, it starts at the beginning, walks through, may jump around a little bit, but eventually comes down at the end. It's okay for the things you're doing for the early problem sets.
And I have mostly beginning students, some intermediate level students.
We call these first, second, third ionization energies in sequence. This is the first ionization energy.
This sort of processing happens in the primary auditory cortex, both left and right, of the temporal lobe.
But in the real world when dealing with humans, but even when dealing with animals, we don't actually always use primary reinforcers or negative reinforcers.
One person actually took the primer in positive psychology and she translated it into Japanese.
No longer able to step back from the first order pleasure.
So, that's how things were in the elementary phase.
Those of you taken psych 1, those of you haven't, " may have heard of the "Asch Conformity Experiment", where people conformed to the idea of the group.
Positive psychology, the field of health psychology is in infancy.
And basically, there are primary reinforcers.
初级 初级是指最初阶段的,出处钱锺书 《围城》三。