n. impetus
Doom(毁灭):毁灭值会增加英雄致命一击造成的伤害,并且慢速的攻击(比如双手剑)的效果更高 Momentum(动力):动力使英雄攻击敌人时获得更多的集中值,对于相同数量的额外集中值,等级越高需要的动力值越高 Retribution(报复):报复值使英雄...
“民族节日符号现代转型及动力”社会学论文_论文百科 关键词】贵州;苗族;节日符号;现代转型;动力 [gap=752]Keywords:Guizhou;Miaoethnicgroup;festivalsymbol;moderntransformation;impetus
文章详细信息 关键词: 硕士研究生;;招生制度;;制度变迁;;动力;;路径 [gap=458]Keywords: Postgraduate;Admission System;Institutional Reform;Driving Force;Path
- (各种作用力) motive power; power; dynamic:
make power;
motive power;
- (推动力量) motive force; driving force; impetus:
This can become a driving force for social advance.
Children need an impetus to study.
- (各种作用力) motive power; power; dynamic:
- 短语:
- 动力泵 kinetic [power; power tire] pump;
- 动力臂 power arm;
- 动力边界值问题 dynamical boundary value problem;
- 动力变量 {力} dynamical variable;
- 动力冰川学 dynamic glaciology;
- 动力病原论 dynamism;
- 动力不稳定性 dynamic instability;
- 动力参数 kinetic parameter;
- 动力舱 piggyback pod;
- 动力操纵杆 power-control rod;
- 动力槽 {气象} dynamic trough;
- 动力测验法 dynamoscopy;
- 动力测验器 dynamoscope;
- 动力车 {机} power car; motor vehicle;
- 动力车间 powerhouse;
- 动力冲程 power stroke;
- 动力重整 {化工} power forming;
- 动力触探 dynamic sounding;
- 动力传动轴 power transmission shaft;
- 动力传感器 dynamic pickup;
- 动力传送 power transmission;
- 动力锤 {工} power hammer;
- 动力大地测量学 dynamic geodesy;
- 动力单位 unit power;
- 动力地貌学 dynamic geomorphology;
- 动力地质学 dynamic geology;
- 动力定额 ability rating;
- 动力定型 dynamic stereotype;
- 动力乏力 {生} adynamia;
- 动力反馈稳定 dynamic feedback stabilization;
- 动力反向 power reverse;
- 动力反应堆 {核} power reactor;
- 动力方程 kinetic equation;
- 动力飞行 active flight;
- 动力飞行阶段 powered period;
- 动力辅助控制 power-assisted control;
- 动力负载 line load;
- 动力干线 power main;
- 动力感 {动} kinaesthetic;
- 动力高度 {物} dynamic [geodynamic] height;
- 动力格筛 {采矿} power grizzly;
- 动力耕作机 power tiller;
- 动力工程 power engineering;
- 动力工程学 dynamic engineering;
- 动力工业 power industry;
- 动力供给 {机} power feed;
- 动力供应单元 power supply unit;
- 动力估计 powering;
- 动力关联 kinetic correlation;
- 动力管道 power conduit;
- 动力管系 power pipeline;
- 动力灌溉机械 power-driven irrigation machinery;
- 动力过载 dynamic overload;
- 动力海洋学 dynamic oceanography;
- 动力夯 power rammer;
- 动力厚度 {海} dynamic thickness;
- 动力滑台 power slide;
- 动力化学变质作用 {地质} dynamo-chemical metamorphism;
- 动力换能器 dynamic energy converter;
- 动力回旋 {军} power traverse;
- 动力机 power machine; engine; motor;
- 动力机构 actuating unit;
- 动力机械 motive power machine; power generating machine;
- 动力机组 {机} power unit; power package;
- 动力肌 dynamic [kinetic] muscle;
- 动力集材 power logging [skidding];
- 动力计算法 dynamic computation method;
- 动力夹具 power operated jigs and fixtures;
- 动力加热 {航空} dynamic [kinetic] heating;
- 动力剪切机 power shears;
- 动力减震器 {工} dynamic damper [detuner]; dynamic vibration absorber;
- 动力结构因素 dynamical structure factor;
- 动力进给 power feed;
- 动力精度 dynamic accuracy;
- 动力经济 power economy;
- 动力锯 power saw;
- 动力控制 dynamic control;
- 动力控制阀 {机} power control valve;
- 动力扩容(作用) dynamic dilatation;
- 动力联合 power link;
- 动力联锁 power interlocking;
- 动力练习 {体} power exercise with movement;
- 动力链 power transmission chain;
- 动力链锯 power chain saw;
- 动力列车 power train;
- 动力零面 level of no motion;
- 动力流度 dynamic fluidity;
- 动力煤 thermal coal;
- 动力煤气 gas for motor fuel;
- 动力弥雾机 motor atomizer;
