n. Liser ; Lizet
利泽德半岛The Lizard;Lizard Peninsula
格利泽Gliese;Rochus Gliese
布利泽Charles Blitzer;Wolf Blitzer;Blitzer Charles
埃利泽Binyamin Ben-Eliezer
泽利泽Viviana Zelizer;Barbie Zelizer
埃利泽·盖斯勒Eliezer Geisler
西哈鲁利泽Anton SIKHARULIDZE;Karlo Sikharulidze
布利泽德rohan blizard
It's Gliese 581g and it's near a star.
The transformation in social values implicit in juxtaposing these two incidents is the subject of Viviana Zelizer's excellent book, Pricing the Priceless Child.
Gliese 581 is a red dwarf star 20.5 light-years from Earth.
Cool Runnings (1993) - Irwin Blitzer (John Candy).
Unfortunately, subsequent research has tempered the initial excitement over Gliese 581 c.
All rivers run into sea, Lize world Haili Baxter people always regard quality as the life, brand, brand name!
And that's the kind of woman Eliezer was looking for - a woman who was kind, generous, had a servant's heart, was willing to help someone in need and would go the extra mile.
Better still, it's located in what's known as a habitable zone, orbiting Gliese at just the right distance to have liquid water.
Significantly, he caught the eye of his captain, Hugh Palliser who gave him instruction in 8 charting and navigation.
The third thing I was going to report was that sociologist Viviana Zelizer wrote a book about life insurance sales in the nineteenth century.
One of the several planets within the Gliese 581 star system, called Gliese 581 d, may be one of the most potentially habitable alien worlds known.
Previously discovered planets have had masses more akin to Jupiter's. The planets orbit the same star and are known as Gliese 581c and Gliese 581d.
科学家们对于这项发现感到非常意外,因为在此前格利泽 581d一直被排除在适宜居住的星球之外。
Scientists were surprised by the discovery because Gliese 581d was previously ruled out as a habitable planet candidate.
The 'exoplanet' Gliese 581d has conditions that could support Earth-like life, including possible watery oceans and rainfall.
我们现在知道这颗行星的轨道超出了宜居带一点,因此,格利泽 581c 的表面很可能太热而无法存在液态水。
We now know that the planet's orbit is slightly outside of the habitable zone and that, as a result, Gliese 581 c's surface is likely too warm to have liquid water.
What Zelizer reported was that some life insurance companies surmounted this problem by changing the pitch, by telling their salespeople, don't try to explain probability theory to these people.
In May, French astronomers identified Gliese 581d, pronounced “gleezer”, which is far closer at around 20 light years away.
Eike Fuhrken Batista is a Brazilian oil &mining magnate and son of Eliezer Batista, former mining minister of Brazil and former chief executive of prominent multinational mining company Vale.
格利泽 581c被确认是另一个“超级地球”,科学家在2007年首次发现它的时候,一度以为它有条件承载生命。
When scientists first discovered Gliese 581 c, another confirmed super-Earth, in 2007, they thought the planet was, just possibly, capable of hosting life.
不过也还好,格利泽 581c 上面一年只有13天,我们去那里的话买日历就能把人买穷了[来源:Sample]。
That may be for the best, though; a year on Gliese 581 c lasts just 13 days, so we'd have to spend a fortune on calendars [source: Sample].
所有这些因素使得格利泽 581 g(译注:原文为格利泽,应是格利泽 581 g之误)最有希望成为地球类行星并不稀有的明证。
All of these factors add up to make Gliese the most promising evidence yet that Earth-like planets may not be such a rarity after all.
'The Gliese system is particularly exciting to us as it's very close to Earth, relatively speaking. So with future generations of telescopes, we'll be able to search for life on Gliese 581d directly.
Finally, at 6:26 p.m., over a picture of people gathering near UCLA Medical Center, Wolf Blitzer announced that the L.A. Times and CBS News had reported that Jackson had died.
Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa.
Yet under the court's ruling, the Misseriya may now have to pay grazing fees to the Dinka.
At the time, Fazeli touted the launch of a large animal into space as the first step towards sending a man into space, which Tehran says is scheduled for 2020.
After several weeks on a course of ARV's, Zweli's weight has gone up, though he still suffers from the side effects of the treatment.
That would be enough to change attitudes in the profession, says José Joaquín Brunner, an education specialist at Diego Portales University.
That would be enough to change attitudes in the profession, says José Joaquín Brunner, an education specialist at Diego Portales University.
The third thing I was going to report was that sociologist Viviana Zelizer wrote a book about life insurance sales in the nineteenth century.
What Zelizer reported was that some life insurance companies surmounted this problem by changing the pitch, by telling their salespeople, don't try to explain probability theory to these people.
利泽 利泽 读音:lize 解释:恩德。 出处:《汉书.景帝纪》:“德厚侔天地,利泽施四海。”韩愈《送李愿归盘谷序》:“利泽施于人,名声昭于时。”