




  • 剧地

  • Play to

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 急剧地sharply ad;radically ad;quick

  • 悲剧地tragically

  • 戏剧地dramatically

  • 公地悲剧tragedy of the commons;The Tragedy of Commons;The Tradegy of the Commons;Tragedy of the Common

  • 喜剧地毯Comedy Carpet

  • 不断加剧地增加spiral

  • 不断急剧地上升spiral

  • 反公地悲剧tragedy of the anti commons;Tragedy of Anti-Commous

  • 戏剧性地Dramatic;dramatically

  • 剧烈地violently ad;Dramaticallyconsiderably;dramatically;scattered



Suddenly, the younger brother from the room ran out of the TV channels, go to see "small flat" TV channels.


Dae Jang Geum is a hot new Korean TV series. Because of this series, my personal status and living standard have been drastically degraded.


For each story, we created a spoiler paragraph that briefly discussed the story and revealed the outcome in a way that seemed inadvertent.

就让我们简单看看第三世界国家都在发生些什么吧- - -那是一些人口多而又极端贫困的国家!

But let's just briefly look at what is happening in the Third World, a group of countries that is immensely populous but immensely poor.


So when our three kids were growing up, Kay and I were very strict with what movies they could see, what TV programs they could watch, what books and magazines they could read.


Illegal DVDs showing South Korean soap operas gave northerners a taste of the better life their former countrymenenjoyed, helping to destroy the myth of South Korea as a down troddenYankee colony.


The main plot of time-travel novels or TV dramas can be very well summarized in one sentence: from nobody to somebody.


Granting her application, a family court judge said the husband had been picking arguments with his wife for more than four years "on the grounds that she was seeing Hindi serials on TV channels".


When I was a writer and producer on the NBC series er, I stressed the importance of presenting the medical technicalities on the show as accurately as possible.


Illegal DVDs showing South Korean soap operas gave northerners a taste of the better life their former countrymen enjoyed, helping to destroy the myth of South Korea as a downtrodden Yankee colony.


Yang killed a 70-year-old woman who was making firecrackers, and a man who was watching a television drama on his sofa. He slashed the man's wife and a girl drawing well water.


It might seem like he's lowering himself to take this new cable series, but it's a case of needs-must to try to keep his profile up.


Watching several episodes of a TV show in a row, usually from a DVD box set.


The same goes for throwing out foreign films, documentaries, classical music, fantasy novels, soap operas, humor, or westerns.


Shanghai East Tickets has begun the booking service for the show now and tickets will be available August 18th. Shanghai will be hit by a musical wave.


Yang killed a 70-year-old woman who was making firecrackers, and a man who was watching a television drama on his sofa.He slashed the man's wife and a girl drawing well water.


Yang killed a 70-year-old woman who was making firecrackers and a man who was watching a television drama on his sofa.He slashed the man's wife and a girl drawing well water.


You're not going to become a better lie-detector by watching that TV show "lie to me."

事实是,19世纪与马克思同时代的查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)和维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo)的社会批判主义作品,已经被非常成功改编成两部载歌载舞的音乐——《雾度孤儿》(Oliver !)

True, the social criticism of Marx's 19th century contemporaries Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo has been transmuted into two hugely successful all-singing, all-dancing musicals - Oliver!


He could amuse us for hours with his stories of the theater.


"I use my heart and soul to approach his text, but ultimately it is for myself," he said.


"This show will have you constantly wondering what will happen next, surprising you at every turn, in a good way," commented The Michigan Journal.


She won critical acclaim for her roles in the musical 'Moulin Rouge' and the thriller 'the Others,' and is now widely tipped for a Best Actress Oscar next year.


The audience was deeply affected by the play.


It seems that to better understand the dark side of EQ, we need look no further than Shakespeare's Macbeth or its modern adaption on TV: House of Cards.


Man everyone is raving about this but I think I want to wait til its finished.


Nontraditional families are gaining acceptance everywhere, from TV sitcoms to our own neighborhoods.


Nontraditional families are gaining acceptance everywhere, from TV sitcoms to our own neighborhoods.



剧地 (1).险阻之地。《三国志·吴志·吕据传》:“数讨 山 贼,诸深恶剧地,所击皆破。”《晋书·贺循传》:“以 循 所闻, 江 中剧地惟有 阖庐 一处,地势险奥,亡逃所聚。” (2).繁杂难治之地。唐 权德舆 《送建州赵使君序》:“是邦为东 闽 剧地,故相 安平 穆公 尝理焉。” 宋 苏舜钦 《答范资政书》:“况某性疎且拙……苟致之剧地,责其功绩,徒自劳困,而无补於时也。”