- 动力密封 dynamic seal;
- 动力密封垫 {工} dynamic packing;
- 动力模拟 represent dynamically;
- 动力模拟器 dynamic simulator;
- 动力模型 {工} dynamic model [mock-up];
- 动力挠度 ride clearance;
- 动力粘(滞)度 dynamic [kinetic] viscosity;
- 动力粘度计量 dynamic viscosity measurement;
- 动力粘性 dynamic viscosity;
- 动力粘性系数 dynamic viscosity coefficient;
- 动力刨煤机 activated plough;
- 动力喷粉机 power duster;
- 动力喷雾器 power sprayer;
- 动力喷嘴 power jet;
- 动力平衡 {力} dynamic [kinetic] equilibrium; balance of power; power balance; dynamic balance;
- 动力平衡器 dynamic balancer;
- 动力气候学 {气} dynamic climatology;
- 动力气象学 dynamical meteorology;
- 动力气漩 cyclone of dynamic origin;
- 动力牵引车 power buggy;
- 动力强度 dynamic strength;
- 动力屈曲 dynamic buckling;
- 动力驱动 {机} power-driven; power wheel drive;
- 动力三轴仪 dynamic triaxial tester;
- 动力设备 power equipment; PP (power plant);
- 动力深度 dynamic depth;
- 动力势差数 dynamical number;
- 动力试验 dynamic test; power test;
- 动力试验台 dynamic test stand;
- 动力输出 power take-off (P. T. O.);
- 动力输出装置 power take-off;
- 动力输电铁塔 power transmission tower;
- 动力输入轴 power input shaft;
- 动力数字转矩计 dynamic digital;
- 动力水头 hydrodynamic head;
- 动力损失 power loss;
- 动力索道集材 powered cable logging;
- 动力弹性模量 dynamic elastic modulus;
- 动力特性 dynamic characteristics [property];
- 动力体 kinetoplast;
- 动力调节器 power conditioner;
- 动力调整 power setting torque meter;
- 动力头式攻丝机 unit head tapping machine;
- 动力透平 power turbine;
- 动力土壤 dynamic soil;
- 动力脱粒机 power (driven) thresher;
- 动力稳定性 {力} dynamic stability;
- 动力吸振 dynamic absorber;
- 动力问题 dynamical problem;
- 动力涡轮机 power turbine;
- 动力系 dynamical system; power-train;
- 动力系数 coefficient of impact;
- 动力系统 {数} dynamical [power] system;
- 动力系统模拟器 dynamic system simulator;
- 动力系统消耗率 specific powerplant consumption;
- 动力相似 dynamic similarity;
- 动力消耗量 consumption of power; power consumption;
- 动力小太阳 powersoletta;
- 动力效率 dynamic efficiency;
- 动力效应 dynamic effect;
- 动力心理学 dynamic psychology;
- 动力需求 power demand;
- 动力循环 power cycle;
- 动力训练 dynamic training;
- 动力演化 dynamical evolution;
- 动力液体 power liquid;
- 动力因数 {航空} dynamic factor;
- 动力应力 {统力} kinetic [dynamic] stress;
- 动力油缸 actuator cylinder;
- 动力原理 the motive power principle;
- 动力源 power producer;
- 动力载荷线 dynamic load line;
- 动力增量 {机} dynamic augment;
- 动力增殖反应堆 power breeder;
- 动力站 power station;
- 动力织机 power loom;
- 动力织机直柱 sword;
- 动力指示法 dynamophany;
- 动力制动 dynamic braking;
- 动力轴 line [power] shaft;
- 动力轴系 power shafting;
- 动力转向 {机} power-assisted [power] steering;
- 动力转向泵 power steering pump;
- 动力转向架 power truck;
- 动力转向装置 power steering gear;
- 动力转辙机 power point machine;
- 动力装载机 {采矿} power loader;
- 动力资源 power resource;
- 动力组 power package;
- 动力钻床 power drill
劳动力labour; labour-force;workforce;[劳经]Labour Power
精神动力spiritual drive;a powerful impetus;intellectual impetus;mental power
内生动力internal driving force;driving forces;endogenous power;endogenetic impetus
拜亚动力Beyerdynamic;Beyerdynamic GmbH & Co;Beyer;Beyerdynfeelic
发展新动力new drivers for growth;new drivers for development
动力学[力]Dynamics;[力]kinetics;dynamics of human hearing system;EHD
流体动力学[流]fluid dynamics;[流]hydrodynamics;[流]hydrokinetics;CFD
动力系统THS-II;[动力]power system;[力]dynamic system
He admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth.
