...cm 钢丝网300~325 目。直接网、间接网或直间网任择一皆可。 在使用碱性蚀刻时,如果增加印刷膜厚,蚀刻效果更佳。印刷(PRINTING): 使用前加以充分搅拌,刮刀力求尖锐。
... 书法 Calligraphy 印刷 Initial 设计费 design fee ...
... 可变数据印刷 可变数据印刷(VDP)(也被称为是可变信息印刷“VIP”或者“VI”)是按需印刷的一种形式,在印刷时通过用一个信息数据库或某个外接存储器就可以不需要...
... 装饰品 Decoration 印刷 Paint & Ink 及多用途 Various Purpose ...
- print; printing; printing(-) out; black and white:
coloured printing;
first printing;
- 短语:
- 印刷布线 {半} printed wiring;
- 印刷材料 printing material;
- 印刷厂 printing house; press; printworks; printing plant; printing office;
- 印刷车间 machine room;
- 印刷衬底 printed substrate;
- 印刷程序 print routine;
- 印刷错误 misprint; typographic error;
- 印刷底版 stencil paper;
- 印刷电报电码 {讯} printing-telegraph code;
- 印刷电缆 printed cable;
- 印刷电路 printed circuit; printed wiring; plated circuit;
- 印刷电路板 printed circuit board [plate]; PC board;
- 印刷电路插件 printed circuit card;
- 印刷电路电机 printed circuit motor;
- 印刷电路电枢 printed-wiring armature;
- 印刷电路放大器 printed amplifier;
- 印刷电路基板 tellite;
- 印刷电路继电器 printed circuit relay;
- 印刷电路连接器 printed circuit connector;
- 印刷电路生成器 printed circuit generator;
- 印刷电路设计系统 PC design system;
- 印刷电路行波管 printed circuit travelling wave tube;
- 印刷电路装配 printed-circuit assembly;
- 印刷电容器 printed capacitor;
- 印刷读出器 printing reader;
- 印刷法 print process;
- 印刷反差比 print contrast ratio;
- 印刷封锁指令 print suppression instructions;
- 印刷符号 printed character; figure; mark;
- 印刷杠子 gear marks;
- 印刷工人 pressman;
- 印刷工业 printing industry;
- 印刷故障 printing trouble;
- 印刷刮板 scraper;
- 印刷管 printing tube;
- 印刷海流计 printed current meter;
- 印刷号 press figure; press number;
- 印刷合金 type metal;
- 印刷换算装置 scaler-printer;
- 印刷机构 printing mechanism;
- 印刷积分电路 printed integration circuit;
- 印刷积分器 printing integrator;
- 印刷基片 printed substrate;
- 印刷计算机 printing computer;
- 印刷件 folder;
- 印刷胶版 printer's blanket;
- 印刷胶辊 printing rubber roll;
- 印刷胶片 lithographic film;
- 印刷控制字符 print control character;
- 印刷媒介 printed medium;
- 印刷密度 printing density;
- 印刷面 printing surface;
- 印刷模写纸 decalcomania paper;
- 印刷品 printed matter; typophile; black and white; printer's ink; literature; print (尤指出版物); sheet;
- 印刷品词(行)间空白 space;
- 印刷器 printer;
- 印刷绕组直流伺服电动机 DC printed circuit servomotor;
- 印刷容量 printing capacity;
- 印刷乳剂 process emulsion;
- 印刷色彩学 graphic arts chromatology;
- 印刷摄影 printing photography;
- 印刷史 printing history;
- 印刷适性 printability;
- 印刷适性测试仪 printability gage;
- 印刷室 pressroom;
- 印刷输出带 printing-out tape;
- 印刷数字 press figure; press number;
- 印刷所 press; printing office; printshop; printing house;
- 印刷头 print head;
- 印刷位置 printing position;
- 印刷线路 printed wire;
- 印刷线路板 printed substrate; printed-wiring board;
- 印刷线路板接插件 printed circuit connector;
- 印刷线路模型图 artwork;
- 印刷线路图 print pattern;
- 印刷新闻 printed news;
- 印刷用毡 litho felt;
- 印刷用纸 printing; litho;
- 印刷油 off-set oil;
- 印刷油墨 printing ink; printer's ink;
- 印刷元件 {半} printed component;
- 印刷阅读机 printing reader;
- 印刷照相铜版 photolithographic copper plates;
- 印刷指令 print order;
- 印刷纸 printing paper;
- 印刷质量控制装置 quality control device;
- 印刷周期 print cycle;
- 印刷装置 printing equipment; printing device; typer;
- 印刷字母 printed character;
- 印刷字体 type face;
- 印刷作业 presswork
印刷机[印刷]printing press;[印刷]printing machine
凹版印刷[印刷]intaglio printing;intaglio;recess printing;diepdruk
印刷电路板PCB;PWB;printed wiring board
平版印刷lithography;planographic printing;offset;Planography
凸版印刷[印刷]relief printing;Toppan
丝网印刷screen printing;[印刷]silk screen printing;Silkscreen;Baccini
印刷品[印刷]printed matter;literature;Print;die Drucksache
彩色印刷Color Process;color impression;colored printing paper
印刷电路[电子]printed circuit;printed circuiry;[电子]Printed Wiring
"Cloud Street" is already in its third printing.
