




  • 前式

  • The former type

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 从前式water under the bridge

  • 波浪式前进wave-like rise; advance wave upon wave;advance in waves

  • 前束范式[数]prenex normal form;premex normal function

  • 提前式安全气囊advanced air bag

  • 前置式Pre-roll;prefix;roof-mounted type;Prefix expression

  • 前伸式电动堆高机reach truck;revery truck;revery single truck;reach h truck

  • 前进式开采advancing mining;advance mining;working out;outward mining

  • 翼形前片式wing tip

  • 前移式叉车Reach Fork Lift Trucks;Reach truck;Ascerding Dispath Trolley



Developed a half-century ago, GNP helped establish a common way among countries of measuring the change in economic output.

F40是Manettino时代来临一个巅峰的遗产(Manettino按钮是法拉利原本用在F1赛车上的大杀器,后来移植到了民用车型上,译注)。 而且,它还很适宜给恩佐·法拉利当墓志铭,以纪念这位在下令开发F40不久后就去世的贤者。

The F40 remains the pinnacle of the pre-Manettino era, and is a fitting epitaph for Enzo Ferrari, who commissioned the car shortly before his death.


The old man looked at the picture, he felt as though he had gone back to time 20 years ago.


They view the intervention as a return to the official paternalism that prevailed before the aborigines won their long battle for land rights 35 years ago.


Third law of Portal - Stress testing early and continuously is the only way to prevent the first two laws of portal from wrecking your project.


The French "Macedoine" salad could be the big exception: it is a mixed fruit salad that some say was named after the ethnic confusion in Macedonia 100 years ago.


Completion of this milestone confirms the system meets requirements and allows the satellite to proceed to final factory test activities prior to launch.


Finally, as mentioned earlier, the notification consumer needs to explicitly unsubscribe from the broker or it will continue to receive notifications from the broker until the subscription expires.


For example, someone with rounded shoulders would do Warrior but draw the shoulder blades down and then stretch the front of the body.


Luxury guests (25%) and Timeshare guests (23%) were more likely to read a review before purchase, perhaps due to the variability among these properties.


Until his arrest last year, he lived in a palatial villa in the capital Phnom Penh, earning a small-fortune from gold and precious-stones interests.


No pressure on the next Olympic host city then! With just four years to go, the London Olympic organisers have promised to deliver an equally inspirational ceremony.


For example, mobile sheets are a great way to hide actionable controls until the user is ready to use them.


Light microscopes and transmission electron microscopes require that materials be sliced thinly, or trapped under glass before being examined.


To prevent an upper-hamstring injury, you need to approach straight-leg forward bends gradually and with awareness, taking any pain near the sitting bone seriously.


That happened in 1978, when the ITF banned the unconventional “spaghetti stringing” used the previous year by Romania's Ilie Nastase to double the amount of topspin on his groundstrokes.


It's almost certainly a viral marketing campaign teasing people ahead of some launch in a week or two.


They discovered the special business 20 years ago when a woman called enquiring about being buried in a replica red arrows jet.

著名的公司5年开始互相合作,而宾利就已制造出世界上最快最强的厢轿车- - -大陆轿车系列。

The well-known companies began a collaboration 5 years ago, when Bentley has created the fastest and the most powerful sedan in the world - Continental GT.


It seems likely that the first 50 years of jet travel across the North Atlantic enjoyed, in historical terms, particularly clear skies.


Both Baddha Konasana and Upavistha Konasana unlock the sacroiliac joint and potentially strain the transverse ligaments of the sacrum, particularly if you bend forward.


Terrace gave Nim to one of his former graduate students, a mother in a Brady Bunch-style household.


Weeks before Friday's Opening Ceremony, we'd already seen endless rebroadcasts of the monthslong torch relay.


Documents that belong to the second category usually are transformed using a style sheet before they are read. And documents that are prepared using the same style sheet will look alike.


The only way to truly honour the memory of those who perished in Rwanda 17 years ago is to ensure such events can never occur again.


The Rapidly Emplaced Hydraulic Arch Barrier, made of the same material as the other two devices, can be put in place around a plugged breach to keep it sealed and dry once the plug has been removed.


Not long ago, our mission held some functions to present the Chinese New Year to the European Parliament, the opening ceremony alone attracted more than 600 guests and friends.


In the case of Maehara, the contributions came from a 72-year-old South Korean woman who runs a Korean barbecue restaurant in Kyoto city.


Stop short of bringing the shoulders over the wrists when moving the bodies weight forward from Downward Dog.


Stop short of bringing the shoulders over the wrists when moving the bodies weight forward from Downward Dog.


The famed Socratic method of argumentation is basically all that remains of the older pre-Socratic culture of struggle and combat.


For example, Frito-Lay, before they really had to because of bad publicity, took out all of the Trans fats in their products and that was -they're the largest snack manufacturer in the world so that was a pretty significant advance for the healthiness of their foods.



