Rise in the
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
提升中欧全面战略伙伴关系Upgrading the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership;Upgrading the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
骏升中心Gemstar Tower
升中心列[计]ascending central series
生产力提升中心PIC;productivity improvement center
上升中on the rise
陈在升中医师Chan Joy Sing Herbalist
升中心群列ascending central series
But waning confidence will be mitigated by the boost that exports receive from the euro's plunge.
The function of planar power transformer in the suppression of leakage inductance and temperature rise of high frequency transformer is presented in this paper briefly.
They are focused on raw materials and commodity-related stocks that would benefit from the surge in infrastructure spending.
This technique eliminates the tube in conventional mechanical lifting, takes hollow rod as the transmission medium and oil flow channel and discharges fluid during down stroke.
Also when we can openly come to Earth, we will make presentations that will ensure you are fully aware of what is involved in preparing for Ascension.
However, your place in Ascension is so vital to a successful completion, that a strong focus is placed upon the Earth and its inhabitants.
There are no sharps or flats in the key of C major.
We just harvest them and grow a bunch in a 42-gallon (160-liter) barrel, so we can spray it out in a food-rich environment.
Previously it was thought there were around 100, 000 microbial cells in every litre of seawater but scientists now think there could be one billion.
In one experiment, participants either drank five cups of water (about 750 milliliters), or took small sips of water from five separate cups.
Previously it was thought there was around 100, 000 microbial cells in every litre of seawater but scientists now think there could be one billion.
实际上,我在以后的一次POWER 6升级中测试了这种方法,它与从磁盘引导同样有效。
In fact, I tested this on a subsequent POWER6 upgrade and it worked equally well as just booting from disk.
Containers must be placed and well-sealed in one transparent plastic bag with a press-seal, of a maximum capacity of one liter (quart).
The cooling suit runs off of the same onboard battery that powers the suit's lamp, fan, and comm link; a pump circulates a liter of ice water (stored in a specially shaped bottle) from head to toe.
And the concentration could be given in moles per liter.
In Indonesia, Panasonic found that fridges need big compartments to store lots of two-litre water bottles: Indonesians boil water to purify it in the morning and then place it in the fridge to cool.
The gains were mainly due to a “ramp-up of new smartphone and entry-level phone platforms at several major customers,” Infineon said last month.
Several times a day, Devi drapes a red sari above her blue eyes, hoists a 2.5-gal. (10 l) brass vessel atop her head and walks to the nearest hand pump.
When it contracts, the muscle pumps about 2 ounces (59 milliliters) of blood, and is constantly working over a lifetime.
As a result, Kanpur has the most widespread water poverty of any major Indian city: a third of its residents get by on less than 13 gal. (50 l) per day.
We have not had any major issues upgrading from 2.8, it's been smooth.
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) was among the first rich-world central banks to start raising interest rates after virtually all countries had slashed them during the crisis.
The outer proteins of the virus are then purified and the result is several hundred or thousand liters of purified virus protein that is referred to as antigen, the active ingredient in the vaccine.
升糖指数可以估测出,在你吃完饭后,食物中的葡萄糖是以多快的速度分解到血液中的,这一速度值范围是0到100 。
The GI rates how quickly glucose is released into the bloodstream after eating, with a ranking from 0 to 100.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
Pakrasi says that his team is about to begin this work, and has already moved from 25 ml of culture to 200 ml with similar results.
Pakrasi says that his team is about to begin this work, and has already moved from 25 ml of culture to 200 ml with similar results.
升中 shēng zhōng ㄕㄥ ㄓㄨㄙ 升中(升中) 古帝王祭天上告成功。 唐 武则天 《升仙太子碑》序:“西鹣东鲽,已告太平之符; 鄗 黍 江 茅,屡荐升中之应。” (1).古帝王祭天上告成功。《礼记·礼器》:“是故因天事天,因地事地,因名山升中於天。” 郑玄 注:“升,上也。中,犹成也。谓巡守至於方狱,燔柴,祭天,告以诸侯之成功也。”后以“升中”指祭天。 南朝 梁 陆倕 《石阙铭》:“类帝禋宗,光有神器。升中以祀羣望,摄袂而朝诸夏。”《旧唐书·孝友传·裴守真》:“况升中大事,华夷毕集,九服仰垂拱之安,百蛮怀率舞之庆。” 清 王士禛 《滇南凯旋歌》之三:“升中大礼视圜丘,黄幄天清宿雾收。” (2).指祭天。