Thousands of officers
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
千月官方IVT BlueSoleil
Yet he also let numerous Jewish refugees pass through Spain, and in the winter of 1944 Spanish diplomats in Budapest saved thousands of Jews by issuing them with protection papers.
And yet, the eventual fate of the Swedish diplomat who saved the lives of thousands of Jews has remained one of the conflict's greatest mysteries.
By comparison, London Underground is 402 kilometers long and carries about 3 million passengers daily, based on data on Transport for London's website.
Larcker and Zakolyukina pored through the transcripts of thousands of corporate earnings calls when CEOs and chief financial officers take questions from analysts.
But what is truly mindblowing, is that when I was CEO trying to screw up my nerve to walk away from selling DVDs, I risked alienating tens of thousands of customers.
“Thousands of miles away from home,” Mr Brooks writes, “diplomats still carried their domestic cultural norms inside their heads.”
Once you've shown the CEO how his company is losing hundreds of thousands of man-hours because certain tasks aren't automated, he'll jump at your offer to automate them.
BlueSource的首席执行官Bill Townsend说:“我们的客户名单上有100多位顾客…他们的客户名单上有上千家,像高盛这种规模的公司寻找的是真正的大订单。”
Bill Townsend, CEO, Blue Source: "We have a customer list of 100-plus clients... They have a customer list of thousands. A company the size of Goldman is hunting for a really big supply."
微软首席运营官凯文·特纳(Kevin Turner)说了一句“千古名言”。
Microsoft's COO Kevin Turner just had a quote for the ages.
他夸口:“希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)和全球几千个外交官将会心脏病发。”
"Hillary Clinton and several thousand diplomats around the world are going to have a heart attack," he boasted.
The top U.S. commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, told reporters the number of troops in Iraq will stay at the current level of 49,700 through next summer.
“The big task of management is to manage down the number of spreadsheets,” says one risk chief, whose bank creates 1,000 product variations a year.
The book is composed, like a pointillist painting, of thousands of factual details. Nothing is sacrificed to curtail its length; the only concession is to remove the footnotes from the text.
Companies and consultancies will buy thousands of books to flatter their CEOs or market their latest "breakthrough" ideas.
Guan Qingmin is close to the ground, the main yake. Reading should mean, the word is worth.
Later, the only female husband do two officers, specially shipped piece "tree" grave in grace unforgettable tree, the tree was eternal praise.
Here's your chance to get an edge on those thousands of dull applications that all look alike and that the deans fall asleep reading.
Thousands have voted at the Dutch Creations website for their favorite designer.
The famous series of works for thousand grass prosecutors series.
In Supreme Commander 2 you will once again fight huge battles with thousands of units on vast maps. In matters of gameplay Supreme Commander remains true to itself, but enhanced the game mechanism.
Trump said he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton's 33,000 missing emails, saying if he were in charge, Clinton would be in jail.
It is based on years of research involving thousands of corporate executives, investors, and analysts worldwide across a range of industries.
The top U. S. commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, told reporters the number of troops in Iraq will stay at the current level of 49,700 through next summer.
在华东地区拥有9家宝马经销商的上海宝德集团(Shanghai Bowdex)的首席执行官毛千萍(Eric Mao)表示,自从2004年国家放松进口管制以来,中国人对外国豪华车的需求呈爆炸式增长。
Demand for foreign luxury cars has exploded since import controls were eased in 2004, says Eric Mao, chief executive of Shanghai Bowdex, which owns nine BMW dealerships in eastern China.
The program, called "Web Intelligence Input Method, " received more than 7,000 downloads on its first day of release, causing its official Website to shut down temporarily.
The program, called "Web Intelligence Input Method, " received more than 7,000 downloads on its first day of release, causing its official Website to shut down temporarily.
千官 千官,指众多的官员。