It lacked the power of the Italian cars.
The impetus for change came from lawyers.
The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment.
Desire for status can be a powerful motivator.
What is needed is insight into the dynamics of the social system.
The electric armour runs off the tank's power supply.
His articles provided the main impetus for change.
Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer.
His speech was a powerful spur to action.
Money is my motivation.
The vehicle had better power, better tyres, and better brakes.
The United States is more than ever the prime mover in Middle East peace-making.
By 1982, she was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent.
Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high.
Construction had slowed because of a dearth of labourers.
The company yesterday shed a sixth of its workforce.
The use of cheap labour helped to keep costs down.
People under the age of 40 constitute the majority of the labour force.
Over ten per cent of the workforce is now idle.
Employers are using immigrants as cheap labour.
Local companies pitched in with building materials and labour.
The tax cuts will give a much needed boost to the economy.
He says the reduction of the labour force could be significant.
A million young people enter the labour market each year.
There is little inducement for them to work harder.
The total was close to 20% of the workforce.
There is an abundant supply of cheap labour.
Female workers constitute the majority of the labour force.
All the windows were blasted inwards with the force of the explosion.
In Book One alone there are four primary instances of what we can think of as this primary simile dynamic.
And going into a different school, where all of the dynamics changed was probably one of the best and most exciting,
Through the dynamics of the counter-plot, the similes reassure us of what Hartman calls the "graceful coexistence of free will and divine providence."
So, Marsden came up with the model, and as you go through 8.02 and you understand electrostatics and electrodynamics, you'll be able to do this analysis.
And so we need to have this mix of sort of-thank you da-da-da-da-boom. Anyway, moving right along.
The Market Revolution was driven, of course, by the growth of cities, which became market centers and manufacturing centers.
You simply want to describe things the way they are and then dynamics tells you how they changed and why they changed.
So, that's kinetics -- how fast a reaction will go, and from the perspective of someone who's a biochemist, I'm interested in kinetics and enzyme kinetics, and thinking about molecules that catalyze reactions in the body.
The chance of dying is part of what drives somebody to jump out of an airplane.
And this is typical enough but, despite all of the, sort of, sour things I just said about Freud, the big idea, the importance of the dynamic unconscious, remains intact.
You were sort of in a punchbowl The country was at a party and we kept drinking from this punchbowl, enjoying ourselves, and the rest of the world would take our dollars.
You become more energized.
So I look to myself and look at the past and see it as the motivation for me to move on.
So, the sooner you can do that, then you have a lot of momentum around it.
But if you throw off the environment, in this case, the animal's biology, it's drive for certain nutrients is in concert with the food it has access to.
What we use as our motivation here.
We'll revert especially to the notion of "pushing" in other contexts later in the course, but for the moment you can see the way in which there is a tension between that which pulls and that which pushes which is one of the motive forces of the story.
but as long as you're at Yale, and you're interested, and you're motivated, you'll be fine.
And so we knew each other from one of my classes at thermal dynamics class
But by the time I got to law school, everybody was just really motivated,
But for other, for me at least, it's sort of energizing, so.
Here's where it comes. " The result of the discussion of these questions seems to be a general acknowledgment of the inadequacy of classical electrodynamics in describing the behavior of systems of atomic size."
And so, you know from your Newtonian mechanics, as you were learning in 8.01, the dynamic force here mv^2/r is mv squared over r.
Milton has to justify or at least understand this seemingly incomprehensible and unjustifiable event. It's this drive to theodicy that accounts for the poem's most painful moments.
So we have extra incentive to get these clicker questions right.
The cycle of Newtonian dynamics has two parts.
It is a motivation like food or drink.
You've got an electron donor with a powerful urge to become neon-like.
So, let's look at dynamics, reactions between chemicals.
Sleep is a motivation.