Our brochure is printed on environmentally-friendly paper.
Grandfather set them up in a printing business.
His brother ran a printing and publishing company.
Definitions in this dictionary are printed in roman type.
The manuscript had already been sent off to the printer.
The book is in its sixth printing.
The printed word is no substitute for personal discussion with a great thinker.
He was a printer by trade and naturalist by avocation.
He started to print his own posters to distribute abroad.
I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television.
What is true for TV broadcasts will perforce also apply to print media.
The electronic and printing unit has annual sales of about $80 million.
Such changes have not been seen since the invention of the printing press.
Men traditionally monopolized jobs in the printing industry.
In some countries children learn to print when they first go to school.
Robert's collection of prints and paintings has been bought over the years.
The printing press gave power to a few to change the world for the many.
Headwords are printed in bold.
We've got cards which are drawn and printed and designed by someone locally.
It is now listed in the classifieds, with no typos or misprints.
I'm looking at the small print; I don't want to sign anything that I shouldn't sign.
You are advised to read the small print of homeowner and car insurance policies.
Many of these poets appeared in print only long after their deaths.
At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print.
The book is beautifully printed and artistically bound.
The steam-powered printing press was still in its early stages.
Our Dickon can only read printing.
Do you know how to write printing letters?
Small print tries the eyes.
So the Lady's speech in the printed version continues at line 779 and this is what the Lady asked.
so within the advertising agency, there is the broadcast department, and there's the print department.
Any right-thinking printer or any right-thinking publisher would scoff at the presumption of a poet who demanded such a thing.
There had seemed no limit to what the printed circuit could have told her if she had tried to find out.
There are 100 times more books, pamphlets, prints, and maps produced in Russia under the time of Peter the great than there had been in the whole previous century.
We got our brochure out, printed and published in March.
There's something in Eliot's--the presentation of Eliot's work and indeed in the work itself that is affronting, resistant, impersonal. And the typography, the presentation of the book is part of that.
Remember,there's no printing press in the ancient world.
There's print and there's broadcast and digital, but everything is social these days.
From 1641 to 1643, there had been an unprecedented explosion of printing and publishing in England.
The ordered swirl of houses and streets from this high angle sprang at her now with the same unexpected, astonishing clarity as the circuit card had.
But you can see from the text that you have in your Hughes editions -- - or any edition, any printed edition now -- the speech continues in the version of the mask that we have.
And it may well be that no poem has ever been since Paradise Lost published with line numbers in its very first edition.
Censorship only comes into play once a text has actually been in circulation for a while, only after a number of readers have found a published text to pose a threat.
Censorship would involve the burning of books, the prohibition of any further editions of those books, of the author, or maybe the printer or the publisher of the books.
Now, one of the earliest -- and I think this is a remarkable fact - one of the earliest citations of Paradise Lost that actually appears in print in the seventeenth century comes from the proto-feminist writer Lady Mary Chudleigh.
There's the performance version of 1634 and the printed version of 1637, and the additions to the text that Milton is making for the published version reflect, I think, his sense that he, like the Lady, is in the process of making an important transition.
As far as I know -- I know of no exception, although someone may well be able to produce one no original poem in English had ever been published with line numbers in the margin in its very first printing.
If she had tried to find out about the radio circuit, she would have learned something.
It's in response to what seems to have been an aesthetic reaction to the poem that the printer of Paradise Lost asked Milton, went back to Milton and asked him to append a note to the book's second printing -- to append a note that explains why the poem rhymes not.
The licensing agent reads the book and determines whether or not to print it at all or license it to appear in print.
When Comus is first performed, Milton's poetry hasn't yet been printed, but it's almost as if Sabrina seems to have died printless or unpublished so that Milton wouldn't have to.
While Milton wrote most of the mask in 1634, he published it in 1637, and it's at this point three years later that he seems to have inserted into the Lady's speech, and also elsewhere in the poem, certain lines for the published version.
Perhaps you ought to reexamine your religious values to see if they meet your needs in life. A religious experience can be a beautiful addition to living, if you put it in the proper perspective and do not let it-- I think it's "warp," "warp you."] Read some books on ethical culture."
印刷 印刷(Printing,Graphic Arts,也用使用Graphic Communications即图形传播的)是将文字、图画、照片、防伪等原稿经制版、施墨、加压等工序,使油墨转移到纸张、纺织品、塑料品、皮革、PVC、PC等材料表面上,批量复制原稿内容的技术。印刷是把经审核批准的印刷版,通过印刷机械及专用油墨转印到承印物的过程。